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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I'm playing West of Loathing, from the creators of Kingdom of Loathing (that game still exists and is playable, 14 years later!). It's a comedy RPG set in the wild west. It most directly compares to South Park: Stick of Truth. While the style of humor is different, the volume of jokes and gags is roughly the same (read: constant torrent of jokes and gags). Humor is highly subjective, so your mileage may vary, but I've been getting a lot of laughs out of the game. The game has a level-less character progression system where you spend earned XP directly on upgrading stats and skills. There are 3 classes: Cow Puncher (fighter), Beanslinger (mage), and Snake Oiler (rogue). Combat is turn-based and fairly simplistic, also pretty easy if you've ever played a RPG before (suffice to say, anyone frequenting these forums has played a RPG before). There is a Hard Mode, though I've yet to try it. There are perks you can gain along the way for doing various things (the game never tells you in advance, you need to find these on your own) and these are a bit like Fallout perks and traits. In fact, the game shares some similarities with the original Fallout games in some of its dialogue options and ability to get past obstacles in varied ways. For example, early on in the game I did something pretty doggone cold-hearted and it gave me the Ruthless perk. The Ruthless perk occasionally gives me the option solve problems in a truly horrible and evil way. It's fantastic. Also, I unlocked something called Stupid Walk Mode. It's exactly what it sounds like. Think, the Ministry of Silly Walks from Monty Python, but even more ridiculous. Anyway, I'm having a blast with it. It's not the deepest RPG ever made, but the mechanics aren't throw away either, there is a legit, albeit completely silly, RPG system there. Plus, I find the game consistently funny.
  2. Irma is still far enough out from mainland USA that there is a fairly wide variance in the projected paths, though many of the projections look quite scary. I guess the one positive is that none of the projections I've seen have it headed across the gulf toward southern Texas. That region getting hit again 2 weeks later would be a giant middle finger from Mother Nature.
  3. My parents live in Singer Island right off the coast of Florida. Granted, they went through a category 4 (briefly a cat 5) last year and had practically no damage, the place they live in was built to withstand hurricanes. I'm still going to be very nervous if Irma steers in their direction.
  4. We haven't had Bokishi in here in a long while posting shiny pictures at 27000000000 x 1468500000 resolution, so I guess I'm going to have to step in. Behold these glorious images at 1440p at MAX SETTINGS! My intrepid hero, Sledge Muttonsmith. I made him a Snake Oiler. Pro-Tip: Never play cards with a Snake Oiler.
  5. If they can get that down to microwave prices, I can see one in every home. Agreed. The usefulness speaks for itself, the price point will determine whether this is a luxury item that only wealthy people purchase or if it becomes ubiquitous.
  6. Nothing fancy for this Labor Day weekend. Chili cheese dogs off the grill. Not pictured: Corn on the cob, also off the grill.
  7. I take it that the bomb disposal went off without a hitch? I haven't been following the story, but if the bomb detonated I imagine it would be the top article everywhere.
  8. I got there fairly early. More people were arriving as I was leaving.
  9. I know, I know, it's impossibly manly. We could spend pages talking about its glory, but I don't want to derail the thread, so I appreciate your restraint. I am, however, a generous man; thus, I give you another gander at it in these pictures from my trip to the park earlier today: My trademark Hawaiian shirt, straw hat combo. The classics never go out of style. I had to work yesterday, so that ruined any plans for a big excursion for Labor Day weekend. Luckily, Charlotte has a ton of nice parks all over the city, making a staycation pleasant, if less exciting.
  10. To all our American forumites, Happy Labor Day Weekend! To all the other forumites, Happy Regular Weekend! Side note, hard to see in the picture, but there is Negra Modelo in the stein.
  11. I'm pretty embarrased that I gave Bruce the benefit of the doubt as long as I did. When I finally came to the realization that it was a troll it was so obvious. He had me going for far too long.
  12. I never pay attention to preseason. The only thing I've paid any amount of attention to is the Zeke ordeal, and that's only because it's kind of hard to avoid. Otherwise, I've watched a grand total of 0 minutes of preseason football in the past decade and maybe 4 or 5 hours total in my entire life. During the NFL season I'm super into it and on Sunday I'm all about watching football, there has to be something pretty awesome to pull me away from watching football. It's maybe the only sport I'll happily watch games where my team isn't involved. Once the season is over and before the regular season begins, though, I completely turn it off and don't care about anything football related in the slightest, except for the draft.
  13. If that DLC becomes popular I fear publishers might start killing employees just to sell DLC. Don't give them any ideas.
  14. Oby was obviously a troll, but at least he (?) was entertaining.
  15. Not only that, but said lead investigator, the only person who interviewed the accuser and found her testimony inconsistent and dubious enough to recommend no suspension for Zeke, wasn't even invited to the meeting where they decided on the suspension. Anyone with their conspiracy theory tin foil hat on has alarm bells going off reading that. Honestly, even if you're not a conspiracy theorist, you have to find this pretty odd.
  16. ^ Oops, I quoted the wrong post. I meant to quote Agiel's post with the Pathologic 2 trailer. Steamworld Dig 2 doesn't look creepy, it looks awesome, like the first game.
  17. http://imageform.se/steamworld-dig-2-release-date-and-price/ Releases on Switch September 21st, PC and PS4 "a few days later".
  18. Oh thank goodness, the ALL CAPS is back, I was wondering what kind of bull**** thread this was.
  19. Sounds like they are going back to a lot of the elements from X3 and earlier that were stripped out streamlined from the abortion that was X: Rebirth. That's great, as I love X3 and still play it sometimes. Building giant stations and making a galactic trading empire is my jam. What worries me is that they are still trying to have you be able to walk out of your ship and walk around stations to talk to people and such. While this seems like a desirable feature on paper, anyone who played X: Rebirth saw how well it was executed last time Egosoft has never been able to make even mediocre looking character models nor halfway decent character animations. They will need to improve in this area significantly if they want the interiors of the stations to not completely suck this time around. What I saw in the video was not entirely encouraging in that regard, albeit that was pre-alpha footage.
  20. Gender doesn't matter to me one bit in games. I'm a guy but I probably wind up choosing to play a female character roughly 50% of the time when I am given a choice. I don't really have any specific criteria for why I choose one gender or another, it's just whatever strikes my fancy at the time I'm making the character. And if a game has me play as a set character and doesn't let me choose that's okay too, I just don't care.
  21. I saw the coverage from around Houston this morning. Yikes! My thoughts go out to all our southern Texas forumites and their families. I hope you folks are safe and somewhere dry with electricity right now.
  22. ^ I hope so. People need to play Seiken Densetsu 3. It's right up there with Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger as one of Square's very best games ever and also one of the prettiest, if not THE prettiest SNES game ever. They pushed the SNES to the absolute limit, the sprite work is amazing. Edit: I gotta stop talking about SD3, I could go on gushing about it forever. Do the right thing Squeenix and finally give the west this masterpiece, unlike Nintendo that's hellbent on never giving us Mother 3. Don't be like Nintendo.
  23. That's great, but what I really really really want is for them to finally release an official version of Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2) in the west, whether it's a remake, remaster, or a straight up version of the SNES game running in an emulator. Seiken Densetsu 3 is superior to Seiken Densetsu 2 (Secret of Mana) in almost every way. It's straight up one of the best SNES games ever made and most people in the west have never played it. I did many years ago via emulator with an unofficial fan translation. The game is phenomenal. Let me buy the game from you, Squeenix,I want to give you money for it so I don't have to feel like a filthy pirate playing a hacked ROM of one of the best games Square ever made.
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