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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Mario Kart 8. Mario Kart 8. Mario Kart 8. I'm so addicted. I need help. Help me, please!
  2. Yeah, Bosh is not worth the max, he never was, even at his peak. He's a star, not a superstar, player who's at the very tail end of his prime. Now, in Miami, they have Bosh, presumably a broken down Wade, maybe the corpse of Ray Allen, and a bunch of nothing. I'd be surprised if that team makes the playoffs, even in the East, next year, unless Darth Riley has some kind of Jedi Sith Mind Trick up his ass to get a big time player to come over and take less money.
  3. Warning: The following videos contain SHOCKING Toadette upskirt. If you have children present, avert their eyes. You have been warned! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaEBy6MVREY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtd-hEzm5zM
  4. I gotta say, LeBron's move back to Cleveland is a pretty shrewd one. If he wins even one championship with the Cavs every single piece of bad blood stemming from The Decision will be forgotten by everyone in Cleveland and Akron and the surrounding areas, much of it has been forgotten already just with him choosing to go back. A title win in Cleveland makes him a hero and a legend in his hometown area forever and ever and ever. He will be treated like a God there for the rest of his life. Plus, it's a better basketball situation, frankly. Cleveland, with LeBron, has a pretty doggone good team to put out on the court. If they can get K-Love, they become a juggernaut. They may have to give up Wiggins to do it, but if it was up to me and I couldn't avoid giving up Wiggins to get Love, I'd still do it in a heartbeat. Wiggins may become a top 10 player in the league someday. Love is a top 10 player in the league right now and in the prime of his career.
  5. That's a big oopsie for Houston as they already traded away Jeremy Lin.
  6. This leaves D-Wade out in the cold, doesn't it? He opted out and I highly doubt anyone will offer him a max contract or anywhere near that.
  7. From memory: DA:O Morrigan Alistair Leliana Wynne Shale Dog Gay assassin Dwarf guy Qunari minus horns Maybe some other people DA2 Varric Female sword & board warrior Female blood mage elf Cleavage pirate Some other people
  8. If Cleveland gets K-Love that will be one helluva team.
  9. Is it weird that I'm most offended you would've killed the dog? (Also, Qara gets to live?!) My bad, the Mabari War Hound gets to live. I'm not into animal cruelty. As for Qara, she was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed her abrasive personality. Her trading barbs with Khelgar and Neeshka was some of my favorite banter in the game. I can't be the only one who liked Qara, can I?
  10. Paper. You, sir, have just won the internet. Thank you for that, my day has been made.
  11. I'm eagerly awaiting the awkward Dan Gilbert/LeBron handshake, better yet, hug. Please God, let it be an awkward hug!
  12. Nah, Neeshka, Khelgar, Sand, and Qara would have survived. I liked those four. In Dragon Age: Origins I would have murdered everyone except Wynne and Shale. Wynne was cool, and Shale... I'm not sure how I would even go about murdering Shale. Dude is made of rock. In DA2 everyone but Varric would get murdered.
  13. Every party-based RPG desperately needs a murder companion in their sleep option. Elanee would have never even made it to Neverwinter in NWN2 had that been an option.
  14. Where can I watch an entire season of this?
  15. Yeah this forum doesn't show images from the Steam Cloud (or any other cloud, I presume). I always throw images up on imigur for posting on this forum, or any other forum for that matter.
  16. Yeah, the gameplay is such a letdown. It's too bad because it has good voice acting and some of the best writing in any game, not just MMOs. It's a legitimately interesting game held back by godawful combat.
  17. If it makes you feel any better/worse, literally moments after the Hand of God goal, Diego Maradona scored the Goal of the Century. Say what you want about the man, but he was damn good.
  18. I'm apathetic toward romance in video games. I like building meaningful relationships with my companions in RPGs, that may or may not include romances. PoE is not going to include romances, to the best of my knowledge, I'm fine with that. If it did wind up having romances, I'd be fine with that too. Whatever relationships I wind up having with my companions, I want them done right. And, let's face it, doing romances right in a video game is not easy. BioWare have had several cracks at it in their games and they've failed miserably every time. Could Obsidian do better? Perhaps. However, if Josh Sawyer and gang feel their time and resources are better spent creating other types of relationships they feel they could do better, I trust in their judgement.
  19. I wonder why Monster Hunter has never become the massive smash hit in the west that it is in Japan. I mean, it's done okay over here, but in Japan it's pretty much a religion. It almost single-handedly saved the PSP from being a colossal failure and turned it into at least a mild success (it got demolished by the DS, but it did fairly well, all things considered). The game is extremely addictive. It's a little weird and underwhelming at first, but it really grows on you once you get familiar with it. My one complaint is that I wish the areas were a bit bigger.
  20. Woot! Got my first 3 star on 150cc. Getting 3 stars on a 150cc cup often times takes a bit of luck. In the second race, Peach had me beat. If I hadn't gotten that mushroom that little hussie would have gotten 1st and I would have had to settle for second, but I got the mushroom and turboed past her ass at the finish line. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoGitWgghag And here I am dominating the final race. I got Thwomp Ruins on lockdown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6GfZMI4gTY
  21. Well, I'm glad I wound up getting a Haswell chip and not waiting for Broadwell as the rumor is now that we won't be seeing desktop Broadwell until at least a year from now. That switch to 14nm is really whoopin' Intel's ass.
  22. Took surprisingly long until someone else tries to jump on the Dark Souls train. At least thats what it looks like. But the track record of the developers isn't very promising.. will still have a look when it comes out. I'll definitely be interested in how it turns out. It looks promising, but I'm definitely not sold. This was brought up in the comments section for a RPS article for this very game yesterday: We need to come up with a term for the plethora of "Inspired by Dark Souls" and "Like Dark Souls But..." games flooding the market. I vote for "Soul Less" or "Soulless"
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