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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Conspiracy is the only reasonable explanation. I suspect Deidranna Reitman is involved somehow.
  2. Tyrod Taylor ded. Time for Peterman magic? Edit: Nope
  3. The fact the KotOR 2 placed higher than Jagged Alliance 2 might be the greatest injustice in the history of injustices.
  4. I'm kinda sad the Rams got eliminated, they were a fun team to watch. With my Boys not in the playoffs, I don't much care who wins, so long as it's not the Eagles. From a pure greed standpoint, I stand to make better tips delivering pizzas the longer Carolina remain in the playoffs, so go Panthers, I guess.
  5. Great to see Twitcher 3 place as high as it did. It's maybe the single best example of taking the now quite tired open world collect-a-thon, checklist formula, and disguising the tedium with great narrative and integration into the main story.
  6. Contrary to what AMD would like you to believe, AMD chips are also affected by the Meltdown and Spectre security exploits, as are ARM chips. This is very far reaching. The Linux kernel has already had a couple preliminary patches made available (FOSS is agile like that), presumably Windows and Apple engineers are testing patches as I write this.
  7. Just got home from work. I'm thankful no drunk driver smashed up my car and I got home safe. Happy New Year, forumites!
  8. While I'm at it, here's maybe (changes almost every day) my favorite Dead song: And my favorite (doesn't change) Phish song:
  9. ^ As a person who also is a huge fan of both The Grateful Dead and Phish, I went to 10 concerts and 3, respectively, I say, while comparisons are hard to ignore, just ignore them and enjoy both bands for what they were, jam bands of two completely different eras. As an aside, Scarlet Begonias is one of my favorite songs. I don't just love this because I'm Polish... Okay, maybe partially because I'm Polish... maybe even largely because I'm Polish, but that doesn't dismiss the fact that this piece is BRILLIANT.
  10. One thing's for sure, Danny Ainge hit a home run when he lured Brad Stevens away from Butler 4 years ago. The NBA is a player-driven league, but a good coach still makes a difference and Brad Stevens is one of the best, if not THE best coaches in the league right now. He is good at every single facet of coaching: Training, managing egos, preparation and game planning, conditioning, making adjustements during the game, choosing the right lineup, and play calling. His teams have exceeded expectations every year he he's been coach. You keep this man under contract as long as you possibly can, if you're the Celtics.
  11. The fact that a Tex Murphy game made the list makes me so happy.
  12. My Star Wars rankings from best to worst: Empire - Obviously New Hope - Also obviously Return - Worth it for the scenes of the emperor taunting Luke alone Last Jedi - Featuring the slowest chase sequence in cinematic history Force Awakens - It's just like A New Hope, except much worse Revenge - Almost worth it just for the memes Phantom Menace - At least it has Darth Maul Rogue One - Zzzzzzzz... Watching Paint Dry Chinese Water Torture Mumble Rap Attack of the Clones
  13. Some pictures from my Xmas vacation down to Florida. First, a brief stop in Savannah. It was foggy, but I took some pictures of River Street anyway: Then pictures from my final destination, Singer Island: Fun fact: Our esteemed PotUS has a residence on Singer Island.
  14. So wait, you're telling me video gaming can become addicting, even to the point where it takes over your life? You mean like drugs, drinking, gambling, television, and basically anything else humans consume? WEIRD.
  15. Merry Christmas Obsidianites.
  16. Ironically, I thought the combat was the best part of D:OS ( even if it did take forever), it was the godawful writing and cringeworthy humor that lost me and made it so that I couldn't stomach more than a couple hours of the game. I haven't played the sequel, nor do I intend to. Is the combat essentially the same in the sequel.
  17. How far is Candyland from Charlotte? It was the only time I've had since Saturday to wash it and I hate it when my car is dirty. It will get dirty during the trip, but it will still be cleaner than if I hadn't washed it.
  18. Last day of work before I head to Florida for Xmas. After work it's straight to the car wash, then a quick trip to Walmart to pick up some wrapping paper, since I ran out with 2 boxes left to wrap (doh). Then I'm going to sleep for a few hours before waking up around 2 am to start my 11 to 12 hour drive.
  19. Slightly off-topic: If you're a sith lord, why would you ever take on an apprentice? Hasn't every sith lord ever been killed by their apprentice?
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