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Everything posted by Seari

  1. As much as I love the Baldur's Gate series, BG1 is just mediocre at best.
  2. Do people actually think that DA:I won't be complete and utter ****? This is news to me.
  3. Didn't think it would happen, but I was hoping for it. Hopefully this means a game with actual fun combat.
  4. The worst problem I had in NwN2 was companions randomly running to the controlled character, still no idea why that happens. Stick with the basic AI for party please Obsidian, NwN2 was a nightmare because of the horrendous AI.
  5. I just realized, paladins are a tankier 3.5 bard. They should increase the penalty of Reckless Assault, I want rogues(assassins) to be squishy as **** with that on. All these per encounter abilities means spamming the same thing every encounter right? edit: Pillars of Eternity will be a good aRPG.
  6. You've got good music taste. This looks like a huge improvement to me, the pace of the combat looks a lot better. It's actually starting to look good, but I still don't like per encounter abilities and a lot of the spells.
  7. Your voice is a bit too low. Could you tell me what the music is, I can't understand you in the vid.
  8. I kind of like the current instagib sneak attack, reminds me of backstab.
  9. Clerics aren't op in 2nd ed IMO, 3rd ed made them OP.
  10. Fighters have higher hit points, base thac0, grand mastery and max weapon style spec. Holy power lasts 1 round/level. If you don't think invisibility is useful, then I got news for you. Level drain made vampires scary. I have a feeling you didn't like mage battles.
  11. "Trying" is the key word here.
  12. 10/10 would explore a dungeon in it. Do you mind posting a few more?
  13. Yeah that would be better than how it is now at least, since the miss chance is so low. But I really want them to increase miss chance, every attack being a hit is just silly and I hate it.
  14. I'm still for health only being affected when endurance is low or depleted, then health values don't have to be inflated. This would however mean that fights would have to be more dangerous in general, which is a good thing IMO.
  15. With the low chance of misses it might as well not have been.
  16. I'm fine with how it is, actually I'm against this suggestion.
  17. This is very off-topic, but since people are comparing the BG2 cleric to PoE priest. Level 1: Armor of Faith - 5% damage reduction at lvl 1, 25% at lvl 20 Sanctuary - level 1 invisibility spell that doesn't break when casting non-combat spells Doom - a stackable -2 penalty to all saves and thac0, the slayer of dragons Command - a "knockdown" for 1 round, very useful at lower levels Bless - minor party buff Protection from Evil - +2 to all saves and AC vs evil Cure Minor Wounds Level 2: Draw Upon Holy Might - +1 to str, dex, con per 3 levels, stacks with item bonuses (capped at 25) Silence 15' Radius - very good Remove Fear - always useful Slow Poison - poison is very deadly Aid - +1 to attack and saves and a minor 1d8 health buff, pretty good at low levels Chant - minor party buff Hold Person - small AoE stun, okay at lower levels Level 3: Holy Smite - fireball vs evil enemies, blinds on failed save, potentially a party-friendly fireball Animate Dead - 90% magic resistant skeleton warrior at lvl 15 Dispel Magic - depends on caster and recipient levels Cure Disease - cures disease, blindness, deafness and feeblemind Glyph of Warding - a skull trap with a save, I don't use it personally, but I can see it being useful Invisibility Purge - very useful if you can't afford slots for True Seeing Miscast Magic - low chance of working, but when it does 80% spell failure for enemy casters Zone of Sweet Air - **** cloudkill Remove Paralysis Remove Curse Cure Medium Wounds Level 4: Holy Power - grants base thac0 to equal to that of a fighter, sets strength to 18/00, stacks with draw upon holy might if cast first!!! Defensive Harmony - short range and duration +2 AC party buff, very useful Death Ward - immunity to death spells, i.e. finger of death, power word kill Free Action - immunity to movement affecting spells i.e. slow, web Lesser Restoration/Negative Plane Protection - removes/immunity level drain Protection from Evil 10' Radius - amazing party buff Cure Serious Wounds level 5: Righteous Magic - +1 strength for every cleric level, maximum damage on hits like kensai's kai Mass Cure - you don't get an AoE heal until level 5 spells, what is this nonsense!? Flame Strike - pretty strong single target damage spell Chaotic Commands - immunity to mind affecting spells i.e. confusion, domination and even maze True Seeing Magic Resistance Cure Critical Wounds So my point is that if you don't know how to play clerics, don't say that they only have healing spells GTFO. On a side note: cleric/mages can can put cleric spells into Sequencers i.e. bless+chant, 2x doom, Greater Malison+Glitter Dust+Doom, 3x holy smite, 3x flame strike, 3x bolt of glory, Righteous Magic+Holy Power+Draw Upon Holy Might Chain Contingency: haste+2x regeneration, you basically can't die unless you get one shot.
  18. Don't be stupid.
  19. How can you play with that horrendous fps
  20. I have a feeling that after I play this game it will just make me want to replay BG2 for the thousandth time. Which is sad, because I really want it to be good.
  21. Priest spells are just boring and everything is AoE, a real disappointment.
  22. I would like if they increased the chance of misses compared to hits and grazes.
  23. It's seems to me that thelee is an ****, and I do love to point those out. Also an idiot.
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