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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Looks great. Other than the stylish visuals and Rutger Hauer... is it any good? What kind of game is it? I'm loving it so far. It's a first person horror mystery in a cyberpunk setting. It's not a "Oh no, scary monster, run away!" type of horror, nor a "Hordes of scary monsters are coming at me and I need to shoot them while I run out of ammo" type horror. Rather, it's a horror where weird stuff is happening creating tension and you are faced with really disturbing situations and soul crushing moral dilemmas. A little backstory: The year is 2084. First there was a nanophage (a plague that crippled and killed people with cybernetics, which is most people). Then there was a great war where the east and west basically obliterated each other and a corporation named Chiron took absolute control, at least of Poland (the game takes place in Kraków), unclear if they control the whole world. As you can imagine, this corporation is super evil. You are a an observer, a detective who works for Chiron that can jack into people and experience their memories to gather evidence. Right at the beginning you get a mysterious call from your estranged son. The game is you trying to find him in this large tenement in the slums. I got a definite Inception vibe of "Wait, is what is happening real or am I already jacked into somebody? What if somebody is jacked into me? How many levels deep am I?" It might just be my imagination. A bit of warning, this game is NOT for anyone prone to epileptic seizures as it has some pretty intense flashing/sensory assault sequences when you jack into people.
  2. >observer_ For those that don't read Polish, the writing in the ad is "Chiron. We're creating a better world." This fella had a bad day.
  3. The Linux port of >observer_ released today, so I purchased and am downloading that. I was interested in the game the instant it was announced because of the interesting premise and because the devs' previous game, Layers of Fear, while flawed in some ways, was still quite interesting. More important than either of those reasons, though, is the fact that you play as Rutger Hauer (the character isn't actually named Rutger Hauer, but it's Rutger Hauer in every other sense). I watched the first episode of Jesse Cox's Let's Play of the game, decided that yup this was a game I definitely wanted to play myself, stopped watching the Let's Play, and waited patiently for the Linux port, which is now here. Did I mention that you play as Rutger Hauer? Because you totally play as Rutger Hauer.
  4. Wait, so my boycott of the games that do this microtransaction gambling crap is anti-freedom? I've been doing it wrong the whole time!
  5. It's pretty clear the dubs all spent the offseason partying, and can you blame them? They'll be fine, just give them a few weeks to shake the rust off.
  6. IO Interactive have announced HITMAN GotY Edition. https://www.ioi.dk/hitman-goty-edition-announcement/ Includes a new campaign with 4 missions set in reworked versions of existing locations. Also, you will now have access to any elusive targets you missed, though you don't get to do any elusive target missions you already failed. $20 if you already own the game. I can't wait. HITMAN is one of my favorite games of the last few years. /rubs hands together
  7. I don't care one bit about 4k at the moment, as I don't have a 4k monitor, nor do I intend to get one for at least a year or two. What I do care about is 60 FPS, even if it's at 900p or even 720p. Give me smooth frame rate, that's my top priority.
  8. I'm really surprised they haven't slashed the price yet. Maybe they're waiting to get closer to X-Mas?
  9. Holy crap that is straight up evil and wrong on so many levels. I'd say that I'm going to boycott Activision games entirely, but I haven't purchased an Activision game in at least half a decade, so nothing changes, I guess.
  10. Congratulations to whoever started Zeke in their fantasy league. I can't get too excited about us beating the ever loving dog **** out of the Niners, because they're a winless team, we're supposed to beat the ever loving dog **** out of them. Still, a win is a win, and given the Boys' season so far, I'll take it. 3-3 isn't a great record, but you can salvage a season at 3-3. Next week is a big game at the Washington Racial Slurs. If we can win that, we have a shot to make the playoffs, and, from there, who knows? If we lose, I think you can mostly write us off.
  11. Probably around 17 or 18 deliveries, averaging somewhere between $4 or $5 per tip. Then there are days where it's super dead, like this past Monday, and I only make like 10 or 11 deliveries in that same amount of time and I get stiffed on a tip on some of them. It all averages out over the long haul. Edit: Keep in mind that most of those 17 or 18 deliveries were doubles or triples, where I take 2 or 3 orders with me at a time and they tend to be close to each other, or along the way. It's not 17 or 18 trips from Papa John's to the customer and back. On a slow night I'll get mostly singles, on good nights it's mostly doubles and triples. Doubles and triples are where the money is at.
  12. I have an account, since it was a requirement for something I did like 4 or 5 years ago (I don't even remember what it was), but it is literally blank.There is no information on the page whatsoever other than the bare minimum that was needed to create the page in the first place, and that info is hopelessly out of date. I have visited the page approximately never times since I created it. I also don't have a twitter, snapchat, tumblr, instagram, or whatever. Basically, in the social media world, I don't exist. I've been working as a pizza delivery driver for 3 weeks now and I just had my best day ever. I pulled in a sweet $82 in tips in 5 hours of driving, that's over $16/hour. Add in my wage while driving, which is a paltry $4 and a few pennies, and I made over $20/hour for driving around in my comfy car listening to music off my Pandora stations (I have exquisite taste ). Even if you subtract $10 for gas spent (I highly doubt I used THAT much) I still made a killing tonight. Not every night is this good, you have some nights that are flat out depressing, but overall the money I'm making is well above what I was expecting to make for one of the easiest jobs I have ever worked. Having nearly no time to myself sucks, but that extra $1000+ a month in my pocket sure is nice. Edit: I suppose it helps that I live in a major metropolis. I probably wouldn't make nearly as much if I was delivering pizzas in some Podunk town (by virtue of having far fewer deliveries to make). Edit 2: Also, I save money on food because free pizza.
  13. I almost posted this in The Metal Thread, but I figured that this isn't what Katphood was going for. In my mind, without a shadow of a doubt, the greatest hair metal song ever. I kind of hesitate to call it hair metal, since that carries a negative connotation of a song being weaksauce, and this song is anything but weak, it rocks hard as ****. The slow section in the middle with the build toward a screaming guitar solo is amazeballs. Also, peak Tawny Kitaen Maybe the best way to put it is that this was not an actual hair metal song, but rather an awesome song that hair metal songs were pale imitations of, including latter Whitesnake songs.
  14. We have done our job. /high fives the rest of the goofballs //awaits check from THQ Nordic
  15. The simplest way for me to describe a Piranha Bytes game is this: Imagine a Bethesda game made with 1/10th the budget and 10x the heart.
  16. I imagine Elex is like the other Piranha Bytes games, rough and crusty on the outside, but with a rich and tasty interior. Pretty much the polar opposite of a Bethesda game, which is sweet on the outside (so long as you don't look at the character models) and hollow on the inside. Pity I currently don't have a system to play it on, but I do intend to get a PS4 Pro eventually and I fully intend to get it then.
  17. Dying Light is the game Dead Island should have been. I think it benefits greatly from a focus on movement, rather than combat. The QTE final boss fight is the game's biggest blemish. Overall, I loved it.
  18. Zeke is back to being allowed to play... for now. He will play this Sunday, that is for certain. After that...
  19. Apollo Justice Ace Attorney: Still trying to get the hang of taking screenshots on my phone. Not sure how to prevent the volume bar from appearing, since one of the buttons I have to press is "volume down".
  20. Apollo Justice Ace Attorney on my phone. It's an Ace Attorney game, so of course it's great.
  21. He couldn't have done this BEFORE the Cowboys game? On a serious note, that sucks. I hate the guy for ripping our hearts out... twice, but I respect his amazing ability. Hopefully he comes back 100%.
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