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Everything posted by Seari

  1. The first pinned thread
  2. THIS
  3. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68002-talents-what-would-be-wanted-and-what-is-needed/
  4. No, and I hate the word minimalistic with a passion.
  5. Looks like OE is reading the talent suggestion thread. for these new talents.
  6. Good read, looking forward to more. edit: I really hate all these passive abilities fighters get every level, I wish you could pick these instead of getting them automatically. edit2: They should give skill requirements to some talents, like athletics for Fast Runner and survival for Envenomed Strike. Just give more requirements!
  7. That upper right portrait is a very punchable face. edit: The one on the left of it looks like a younger Gary Oldman.
  8. Don't care about unbalanced talents as long as there's a lot of them - diversity. Attributes should only be affected by chargen and items. I hate the levels that attributes get in NwN2, 30 STR fighter, no thank you.
  9. I want a vertical party UI. edit: I don't like tabs or combined inventory, ****ing MMO style ****.
  10. Quoting myself from the other thread: Or the health/stamina ratio could increase/decrease the lower/higher your stamina is.
  11. What's with the Bioware colors
  12. The point is that stamina can be restored(healed) while health cannot, due to lore reasons I think.
  13. Why does health and stamina have to be affected by damage (ratio) at the same time? Why not when stamina is depleted you take health damage? This is how I thought it worked when I first saw the health/stamina system. Or if that goes against the spirit of the idea or whatever, why not have health affected only when stamina is low, maybe under 50% or 30%? This would increase the adventuring day and make the system more intuitive overall IMO.
  14. So you offend me and a lot of others in a passive aggressive manner, and when I respond directly in kind, you're butthurt? I'm not gonna take your **** buddy.
  15. You would only fire one bullet at the start of combat, right? Can't really reload with one hand. I support this as long as it makes sense. edit: Does dual wielding lower your accuracy with your main hand, or how does that work?
  16. **** off Uomoz. Someone quote this please.
  17. Personally not a fan of reinvisioning them as archers with pets ala WoW.
  18. @Sensuki do you think it will be possible to mod item sketches ala BG2 into item descriptions? Or is it too early to tell?
  19. IDGAF as long as it's moddable. edit: I will most definitely use a mod for infinite camping supplies, that **** is obnoxious. I have the self control not to abuse it, unlike most people it seems.
  20. It's funny how a simple thing makes the inventory go from complete **** to not that bad at all. 8 slots per character was just disgusting.
  21. Yeah I know, I just did it for fun mostly. I tried to make an attribute system around deflection actually making sense, then I ran out of stats. I just can't see deflection on INT or RES, call me a grognard. Might - damage & healing Dexterity - deflection Constitution - health & endurance Perception - accuracy Intellect - duration, AoE size Resolve - action speed, concentration DEX only affecting deflection is just wrong, but this is the best that I can come up with, without adding some new mechanic. edit: If it was up to me I would split accuracy into melee/ranged/spell, or maybe just melee+ranged / spell, but that would go against that stupid good for every character idea.
  22. Very nice work Ineth! Thanks to your diagrams I have some new suggestions for the attributes: (No idea if these are good suggestions or not, they just randomly popped into my head.) Might - damage & healing (fort) Dexterity - action speed, deflection (ref) Constitution - health & endurance (fort) Perception - accuracy, deflection (ref) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How dexterous and perceptive you are should both affect deflection. deflection=(DEX value+PER value)*1.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Intellect - AoE size, ability duration(debuffs) (will) Resolve - concentration, ability duration(buffs) (will) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighter as an example: Knock Down = INT, Vigorous Defense = RES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Deflection is the weakest of the primary stats, so I believe splitting it like the rest of the defenses(fort, ref, will) and pairing it with 2 other primary stats might be a good idea. Most of all it makes sense thematically and makes DEX and PER more interesting. All stats are both offensive and defensive, except CON. Concentration is important for attacking, so RES is not a defensive only attribute. Some builds using these attributes: dualwielding AoE interruption focused Barbarian, DEX+PER+INT tank focused Fighter, CON+RES+PER disruption/debuff focused backline Wizard, DEX+PER+INT damage dealing backline Wizard, MIG+PER+INT fast attacking dual wielding interruption focused Muscle Wizard God, DEX+PER+RES support Priest, MIG+DEX+RES damage dealing Rogue, MIG+DEX+PER disruptive Cipher with a fast bow for focus generation(my PC ), DEX+PER+INT Okay PER(accuracy) is important for every character except support/buffer Priest LOL. This system uses accuracy for everything from auto attacks to spells(damage and crowd control), so either ignore the obvious flaw or remake the system. Bring back Spell DC's or split accuracy for auto attacks and spells, but that would make attributes go against the "every attribute is good for muh class" idea.
  23. You changed my mind on saves, I kind of misunderstood how it worked before. Also Ganrich just pointed out what Josh had in mind, as you can see they're the same, so that's kind of silly. edit: I really like your RES suggestion, but how about it being all defenses except Deflection? RES - concentration, will, ref, fort. Makes a lot of sense thematically. It would give half points of the saves right? I like it a lot actually, implement this now! edit2: Oh that was Fearabbit's idea.
  24. ...is this some kind of joke? I don't get it. Or do you just have a hard on for Sasuke(or whoever the **** that is)?
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