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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I figured it might be good to pass the time until PoE releases with some chill underwater exploring in World of Diving
  2. /sets down pitch fork //douses torch ///goes over to grinding wheel to sharpen axe, just in case
  3. I just put up a listing on Ebay.
  4. Aww yeah, something arrived for me today and it's sexy... and overpriced. Check out his overpriced sexiness:
  5. That has got to be a joke, right? Because, come on. Seriously.
  6. Meanwhile, in Japan... https://youtu.be/bbjpyMJ4TaE Thank goodness there is at least one country left in the world with a sense of humor.
  7. You'll have the option to choose from the backer portal when the keys are released. Thanks.
  8. Wait, they're sending keys already? I didn't even get to choose whether I wanted Steam or GOG yet. Did I miss something?
  9. Finished BInfinite's main campaign. My earlier thoughts on the game stand, it's good but not great. The story is cool so long as you turn your brain off and play along without thinking anything through. Still, I did blow through the game in about 4 or 5 days, and not because it was particularly short (wasn't particularly long either), but because I wanted to keep playing it and to see it through, so it's got that going for it. I'll play Burial at Sea sometime in the future (not now because PoE is almost here), hopefully that's better than the main campaign.
  10. I'm sure that it's not the actual reason, but I explain it to myself as Geralt having lost a step as he's gotten older and being smart enough to swallow his pride and put on a little extra protection to make up for his diminished agility. Thank goodness they didn't go down the outrageously over stylized armor with disgustingly gargantuan pauldrons look that's all the rage these days. Edit: I want to wield that pole axe in the second picture.
  11. I get a kick out of Volo's fervent hatred for Steve Nash. It's kind of cute. Like when you were in school and you'd pick on a girl and make fun of her because you secretly had the hots for her. In other news, Russ recorded his 10th triple double of the season. That's the most since J Kidd had 13 in the 2007-2008 season.
  12. Suddenly, my investment in a Titan X is looking more reasonable slightly less bat**** crazy.
  13. This may be a new thread necromancy record. 11 years!
  14. None of the Half Life games on that list? For shame! No Half-Life? No Duke Nukem 3D? No Quake? No Doom? WTF is this ****ty list? EDIT: Besides we all know that Lord Gaben will give us Half Life 3 > All others Which part of "off the top of my head" do people not understand? It wasn't meant to be a comprehensive list, it's stuff that came to mind without even thinking about it and all those are games I've played somewhat recently, hence they were fresh in my mind.
  15. For the record, I think BInfinite is a good game, I just don't think it's the MASTERPIECE the media made it out to be. I can name 5 single player FPSs I think are significantly better right off the top of my head: Wolfenstein: The New Order Metro 2033 Metro Last Light S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadows of Chernobyl S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat
  16. I think a lot of reviewers felt pressure to fawn all over it. The game condemns racism (I know, bold stance, right?) and in the ****ed up shaming and outrage driven culture we live in, if you don't immediately get 100% behind something condemning racism and declare it the greatest thing ever, that somehow makes you pro-racism and you will be shamed into submission by people (ironically bigots) that will label you a racist and a bigot. As for the gameplay, the shooting is solid and the vigors are kinda cool, but the game feels like a massive missed opportunity. Outside of the rails, which are mostly used for transportation, the cool floating city setting is never really used in gameplay. They could have done a whole lot of innovative, or at least cool gameplay incorporating the setting, but instead it's really not much more than an artistic backdrop to rather standard FPS gameplay.
  17. So, I've played about 4 hours of BInfinite so far and I keep trying to figure out how in the world this is the highest rated FPS of all time. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it and I think it's a good game, but there are plenty of better single player FPSs.
  18. OKC's nightmare season continues as KD has been shut down indefinitely. KD out until ???, Ibaka out 4-6 weeks, if not for the Enes Kanter pickup, they'd be dead in the water, even with Russ going out of his mind. It's crazy that they'll probably still make the playoffs, but they're going to get smoked by GS unless KD and Ibaka miraculously come back for the playoffs.
  19. There are roundabouts in some areas. They're rare in the US, but we do have them. I ****ing HATE roundabouts.
  20. BInfinite ultra settings. Looks great at a distance... Then you get up close...
  21. I don't suppose there are any texture mods for BInfinite? While the game looks gorgeous from a distance, there are some downright horrible textures up close.
  22. Spring? On the plus side, my boss wanted to leave 2 hours early to beat the snow, which means I got to leave 2 hours early... and got paid for a full day.
  23. That is a wonderful piece of semi-coherent rambling. Bravo, good sir or madam. Bravo.
  24. Scooped up BInfinite with all the DLCs on sale. The Linux port came out a couple days ago and the report is that it's a good port, despite it not being truly native. It runs through a DirectX to OpenGL wrapper and was ported by the same company that did the TWitcher2 port (which was kinda poor at first but they patched it and is actually quite good now). It will obviously never run as well as the Windows version, because a translation layer will always have some overhead, and obviously I'd prefer a truly native port, but so long as I can crank everything to maximum and get 60 FPS, I'll be happy, and all indications are that I will be able to (I ran it for about 15 minutes this morning and it ran smooth as a baby's bottom). I don't know how much of it I'll get to play, as once PoE releases, I'm all in on that game, but I might be able to finish the base game before then and save the Burial at Sea stuff for later. Alternatively, I can play it sometimes as a change of pace from PoE. I can use a change of pace from time to time when engaged in a deep, meaty cRPG.
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