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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The first game to give me a legitimate case of Switch Envy Please port this to other platforms, Atlus.
  2. I've decided on the staff as my favored weapon in Dragon Quest Heroes 2, in no small part because of the ability to drop meteors on enemies. Now I'm trying to decide whether I want to be a martial artist or a priest, as both classes can use a staff. Presumably, the martial artist will be tougher and have more HP, while the Priest will have higher wisdom and more MP. Also, there are class-specific abilities to consider. Currently I'm grinding to get my priest level up to 17 to match my martial artist level, so that I can compare the 2 on an even field.
  3. Dropping down a meteor onto enemies will never not be awesome
  4. Getting benched is one thing. Getting benched for Geno Smith...
  5. https://www.engadget.com/2017/11/28/hdmi-2-1-specification-is-now-available-with-10k/ 48 GB/s bandwidth 4K at 120 Hz 8K at 60Hz 10K at 30 Hz Dynamic HDR Variable Refresh Rate Quick Frame Transport Quick Media Switching Auto Low Latency Mode I wouldn't expect any hardware supporting HDMI 2.1 for at least 7 or 8 months, but I'm pretty excited for 4K at 120Hz. Edit: The dream of a 4K 120Hz monitor, roughly 35" in size and a rig capable of powering it... and me being able to afford it...
  6. ^ I feel for you, Ghost. /eHugs Ghost //Holds on a little too long to make it awkward
  7. I fired up Watch_Dogs 2 for just a few minutes, just out of curiosity and got a kick out of the fact that DedSec apparently uses Linux, as "Ext4-fs" came up on the "terminal" that shows during the initial loading screen. For those not familiar, Ext4 is the 4th extended filesystem, the most widely used filesystem on Linux, on desktops, anyway, these days. I guess it makes sense that a group of rebel hacker kids would use Linux for their own OS, though I'm a bit disappointed they still use Ext4 instead of the more advanced btrfs. Anyway, it's too bad Ubi hasn't ported this game to Linux, it would be mildly amusing to be running a game that has a fictional group running Linux on Ext4 while running on Linux on Ext4... Although, in my case it wouldn't work since I use btrfs, plus I already got the game for PS4... so never mind.
  8. I scooped up Watch_Dogs 2 for PS4 for a measly $17 in Walmart's Cyber Monday sale. Dunno when I'll get to play it, though, as I'll be bust with Dragon Quest Heroes 2 for quite a while, I think.
  9. I'm trying out a bunch of the different vocations and weapons available in Dragon Quest Heroes 2, to figure out which one I like best for my main character. So far, I'm liking the priest vocation with the spear. Quick thrust attacks with a really powerful charge attack, especially if you can charge it to maximum, and a nice AoE special attack great for large packs. I have a lot more vocations and weapons to try yet, though. Edit: Okay, I'm starting to really warm up to martial artist with a staff. Lots of sweeping AoE attacks, like warrior with an axe, but faster(less damage though), allowing me to recover and dodge more quickly.
  10. No particular order: Bayonetta 2 (2014) Jagged Alliance 2 (1999) Planescape: Torment (1999) Final Fantasy 6 (1994) X-COM: UFO Defense (1994) Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (2016) Super Metroid (1994) Chrono Trigger (1995) Super Mario Galaxy (2007) Goldeneye 007 (1997) The Pandora Directive (1996) King's Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (1992) Interstate '76 (1997) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (2000) S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat (2009) DotA 2 (2013) Star Wars: Tie Fighter (1994) Grim Dawn (2016) Ultima 7: Serpent Isle (1993) Fallout: New Vegas (2010) Gothic 2 (2002) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015) Fallout 2 (1998) Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1992) Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (2013)
  11. In fairness, pretty much every QB ever performs significantly better when they get good pass protection and the D is biting on play action than when they are getting hit all the time and have to scramble. I didn't watch any football yesterday, I was watching the MST3K marathon instead. I kinda hope the Boys lose all their remaining games, in super embarrassing fashion preferably, so that we can at least get one positive out of this season by getting our useless yesman patsy of a coach fired and getting an actual coach that can run a team and make adjustments during a game.
  12. I'm playing Dragon Quest Heroes 2 on PS4. I've not played the first game in the series so I can't compare the two from experience, but I've been told the first is more a straight up Dynasty Warriors but with a Dragon Quest coat of paint, while this game incorporates more of DQ's systems to create something in between the two. The combat is still very much musuo, mind you. You fight giant groups of super weak enemies where you are essentially a god delivering tremendous destruction upon them with occasional stronger enemies and beefy bosses showing up once in a while. I've only begun to scratch the surface of the character system, so I can't comment on that yet, but the game does seem to have all of Dragon Quests's signature brand of charm. I'm loving it so far.
  13. I finished Looking For a Sweet Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deal on a PS4 Pro. Thankfully, the ending was pretty good I even went through the Buy Some Games For It Day 1 DLC
  14. The King of Foods Green Bean Casserole
  15. ^ Nice choice of ransom notice font for that sign.
  16. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thanksgiving is, IMHO, the best holiday, since it has the best aspect of Christmas (getting together with family you don't usually see and sharing time and a big meal) without the worst aspect of Christmas (the pressure to spend lavishly on everyone so that corporations around the world can get even richer). This year I won't be able to do the giant family get together as in years past because we're all too far away and I have to work tomorrow (for both my jobs), but I'll still have the 2 best Thanksgiving dishes: mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. Edit: Also, the MST3K Turkey Day Marathon is on, like always.
  17. I completed Chapter 2 of Looking For a Sweet Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deal on a PS4 Pro. In a plot twist, it turned out that there are no better deals than the GameStop deal. In fact, while everybody and their grandmother has deals on the PS4 Slim, no one else has any deal at all on the PS4 Pro in the US, be it brick and mortar stores or online retailers. Onward to the final chapter. Hopefully this game doesn't go Mass Effect 3 on me and give me a really unsatisfying ending.
  18. Me neither. That's how you know it has the Beamdog Minimal Effort Seal of Quality!
  19. I wonder, you always hear about the drama queen, yet we never hear about the drama king. Where is he? Has he passed on? Is he having a secret affair with the duchess of comedy?
  20. Alright, well, our season is over. I can now forget about the NFL and concentrate on other things on Sundays.
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