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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Absolutely absurd penalty and penalty kick assigned by the referee. Unbelievably bull**** call that will likely win the game for Brazil. Edit: And the referee ****s Croatia over again. I'n not surprised to see crooked refereeing in the World Cup, that's standard practice. I just didn't expect to see it this early in the tourney.
  2. Conan O'Brien feels the same way about elves that I do. That would be insanely awesome if they actually used Conan's cover.
  3. Is the internet still obsessed with Crimea's highly attractive Prosecutor General Natalia Poklonskaya?
  4. Well, i don't think there's one that "requires", since I did all of them and don't remember that. I wonder if it's the one I approached with a hacked L-train. :D Nice. That's cool that there was an alternate way to solve that one. I like how you can use a variety of different tactics to get the job done in that game.
  5. Yeah, the Lakers roster is in shambles. Unless they can magically draw some big free agents over I don't see how that team can compete. Kobe is in the twilight of his career, Pau has dropped off a cliff the last couple seasons, and they have a bunch of nothing besides that. Kobe's big contract will make it that much harder to get any other big name to come in. Seriously, outside of LA being a sweet place to live, why would any big name free agent want to go there? To play with the ghost of Kobe?
  6. There's one ctOS tower that requires you to use construction equipment to lift a car up into the air then jump the car onto the roof. Good times. I really enjoyed all the ctOS tower and breaking into the ctOS stations.
  7. Looks pretty fun. I'm a big fan of puzzle platformers, so it should be right up my alley. Plus, Toad was my mother****er in Super Mario Bros. 2. The little dude is just too adorable. He's wearing a snazzy explorer outfit. Plus, the trailer has goombas wearing life preservers. This is why I'll always love Nintendo. While everybody else and their grandmother is making Headshot, Hell Yeah. Brofist. 'Murica **** Yeah! type games (nothing wrong with those types of games, but there's certainly no shortage of them), Nintendo is making Toad wearing a headlamp and goombas wearing life preservers. Yeah.
  8. LeBron and Melo would work well together since LeBron likes to spread the ball around and would have no problem feeding Melo the ball. Melo and Wade, not so much, but how many years does Wade have left in him anyway?
  9. Well, I finished up chapter 1 and have moved on the Vergen. One of the main reasons I prefer Iorveth's path is because Vergen is, in my opinion, a far more interesting place to hang around than Henselt's war camp.
  10. Yeah, it's a lot of extra work to make choices from previous games, or even earlier parts of the same game, have meaningful consequences. Then again, CDPR did create an entire alternate chapter 2 in TW2 with some 10-20 hours worth of content, depending on how many side quests you did. So if anybody is willing to put the work in to create a metric ****ton of additional content that many people will never see, it's them. Only time will tell for sure.
  11. This just in, Project CARS still looks amazing Project CARS + 1440p = match made in heaven. (Sucks I can't find this trailer in 1440p)
  12. From the Grantland Shootaround Text Messages to Pop From a Spurs Fan That line about calling the bank made me spit out my tea.
  13. I bet these are popular with Japanese schoolgirls. Proud Monitor Lizard
  14. Homefront: Revolution gameplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyA8UGWgHn8
  15. That water animation and audio look and sound phenomenal. My only minor critique is that the audio and animations didn't loop at the same speed so sometimes the sound of waves crashing didn't actually line up with the waves crashing against the rocks. Otherwise, the scene looks amazing, as do the leather armors and the grass covered homes. Great work!
  16. Soon. Probably within the next week. Mysterious cards are dropping for a Mysterious badge already Thanks. My wallet is ready
  17. Pretty soon we'll be getting updates about the updates about the updates. I keed, I keed. Thanks for the heads up, BAdler.
  18. That's awfully thoughtful of you, Shady. Now when Volo talks about the haterz, he'll have an actual physical (well, digital) post to point to, instead of just figments of his own imagination. Good lookin' out. I'm expecting Miami to have a big game on Thursday and tie the series up. No way San Antonio shoots lights out like they did in the 1st half of game 3 again. That was insane.
  19. When is GabeN's next round of wallet rape going to happen? I'd like to scoop up Deadfall Adventures on the cheap. It didn't get good reviews, but I have a thing for Allan Quatermain, so **** the reviews, I'm going to get it anyway.
  20. It's a Drudanae post, why are you trying to make sense of it? That's a descent into madness. In video game news of the random variety, Croteam are making a first-person puzzle game. http://www.croteam.com/talosprinciple/index.shtml
  21. I'm doing the Geralt got ridiculously drunk with the Blue Stripes and stuff got crazy quest in TW2. Good times. Once I finish that, I'm pretty sure I'll have wrapped everything up in Flotsam and I'll be off to fight Letho, then onward to Chapter 2.
  22. I'm almost done in Flotsam. I have a few loose ends to tie up, then I'm off to meet Letho and initiate the ending sequence of the chapter.
  23. Pretty thorough whoopin' San Antonio laid down on Miami tonight. Still only counts as one win, though.
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