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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Chris Kluwe is a former NFL punter for the Minnesota Vikings. He has a history of being an antagonizing figure and of portraying himself as a victim, both during his playing days, after he lost his job (which he suggested was because of his advocacy for same sex marriage) and now in other avenues. I'm not saying his portrayals of him being a victim were necessarily incorrect (I never cared enough to look into it), I'm just giving you his background.
  2. How's Act3? I haven't gotten that far yet. Last time I played Act 2 wasn't even completed (though it was mostly complete), and this character is brand new and hasn't finished Act 1 yet.
  3. Suh won his appeal, hence he will play on Sunday. Oh well, I'm still confident the Cowboys will win on Sunday.
  4. Playing a bit of Grim Dawn here and there. I'm playing a Battlemage that's heavy on the battle and light on the mage.
  5. In that order? Everything after III will be a punch to the stomach.
  6. Well, Cowboys got a little gift today. Barring a successful appeal, Ndamukong Suh has been suspended for 1 game (for stepping on Aaron Rodgers), meaning he'll miss the game against Dallas this Sunday. I'm not sure if his stepping on Rodgers was purposeful or accidental, but, given his history, it's understandable he's not getting the benefit of the doubt. I personally don't think the Cowboys need the help, they're playing a hell of a lot better than the Lions going into this game, and I think are a just plain better team, but every little bit helps.
  7. So, the wildcard weekend schedule is set: Saturday 4:35 PM (ET) Arizona at Carolina (ESPN) 8:15 PM (ET) Baltimore at Pittsburgh (NBC) Sunday 1:05 PM (ET) Cincinnati at Indianapolis (CBS) 4:40 PM (ET) Detroit at Dallas (FOX) My predictions: Carolina - Arizona doesn't have a QB. Their defense is tremendous, but there is only so much you can do without a QB. It's pretty crazy that Arizona's shining hope is that Drew Stanton miraculously comes back to play in this game. Drew Freakin' Stanton. Pittsburgh - Much will depend on whether Le'Veon Bell will play or not. Both teams are Jeckyll & Hyde teams and I don't trust either of them. I guess I trust Baltimore less. Cincinnati - I hate to back a team led by Andy Freakin' Dalton, I really really hate it, but I don't trust the Colts a single bit. I think they are overrated and their record is highly inflated due to playing in a **** division. Dallas - The Cowboys are peaking at the right time, playing their best football of the season right now. Also, Matthew Stafford sucks.
  8. The Talos Principle employs creative anti-piracy measures I suppose that if you're going to include anti-piracy measures, you might as well have some fun with it.
  9. Drinking piss is Bear Grylls approved!
  10. All good, except for the love of God stop drinking Chivas. It really isn't any good. I don't mind Chivas, but it wasn't my choice anyway, it was a gift. If it was up to me I'd be drinking Dewars 12 Year Old Special Reserve, but I'm not about to just pour the Chivas down the drain. And before you tell me to drink <Name of Single Malt Scotch>, no, I prefer blends. If that's Scotch heresy then I'm a heretic. /shrugs
  11. For what it's worth, the game (as well as the demo) has a FoV slider (something every 1st person view game ever made should have). I'm not sure if that would get rid of the effect, but I thought I'd mention it. While I don't get simulator sickness myself, I generally like to turn the FoV up in games to anywhere from 90 to 105 depending on the game (they usually default to around 75). I played this particular game at 90, it felt the most "natural" to me. You can turn FoV up as high as 120 in this game. You can also play the game in 3rd person view. Anyway, I finished the game today and saw 2 of the endings. Turns out that I was wrong and you can go back to an earlier save as the autosaves don't overwrite but always create new entries. They called loading an earlier save "Restore Backup" rather than "Load Game" which is why I didn't notice it before. This option made it easy for me to see multiple endings (as opposed to having to replay the whole game again, even if I could probably breeze through the puzzles in a couple of hours now), including what I can only assume is the "real ending". I'll hop back in tomorrow and check out another ending, I'm pretty sure there is at least one more.
