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Everything posted by Seari

  1. here we go again
  2. Scrolls, buy them. Besides, not a lot of enemies can cast imprisonment.
  3. Right, because you can't memorize freedom and rest after a battle. git gud mate
  4. I didn't really expect a dragon since it's supposed to be a low to medium level adventure... I really would've preferred if they saved dragons for the sequel. I hope the companions get really scared when confronting it at least, like in BG2. Not like the snarky remarks in NwN2 when you face the red dragon.
  5. The character models actually don't look horrible with max zoom. Did the dragon puke out a fireball?
  6. I think it deserves the reputation it has, having just replayed it. It's a linear boring POS with a horrible engine. I wish I could've killed off half the characters, and most of all that annoying gith Zhajeve(sp?). The only good thing in the OC is that you can murder Elanee. I was thinking of trying Mysteries of Westgate, has anyone played it? edit: The only reason I've put MotB on hold is because of the OC.
  7. You don't need to. The narrow pathways in BG1 dungeons still make me cringe.
  8. I agree it is really fun making crazy builds, but I still prefer the more tame multiclassing system. Yeah MotB is amazing, but the OC is just awful. The main two things that make BG2 better are the graphics and the combat system. But mostly it's that the former is a full package, while the latter is just a slice of the cake.
  9. I disagree with most of your points, but can you elaborate on this one.
  10. Engagement was introduced to prevent us kiting units, not the other way around.
  11. They just really want new leather boots.
  12. No it's not. Morover the latest poll results show that that kill XP proponents are nothing but a vocal minority. Is that what the latest poll results tell us? Really? Out of 262 voters, 139, which is 53% of the total population voted FOR combat xp. How do you figure that's a vocal minority?
  13. Well if it was intended as the True Strike spell, which I'm guessing it was, then it shouldn't affect spells.
  14. Withdraw is such a ****ty name for the spell, while Sanctuary is perfect. I guess this is another instance of changing things just for the sake of it.
  15. If my reasoning were dumb WoW wouldn't have over 10 million players and Divinity:OS with it's basically useless combat log wouldn't have been #1 on steam for weeks and getting hailed as the return of "classic old school RPG". Ahahaha. Dvinity:OS was only popular because there were no alternatives, I think it's an overrated POS. And you're also missing the point.
  16. It is a matter of preference, and your reasoning is kind of dumb. I personally hate seeing floating numbers on my screen, and I prefer using the combat log for that.
  17. NwN3: Pillars of Eternity edit: Sanctuary is basically invisibility for clerics that breaks if you do anything hostile.
  18. BTW the blue buttons on top of the bars would have the same function as in BG - if you click on them the bars would collapse. So people could play with only the right bar, or without any bars at all, only utilizing the floating combat UI+combat log if they wanted to. I really wish Obsidian would change their minds and make a BG-esque UI, since I have a feeling it would be really hard, if not impossible to mod in. edit: The combat log+action bar in the middle is a must for me, I really can't stand the current UI.
  19. Does it work now?
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