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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Anyone have suggestions for a PSU? 600W is the bare minimum I need to power a 780Ti, but it wouldn't hurt to account for the possibility of doing SLI, which, I think the bare minimum to power 2x780Ti is 800W, but I'd feel better with 900W. Modular would be a plus, I also prefer a single 12v rail, as opposed to multiple. I'm not looking to spend a fortune here either. I'd very much not to stray above $100 much (or at all, preferably).
  2. Agreed. I would be shocked if Indy beat Miami. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if San Antonio beat OKC.
  3. Does this mean that the canon playthrough of Alpha Protocol has Michael Thorton sparing Brayko? Did Ubi broker a deal with SEGA to use one of its characters? Will SIE make an appearance in Far Cry 4? Please tell me SIE makes an appearance in Far Cry 4. SIE was the best.
  4. Yep, Brayko was immediately who popped into my head when I saw him.
  5. Is it just me or does that "white man" has distinct Mongolian features? An albino Tibetan perhaps? At least it is something different. He looks Slavic to me, which is not at all unreasonable for that geographical area.
  6. So, after the top teams, minus Miami, struggled in the 1st round, all the teams that were supposed to make it to the conference finals made it to the conference finals. I wasn't surprised when the Thunder struggled with the Griz, because Memphis is a nightmare matchup for OKC and Tony Allen is KD's kryptonite. I was a little surprised when the Pacers struggled with the Hawks, despite the fact that the Pacers looked like garbage during the last month of the season, simply because the Hawks aren't even a mediocre team. I was very surprised when the Spurs struggled with the Mavericks because, outside of Dirk (and Dirk didn't even play well during the series), that Mavs roster is a cobbled together hodgepodge of castaways duct taped together. Kudos to Rick Carlisle for getting them to play as well as they did, and kudos to Sergeant Vincent Lamar Carter for the revival he's had this year. In the end, the top 2 seeds in both conferences weathered the early storm and made it to the conference finals (likely saving Frank Vogel and Scotty Brooks' [i'm still not a fan of Scotty Brooks] jobs in the process). In the East, I still don't trust Indiana at all. They've showed some signs of getting their **** together in the Washington series, but they've also laid down some EPIC stink bombs. Prediction: Miami in 5 In the West, San Antonio is far and away the better coached team, and they a plethora of experience, but OKC has been to the conference finals 3 of the last 4 years, they have tons of experience as well, so nobody really gets an edge in that department. Overall, I think San Antonio is a better team, but OKC is the worst case scenario matchup for them due to their athleticism. Prediction: OKC in 6
  7. Once I get the PSU and the other components I can experiment with different fan setups. My motivation behind getting that case was that it was cheap and that it came with 3 fans and 6 slots for fans, giving me a lot of flexibility out of the box. I'll try the default setup first to see how it works. Maybe there is a method to their madness? I've had good success with a negative pressure setup in the past.
  8. It's got USBs on the top/front on an angle, making them super accessible if you put the tower on the floor next to the desk, like I plan to. Also, it comes with 3 120mm fans, 2 top mounted and 1 rear mounted, and dust covers, and there are fan control switches on the panel. There are 3 more spots for 120mm fans (2 front, 1 side), I'll probably get another 120mm fan and mount it front intake. My only complaint about the case is that it could be built sturdier (though for the price I shouldn't really expect it), but I'm not going to be lugging it around to LAN parties anyway, it's basically just going to sit in one spot on the floor, next to my desk, so it doesn't really need to be built like a tank anyway. It's not the sexiest looking case ever made, but I don't care about that.
  9. Nice. Trading is my jam in space sims.
  10. Never mind Himalayas and self-appointed kings. You're burying the lead here. Harpoon guns and rideable elephants. RIDEABLE ELEPHANTS!
  11. I have nothing against Gigabyte, but that price tag is way out of my price range. I'm looking for something in the $150 region. Anyway, there is till time. I can't finish the build until the i7-4790K is released in, presumably, 3 weeks. I'm keeping my eyes peeled and when I see a sale on a component that fits my needs, I pull the trigger. For example, I scooped up this case when it was on sale.
  12. Theory: The mechanical arm tends to get very hot, thus explaining why only the leg furthest away from it is fully covered. Wouldn't you want the leg on the same side of the body as the arm to be covered to prevent possible accidental burns?
  13. I've thought about getting this before. I'm generally not that much into shooters (not named S.T.A.L.K.E.R.), though I do enjoy them once in a while, and I like that this game supposedly makes you face the gruesome consequences of your actions, rather than being the standard Murica, **** yeah! *brofist* *chest bump* fare.
  14. Slinky, I'm sure those nude mods are perfectly tastefully done and are used solely to fully showcase the elegance of the female form and in no way, shape, or form, objectify those poor, weak, defenseless women who so desperately need us men to come to their rescue, even when they don't ask for us to do so.