  12. Game looks fantastic, but the demo gameplay I've seen has that awful tinge of simulator sickness that tells me I'd not be able to play it for more than a few minutes a day. Is it the 1st person view? It plays like any 1st person shooter, minus the shooting. There is a free demo available, it's called The Talos Principle Public Test, on Steam. You can try it out yourself and find out if it makes you ill.
  13. I'm up to 27 stars in The Talos Principle. Of the presumably 3 remaining stars, I know the general areas where 2 of them are, though I have not actually seen them. I can only give the most uneducated of guesses as to where the last remaining star is. Wherever it is, Croteam hid it really well.
  14. Hail, fellow ****lords! I have returned from the family holiday gathering and am ready to return to the tireless task of oppressing teh wimminz and keeping them out of our gaming boys club (except the ones that will show us their bewbs, those are welcome). Did I miss anything interesting while I was away? Also, there is the matter of planning our annual year-end neckbeard shindig. As is customary, we'll all be chipping in that 27 cents on the dollar extra we earn to fund the event. Let's toss around some suggestions as to the events this year. I suggest we run a 24 hour marathon of Bayonetta 2 and killing hookers in GTA V, live streamed, naturally.
  15. Wee, Otyughs! I have a soft spot for those dung eating scavengers.
  16. Still playing The Talos Principle. I got 2 more stars today, bringing me up to 24. 6 more to go. I know the location of 2 of them, where the other 4 are... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I can encourage myself whenever I get super stuck by remembering the puzzles I've been stuck for long periods of time, sometimes well over an hour or even multiple hours, that I've already conquered. Those star puzzles are devious. I've almost broken down and looked up a guide a couple of times, but I haven't given in yet and I won't. I'm so close to solving every single puzzle in the game (including optional ones) all by myself, I can't give in now.
  17. Ah, Alias. The thing I most remember about her from when I played this back in the day, besides CLEAVAGE (I has in my early teens at the time, what do you expect?), was that she had 17s across the board for stats, which is obviously hella good. Also, besides the ridiculous cleavage chain, at least she had sensible pauldrons (spaulders?), rather than the RIDICULOUSLY ENORMOUS SPIKEY PAULDRONS that are all the rage these days.
  18. My family's big X-Mas dinner always happens on the eve (i.e. it happened last night). As is our tradition, we had Barszcz z Uszkami (borscht with mushroom filled tortellini), then fish, mashed potatoes, and stewed cabbage. Also, there was alcohol, lots of alcohol. This morning we had our traditional breakfast with soft boiled eggs, ham, kielbasa, cheese, and Sałatka Jarzynowa (basically a SUPER potato salad). For lunch I had Flaki (tripe stew). Now I'm mellowing out with Chivas Regal on the rocks.
  19. If look at Brees' numbers strictly, they're still good, but his performance in pressure moments this year has been atrocious. It's as if all those crunch time picks that Tony Romo hasn't thrown this year (like he's thrown in years past) were inherited by Drew Brees. He can keep 'em as far as I'm concerned.
  20. Still playing The Talos Principle. I'm up to 21 stars. There are 3 10 star doors, which seems to imply at least 30 stars. I know generally where 3 more stars are, as for the other 6... I got one today I had been smashing my head against for well over an hour. I was coming up with all sorts of wacky and complicated plans to get it and they were getting me close, but not all the way there. Then the solution appeared right in front of my face, and it was so much simpler than the crazy stuff I was coming up with. I gotta hand it to Croteam, they are really sly with red herrings. You see a mechanism and you figure you'll need to use it, and 95% of the time that's correct, but not always. Mechanisms can be bypassed, sometimes they're only there for you to smash your head against. Tricky tricky, Croteam.
  21. Alright folks, Christmas Eve is a mere few hours away here. I'm dropping out of this thread for a few days for the Holidays. Hopefully nobody on either side pulls any **** during the holiday season, because they would be a seriously scumbag move, like worse than usual. I'll go back to liking and hating the appropriate people after the holidays, until then, I'm going into Jay Cutler Mode.
  22. Looks like it will be set in the Far East. Neo-Tokyo?
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