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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I guess. I figure if someone is going to pirate the PC version they're going to do it regardless, advantages or not.
  2. Wow, Song just totally lost his mind. His World Cup is done.
  3. @Meshugger - I'm more partial to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A While I didn't expect Spain to be the juggernaut they were 6 years ago, or 4 years ago, or even 2 years ago, never, in my wildest imagination, did I see their fall from the top being this spectacular.
  4. What a crazy fall for Spain. From winning the last 3 grand tourneys to getting eliminated in the group stage and potentially not even scoring a single point.
  5. Wow, how did Busquets not put that in the back of the net? Spain can't afford to let chances like that slip by.
  6. Wow, the Spaniards are is some real deep doodoo right now.
  7. I agree, PC should look better than the PS4 so I am very excited Let's hope it's better optimized than the GTA4 PC port so that I don't have to get another 780Ti just to get it to a good framerate on medium settings.
  8. I'm usually in favor of the ref letting the players play rather than stopping play and rewarding the actor every single time they take a dive and roll around on the ground for 2 minutes like someone just shot them with a 12-gauge full of rock salt. That said, the refs let some fairly rough stuff go in this match.
  9. And the Dutch are through to the next round.
  10. What a crazy turn of events. The Dutch have a horrific giveaway in the box on defense, but the Aussies don't make them pay for it, then, moments later the Oranje score to go up 3-2. I'm curious how many heart attacks TrueNeutral has had so far.
  11. For the love of God, keep de Jong away from any potential scuffle. That guy is a powder keg.
  12. Holy ****, the Socceroos might actually pull this off!
  13. Quality strike by Cahill. Well done.
  14. One week until I get to shovelin' /rubs hands together
  15. The silliest part of that conspiracy theory is that, in theory, Ubi stands to make more money off each PC copy sold than console copies sold, because they don't have to fork over the licensing fee. I'm not saying that conspiracy theory is definitely wrong, though. My own theory is less conspiracy and more incompetence/rushing out the door. I'm guessing what happened is that when they first released the video at E3 Ubi really wanted to make the game look like that, but the hardware wasn't completely finalized for the PS4 and XBone at that time. Then when they got to work with the finalized hardware, they realized that the miraculous new systems from Sony and Microsoft couldn't handle all the extra shiny, so they swept some of the extra shiny under the carpet and worked on a gimped version as a base across PS4, XBone, and PC, plus working off a lesser base likely made it easier to do the PS3 and 360 versions, though those still turned out like garbage, from what I read. Then they spent most of their time up to release trying their best to get stable framerates on the PS4 and XBone, and trying to fix the dog**** framerates on the PS3 and 360, and either ran out of time to reimplement the stuff they swept under the carpet for PC (which would also explain why the PC version is so poorly optimized, they ran out of time to do that too), or they just flat out forgot about it.
  16. They're giving Magrunner: The Dark Pulse away for free today
  17. I saw Tiny & Big: Grandpa's Leftovers for less than the price of a cup of coffee on Steam, so I scooped it up, figuring what have I got to lose? I played it for a little while and so far I like it. It's a pretty neat little physics puzzler, plus it has a really great soundtrack.
  18. Finished The Witcher 2 for the 6th time, Iorveth path. To the best of my knowledge, I saved/let live the maximum amount of people I could going all the way back to TW1. We'll see what effect, if any, that has on The Witcher 3: Beard of Glory.
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