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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I'll be interested to see if they manage to capture the dreary soul crushing nature of trench warfare that was WWI or if they discard any shred of authenticity in favor of spectacular setpieces. I'm guessing it will be the latter.
  2. Ideally, Vulkan would become the API of choice and make DX12 (nearly) obsolete. In theory, it holds all the advantages of DX12 (the two APIs are extremely similar), is cross-platform, and works just fine on previous versions of Windows, so long as you have the necessary hardware. In practice, we'll have to wait a few years for both APIs to mature and a large enough batch of games running each API to be available before we can truly compare the two. We already know Croteam are fully behind Vulkan, as The Talos Principle is in the process of being ported to Vulkan (it's partially there now) and the upcoming Serious Sam 4 will almost certainly run on Vulkan. Doom 4 was recently shown running on Vulkan, so id (and perhaps Bethesda) are at least considering it. Obviously, I fully expect all Valve and Epic games in the future to support Vulkan as they are 2 of the companies most involved in developing and pushing Vulkan.
  3. Does it include virtual Swedish meatballs?
  4. It would be a kickass theme even if it was for some scrub, but it's that much better because it's the theme of a bona-fide legend. I can picture him Yakuza Kicking dudes in the head every time I hear this.
  5. Wow, sacrilegious and (seemingly) an RPGMaker game. That's like 2 sins for the price of 1!
  6. I've been working long hours at work and have had little (read: nearly zero) time to play games lately. I did manage to finish episode 1 of The Detail today, though. **** goes down at the end of the episode and it ends on one helluva cliffhanger. Good thing I only buy episodic games once all the episodes are out because I'm itching to find out what happens.
  7. This whole race has been a comedy of errors by the GoP. They laughes Trump off as a joke for WAAAAAY too long and by the time they got serious it was far too late. All the reasonable GoP candidates had either already dropped out or were on their last legs and the only one left who could realistically challenge Trump was one of the most hated men in Washington. I'm not sure the GoP could have played this race any worse than they did. Edit: The worst part is that because the GoP botched this so spectacularly we're probably going to wind up with Hillary as president. *cringes*
  8. It was only a matter of time. Surely the Republicans were going to try to screw over Trump at the convention if he didn't secure the outright bid before then, but Trump is just way too popular and the whole Cruz/Kasich alliance backfired spectacularly. Not to mention that Cruz is nearly as hated in Washington as Trump is.
  9. I can play as Orks (sadly for only portions of the campaign), so I'm happy. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
  10. Yeah, Dying Light is exponentially better than Dead Island IMHO. For me it's the focus on mobility that makes the game so much more enjoyable than its spiritual predecessors.
  11. I don't expect much to come of this, if the game ever comes out at all. This game has been stuck in development hell and has now passed through multiple developers' hands. Those are never good signs. The success rate of games going through development issues like these is rather unfavorable. I'll be happy to be wrong, but I have a feeling this game will never see the light of day.
  12. It's a fun game. It doesn't have the depth of X-COM, but the setting, atmosphere, and raspy voiced narrator are all great. The system where wounds are debilitating in the short term but can be beneficial overall in the long run is also pretty interesting.
  13. This is one of my biggest gripes about western mystery/detective games. It was my biggest gripe about The ABC Murders, there was no real consequence to making incorrect conclusions. It seems most (not all) western developers are afraid to include failure states or abrupt/bad endings in these types of story-driven mystery games. It's one area where I think Japanese developers are superior, letting you fail in these types of games. Spike Chunsoft, in particular, is well known (and beloved) for punishing you for poor choices and failed debates and will absolutely have the game end right then and there (or down the line) in a very bad way for you. I'm a big boy, let me fail. If I screw up I should be punished. I can handle it.
  14. Bulgogi Hot Pot from the nearby Korean restaurant. Korean food is so good.
  15. After the Fable Legends cancellation the writing was on the wall. Even though Molyneux left a few years ago, I don't think the studio could shake his stink of being unable to deliver on promises.
  16. I mean, taking Jaylon Smith in the second is definitely reaching, given that they likely could have gotten him as late as the 4th round or even later. It's just... Look, through the first 3 rounds the Cowboys have done very little to address their most pressing needs for next season; Zeke is a fine RB, but the Boys have much bigger concerns and Jaylon is under no circumstance playing next season. Maliek Collins is the only guy they've taken that may have a positive impact at a need position next year. I'm trying to talk myself off the ledge here.
  17. I started playing The Detail. It's an episodic point & click crime drama. My stance on episodic games is similar to my stance on early access. I have no issue with the format existing I just won't buy it until it's finished, in the case of episodic games that means all the episodes are out. The 3rd and final episode came out a couple days ago so I scooped it up. Not exactly the funny and lighthearted point & click I have an itch to play, quite the polar opposite in fact, but I do really like police/detective games, and not shooters where you just happen to be wearing blue instead of camo or brown, but police games where you follow proper procedures (or break them if you're playing a crooked cop or a loose cannon) and investigate crimes. The first 2 episodes got pretty good reviews, though I've avoided all story discussion like the plague, and this seemed right up my alley, so I took the plunge. The game seems quite dark and gritty and it has a really nice comic book style presentation. It looks like it presents you with choices during gameplay too, a few of which seem like they're time sensitive, though no telling yet whether the choices have meaningful impact or are simply window dressing. The answer may require a second playthrough or a thorough reading of a detailed review. I'm not going to consider either of those until I finish my first playthrough. Seems pretty cool so far, though I'm just getting started.
  18. I mean Jaylon Smith has tremendous upside, he's easily a first round talent without the injury concerns. Nerve damage is so unpredictable. I don't completely hate the gamble, because if Jaylon recovers fully he could be a multi-time pro-bowler, but he could just as easily be a complete bust. It's a roll of the dice.
  19. Thank you Broncos. Paxton Lynch is off the board. Hallelujah.
  20. Yeah that was a good move. They traded down and still got a better CB than the G-Men who picked just ahead of them. We're in the second half of the first round. We have entered overpay for Paxton Lynch territory. Don't you do it, Jerruh. Please Jerruh, don't do it!
  21. Laremy "Phat Bong Rip" Tunsil goes #13 to the Dolphins. This might wind up being the steal of the draft. That said, Miami, more specifically Miami's crazy nightlife, might not be the best fit for him.
  22. Zeke is a damn good RB, but the Cowboys have FAR larger concerns than RB. In other news, Tunsil is in a free fall down the draftboard.
  23. Oh God, you're one of those. You spell defense with a "c".
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