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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. As a fellow Shani lover, you'll be happy to know that she does make another appearance in the series eventually.
  2. My stance on ridiculous season pass/greedy DLC scheme games is slightly softer than my stance on loot box gambling/exploitative microtransactions games. The season pass games go into the "I'll think about it when a complete edition is out AND said complete edition is at least 66% off on a sale" folder. The loot box gambling games go into the "will never purchase at any price ever" folder.
  3. From Zeke's point of view, if you truly believe you did nothing wrong, you would fight this to the bitter end, wouldn't you?
  4. I can't wait to see the smear campaign the Red Sox front office puts out about Farrell, ala Terry Francona. The Sawx may be my team, but I loathe the ownership. They are pure scum.
  5. Waiting for Keyrock so we can all high-five together. /high-five I cried genuine manly tears of joy during that ending.
  6. Whether my boycott is futile or not, I'm still going through with it. I won't buy any game that includes this kind of crap. I will also support any vocal opposition and pressure on lawmakers to take a stand against these kinds of practices, so long as the opposition and pressure is done in a reasonable, nonaggressive manner. Ultimately, lawmakers might be our best bet to stem the tide, but I've learned that our government tends to drag its feet quite a bit when you ask something of them, so I wouldn't expect results any time soon, hence why I mostly wrote that off as a solution. Worth a try, though.
  7. ^ Of course, the trick is to introduce this kind of crap gradually. The publishers are quite crafty and insidious in how they attempt to sell us feces.
  8. Sure, fighting this, either with your mouth (or keyboard) or your wallet may seem like a losing battle, and maybe it is, but it's worth fighting. I can say with 100% certainty that things won't get better if people do nothing. Maybe my own personal boycott of games with these practices is a tiny drop in an ocean and means nothing, but I'm still going to do it. If enough like-minded people also boycott the games we can stem the tide, for a while, then we'll have to fight again on another front. I'll also boycott those games if and when they change the evil scheme. If nothing else, I can sleep at night with a clear conscience that I'm not contributing to the problem.
  9. Ben Roethlisberger's decline is kinda reminiscent of Jake Delhomme's. Granted, Jake Delhomme was never as good as Roethlisberger in his prime, but he was a perfectly competent QB until, suddenly, one day, he just fell off a cliff and there was no turning back, he was just straight garbage after that. I've seen this in golf too, where a player suddenly loses it and they don't just go from being a top 10 player to still a decent top 100 player, but fall completely off the cliff and can't even make cuts any more. I think the similarity between golf and NFL QB may be that the mental part is as big a factor as the physical, and once your confidence is shaken and you begin to question your decisions or mechanics, it can spiral out of control very rapidly.
  10. The most effective way to fight the encroachment of microtransactions and gambling on full priced premium games is to not buy the game. Making a bunch of noise about it might help a bit, but if the games continue to sell well, they'll keep doing it and keep pushing the boundaries, unless the governments step in and force them to put M ratings on the games due to gambling, but, at least in the US, our government is WOEFULLY behind on such matters and it will likely take them many years to catch up to it. Don't buy the games, plain and simple. What the publishers are doing is wrong and dangerous, because of the highly addictive nature of gambling, and the people pushing this know damn well how wrong and dangerous it is, yet they continue to not only do it, but push the limits AND market it to children, who are especially susceptible. These people are evil, straight up evil. Don't support their greed. Don't buy the game. It's not easy, since some of these games are damn good games. But then, doing the right thing is often difficult.
  11. Being a delivery driver has, for the most part, been pretty good so far, but my last 2 deliveries tonight were hell. Both sent me into labyrinthine apartment complexes. Sometimes GPS manages to get me close in those, sometimes it leads me to the entrance and I'm on my own from that point. Both cases were the latter. Some of these types of complexes have a numbering layout that makes sense and is easy to understand. Sometimes they have a directory at the entrance and more directory signs along the way to help guide you. Both of these deliveries had neither. The numbering systems in both cases seemed to be designed by someone with severe brain damage. Nighttime makes things much worse because it's very hard to see the numbers on the buildings. How does no one have the foresight to put lights near the numbers when they build these buildings? They don't have to be very powerful lights, just a couple of LEDs that would cost pennies to power just under or just over the numbers. Am I being unreasonable here?
  12. Like I said, I've seen this movie before. We got some soul searching to do during the bye week.
  13. Damn, that sucks for OBJ. The Giants' season was already over before today, now it's SUPER over. I hate to see anyone get hurt, even a New York Giant. Edit: Seems my Boys had a big lead early and they squandered it all away and are now trailing. I've seen this movie before.
  14. Something something something sexist.
  15. I have a weird question, on the off chance that anyone on these forums is a sailor, or knows a sailor. The question is: Do today's sailors still sing sea shanties? If the answer is no, then why not? I feel that if I was a sailor I would absolutely sing sea shanties. Why wouldn't you? Sea shanties are awesome. If you're a sailor and you don't sing sea shanties, what are you doing with your life? Heck, I feel tempted to sing them myself, but, as a landlubber, I feel that might be a faux pas. Edit: Also, are there contemporary sea shanties? Do sailors these days sing about snapchatting and milk punch rather than tavern wenches and rum?
  16. I'm imagining a Weekend At Bernies type situations where one of the other Packer players is hiding behind the corpse of Davante Adams moving his head and arms while a doctor administers the concussion protocol tests.
  17. Our only chance to beat the Pack is to light them up and score almost every possesion, because our D can't stop anyone. It looked good against the Giants, but that was game 1 of the season, plus the Giants are a dumpster fire, and hey were missing OBJ on top of that. Since then, our D has been more incompetent than Andromeda's facial animation team.
  18. I'm going to miss at least half of the Boys/Packers game tomorrow due to work. It's probably for the best, that way I don't have to watch Rodgers shred our garbage defense. FeelsBadMan
  19. I'm working my way toward 100% completion in SteamWorld Dig 2. Most of the time, I don't bother trying to 100% a game I have finished, but in this case, it's so much fun to play that I'm eager to do it. I'm now at 34 out of 42 artifacts found and most of the regions in the game are at 80% secrets found or higher. So far, I've managed to avoid the temptation of looking up a guide, I've found everything completely on my own.
  20. To be clear, the hours I'm working this weekend are split between 2 jobs, my primary, full-time job, and my part-time job.
  21. I'm working almost 30 hours this weekend, so I really don't get a weekend. Sucks, but I need the money. Just gotta keep reminding myself that this is temporary and will be very worth it in the long run. At least most of the work is super easy.
  22. Hunie Pop is a legitimately solid match 3 type game. Also it has boobs. I can't comment on any of the Sakura games, never played them.
  23. Well, that's the first time I've ever seen an Amstrad. Back in the day I had an Atarti 2600, which was pretty common, but my friend had a Coleco Vision, to name a long dead obsucre console.
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