  15. Hopefully that trailer only represents alpha status. They should get together Team Ninja and license their boob physics technology from Dead or Alive for this game.
  16. So, it turns out that Interceptor and 3D Realms are not making a Duke Nukem game after all. Instead, they're making Bombshell, starring a scantily clad woman with a robotic arm who is in no way, shape, or form a female Duke Nukem (why would you even consider such a thing?). The game looks to be a top-down/isometric shooter, in the vein of Shadowgrounds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjsyXnqHOhA http://www.destructoid.com/interceptor-entertainment-forgoes-duke-nukem-for-femme-fatale-bombshell-274875.phtml Always bet on Duke Bombshell?
  17. The Mario Kart 8 reviews are coming in and everybody is raving about the game. My urge to buy a Wii U continues to rise. If (when) Nintendo puts out a proper Metroid, I will likely break down and buy one. Me, mister hasn't bought a (home) console since 2001 (PS2), will buy your freakin' console if you just give me a proper Metroid. You hear that Nintendo (I'm sure they don't)? I will buy your freakin' system if you give me a proper Metroid. All I want is a proper freakin' Metroid. Gimme the damn Metroid already, Nintendo!
  18. I'm in the beginning stages of Gothic 3. My ultimate plan is to side with the orcs and mercenaries against the rebels, but I'll play both sides as long as I can (I'm doing this playthrough pure greedy, cares for no one but himself Nameless Hero style). I know once you either liberate a town or wipe out a rebel encampment there's no going back and you're locked out from working for the other side, however, I don't remember if there is a reputation level threshold that locks you out of working for the other side too. It's been a long time. I've helped the rebels at Reddock to the point where they trust me, including getting them a blacksmith, now I'm going to start working Cape Dun for the orcs (got me some slaves to catch). As for combat, I'm mostly going to specialize in large weapons. To me, reach is king in this game, and being able to use a polearm is about as good as it gets.
  19. In many cases, you are correct, but, as a blanket statement, I disagree. There are cases where voice acting can add a lot to the gaming experience. There are cases where simple text on the screen would have been a much better choice.
  20. I'm taking this to the DA:I thread to halt the derailment.
  21. Continued from the Random Video Games thread... Pretty much this. In Awakenings they at least attempted to make them something more than just mindless killing machines, though I, personally, thought Bio's attempt wasn't very successful. Still, it was better than just the mindless bags of rotting flesh aimlessly roaming the lands to kill everyone that they were in DAO and DA2. In DAO and DA2, the only amount of intelligence the darkspawn showed above that of a completely mindless zombie is being able to function as a somewhat cohesive squad, to some degree. Tolkien goblins and orcs, though thoroughly one dimensional creatures, at least showed personality traits, such as greed, jealousy, and fear, that could be used to give them motivation for what they do beyond just simple bloodlust. Awakenings tried to assign some personality to darkspawn, though I found the attempt more comical than anything else, but DAO and DA2 darkspawn seemed to be driven by nothing more than a desire to kill. Anyway, maybe in DA3, the darkspawn will get fleshed out more and be shown to operate for some purpose other than just to kill? Hopefully they will go in the direction Awakenings tried to go in and do a better job of it? I hope so. I, personally, find it a lot more interesting fighting a foe that you can relate to, at least on some level, than stabbing mindless creatures of pure evil with no redeeming qualities whatsoever that you can kill without the slightest tinge of guilt (I think that's part of why zombies have become so popular in Hollywood and with game developers. They're an easy enemy to use where there is no worry about killing them being in any way morally wrong). Even when you look at a character like Jon Irenicus, who is about as evil and hateable an antagonist as it gets, there are parts of his downfall and descent into madness that you could kind of feel bad for the guy. He brought a lot of it upon himself, but you can look at it from his perspective.
  22. Yeah, the Dubs roster is far from perfect and they have issues to address in the offseason, every team does. Even the remaining contenders in the playoffs, and even the team that ultimately wins the championship, be that Miami, or whoever else, has issues to address. That said, I think nobody is going to argue against the Dubs situation being light years better than the Knicks situation. The Dubs have a core of talented young players, including a guy who might become a top 10, possibly even a top 5 player in the NBA very soon. The Knicks have Melo (for now) and this:
  23. Smart move by Steve Kerr. The Warriors job is a much better job than the Knicks job. Sure, with the Knicks job comes New York City, but you also get a roster in shambles, an unfavorable cap situation, and Phil Jackson, who will likely coach the team at some point, looking over your shoulder. With the Warriors you get a young talented team that can potentially win a championship in the near future with a little help.
  24. Yeah. I would like to think that Michael Sam would be evaluated strictly on the merits of his abilities as a football player and he could be given a place on the team or cut accordingly without any media hoopla accompanying it in either case. Unfortunately, that's just not the reality, the media won't let it be. By taking Michael Sam, the Rams took with him a whole lot of extra baggage, for better or worse.
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