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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. While this is definitely a divisive subject, personally, I'm glad Saints Row ditched the gang warfare stuff from the first 2 games and went full-on ridiculous. The more absurd the games have gotten the more I've enjoyed them. While Saints Row 2 was a great game, had they stuck with that formula the series would never have been viewed as anything more than a cheap GTA knockoff. While the series is still considered a GTA-clone to some extent, it's no longer trying to straddle the fence between cartoonish and realistic, like GTA does, it's gone all out ridiculous, and I'm glad, because I like ridiculous.
  2. "Brilliant nonsense" is pretty much the perfect encapsulation of what Saints Row has become. I could write several paragraphs and not come up with a more dead on description of the series.
  3. That is the logical way to do it. First destroy us economically, then the extermination via military force will be that much easier.
  4. I'm playing Steamworld Dig, a really fun Digdugtroidvania, on the Wii U, and World of Diving, a super chill diving simulator, on my PC. I also noticed that the new version of Grim Dawn (b20) just came out. I gave it a quick spin, but I'll mostly wait for the Arcanist class to be added (supposedly really soon) before I play the game extensively again. I'll likely jump back into my Neverwinter Nights and Pirate Creed games soon, but I needed a bit of a break as both of those games are just so long that I can't do them straight through. Hopefully I can finish both of those before Wasteland 2 comes out. Once Wasteland 2 is released, everything else is taking a back seat (ideally my plate will be clear at that point).
  5. And thus the Great Robot Slave Uprising of 2031 and the Extinction War 2032-2034 were set into motion.
  6. The ending to Enter the Dominatrix is pretty much the greatest ending in video game history.
  7. We will all be living in Russia soon, GOG is just preparing for Putin's imminent conquest of the globe.
  8. Wait Call of Duty is in 39 days? I always forget how fast they print this stuff out... The next iteration is only 35 days after that.
  9. If there's any type of game where tentacles make perfect sense, it's a diving game, what, with squids and octopuses being native to the deep blue. I've yet to see either, but the game is far from finished, so cephalopods could be added in (or I just haven't noticed them yet).
  10. World of Diving. It's an early access game, so it's incomplete and needs some polish, but it's pretty fun. It's a super chill game. Nothing to kill, no one trying to kill you, just swimming around in gorgeous underwater areas taking pictures of marine life, exploring wrecks, that sort of thing.
  11. Mario Kart 8 has not one but two Rainbow Roads already.
  12. Which one? Wind Waker? No, A Link to the Past. I do want to buy Wind Waker but it's a bit pricey. It was fun playing A LInk to the Past and telling my daughter how I used to play it when I was only a bit older than her. I still remember quite a bit from the intro after all these years. Ah, memories. A Link to the Past is so excellent. Speaking of memories, I wound up scooping up Life Force from the eShop this morning, before I headed off to work (I woke up early so I had time to kill). I played the **** out of shmups back in the day and Life Force was probably the best one for the NES, at least it was the one I played the most. Good times. Now I just have to fight the urge to use the Konami code.
  13. Still going through chapter 3 in Neverwinter Nights. I just killed the hill giant chieftain and cut off his head. I don't even know who I'm supposed to give the head to. I don't remember anyone giving me a quest to kill the hill giant chieftain, so I'm just lugging around a giant severed head for ****s and giggles at the moment. Not the most sanitary thing to do, but I'm immune to disease, so it's all good, I guess.
  14. That price is worth it for Dry Bowser and the Blue Falcon kart alone, the rest is just icing on the cake. I imagine many of the tracks will be remakes from older games, which I have no problem with, probably half, like the base game. Looks like we're getting an Animal Crossing themed track, an F-Zero themed track, and is that an Excitebike themed track I see?
  15. Nintendo is going to sell 2 DLCs for Mario Kart 8 with new characters, new vehicles, and new tracks. Oh man, Cat Peach, Dry Bowser, a Blue Falcon kart and 16 added courses? Yes, please!
  16. Cards are free money. I like free money. Keep the cards coming.
  17. That actually sounds really good, plus it has a nice low entry point. Color me interested.
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