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Everything posted by IndiraLightfoot

  1. All the praise from you guys makes me very interested in this game. Unfortunately, it's a PS4 game. Any hope whatsoever of a PC version at a later date?
  2. Yeah, so I've noticed! For anyone out there ready to try 5-L out, brace yourselves for quite a few frustrating moments, since there is no bonus for a winstreak, and you can easily drop like 5 stars in a row, despite you're playing at your best. Also, get to know your meta and your counters in the early game.
  3. @TheisEjsing: Se! Vi har samme merker (I hope I got that Danish right! ) If I did, it'll mean: "Look, we have the same badges".
  4. Hi y'all! I haven't seen any thread about this lovely little game, so I'll go ahead right now and start one. Like 1.5 yrs ago, my son introduced me to it. He's a teenager, and extremely good at it, among the very best on the EU server. We've always loved playing cards in the family, so I took it up, to be a something of an ever-losing sparring partner to him, and we've had so much fun. It's easy to learn, but very hard to master. I've started to play more ranked this year, and got tired of the rather stale meta in the Standard format, so I dove into the Wild format, where all the cards ever released are included, so it's harder to predict your opponents' decks. This month, when I reached lvl 5, which is usually my goal, I decided to bite the bullet and try to reach legend, and lo' and behold, I actually did. I can't even begin to tell you how much fun I've had with this little mobile-device-friendly card game. Are there any peeps here playing it? If you aren't, try it out, it's great fun. My favourite class is the Warlock class, which I reached 500 ranked wins with this season, but it was Warrior that in the end made me a HS legend this month. Here are some screenshots: So close, here my daughter was cheering me on, heh! And yay, I did it! We got to see fireworks and all, and my current rank on the EU server: And you unlock a special bragging rights card back too (which my son got scarily early on):
  5. Yay! And do our badges get updated automagically? I'll check with this post. EDIT: Nope. EDIT 2: After I logged in and did the checkout procedure, it works like a charm. I love the two lower badges, the Fig one and the Bastards one.
  6. Yeah, it needs to be in keeping with the Pillars lore, unlike those tomb stones in PoE, for instance. But we know now that Obsidian has learned from their mistakes in that regard.
  7. I don't care about in-game recognition, but this is hilarious. And would be even more with a list of stupid/useless loot associated with each name :D But that would be way too much work for writers. Yeah, Boeroer's idea has quite the comical quality to it! I love the idea! However, unlike you, I'd say that the amount of work to complete such a list is but a minor nuisance to peeps working in the literary field, as it were. It's certainly doable and perhaps even viable.
  8. Heh! For some reason, I've envisioned you the quartermaster of the Black Isle Bastards. This is what Wikipedia has to say about them quartermasters: "In fact, pirate quartermasters were a counterbalance to the captain and had the power to veto his orders." Overall, the more I read about pirates, the more amped up I get about the prospect of playing PoE2 and discovering the Black Isle and the Black Isle Bastards. I really do hope this great initiative gets funded, and then perhaps we'll get to experience a cool mutiny or something in-game.
  9. I've been a busy buccaneer, but I've finally come around to donate a powder-keg-worthy amount to this wonderful cause. Arrgh!
  10. This would be absolutely fab! And yes, that Obsid survey asked us a lot about the concept of a Pathfinder RPG. Given that the amazing PoE2 already is in the works, this would just be too good to be true. Fingers crossed and hail Mary.
  11. Sometimes make the level cap getting reached too later. IIRC, in the NWN2 OC, you often reached the cap, when you entered that last dungeon, which I felt was a bit too much in the other direction.
  12. What has befallen Obsidian as of late? No dwarven companion in sight? I am dismayed and more than a little outraged. Dwarves are not some RPG staple race. They are the very life blood of any RPG. Without any dwarves, there will be no joy, no fun, no excitement, no temperamental outbursts, no beards, no mishmash of ancestry, ill-concealed greed and camaraderie. We are left with them pesky elves. Fair-haired and tawny. If your character doesn't have huge tufts of hair everywhere, all you have is a woos of a bugger. Harrrrumph!
  13. This is really sad news. I hope the guys on the AW team get to use their fantastic talents elsewhere, and that the number of layoffs will be kept to a minimum.
  14. I really dig Justin Bell, so this is the best stretch goal so far, and it has to be reached. Imagine getting all these lovely tunes recorded with an orchestra! Yum! And I love to develop characters, so two more levels, given the faster levelling and more content in PoE2, makes it even more juicier. I'm chuffed!
  15. What a wonderful gesture! You guys over at Obsidian rock!
  16. Here's one vote for John Lewis featured as an NPC in PoE2, perhaps then fittingly as a shady and sleek street magician, ushering us into some dank cul-de-sac by the docks. The atmosphere should be like this exciting scene in Sesame Street:
  17. Wait! What? Have I missed something odd in the fetishism department as of late. Is this a new thing? Hmm, I'd better not raise the topic at all. It may be contagious.
  18. Yay! Now, only one question remains: When will we be able to pick this Black Isle Bastards add-on over at Fig? I have this aaaarrgg-ge...
  19. I'm confused about the terminology at this point, but making it procedurally scale seems like the right thing to do, since they won't need to balance empowerering separately. Yeah, that looks like a clever and clear solution to this. I really hope that it works out.
  20. Indeed. NG+ seems very unnecessary for a game genre that normally revolves around replayabilty and runs circles around a simple solution like a few bonuses merely for doing a second or third playthrough. Wanting to do a new run should always be the built-in spirit of any good CRPG, although I know statistics show that most people don't even play through this type of game once.
  21. Great News! Edér is a solid character, and very down to earth. At first, I didn't like him. He didn't stand out, but later I've warmed up to him thx to his chill attitude. He's like the Shandra Jerro of PoE, but with one important difference apart from gender:
  22. If you want, Boeroer, you can change the title. Just pick advanced editor when you edit your first post, then change the name of the title. No need of course.
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