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Everything posted by dunehunter

  1. That’s really something I wanna complain, it is one of the best head slot in the game but it also makes u looks like a jester. Well I think this is the downside of the gear!
  2. Wizard also has grimore slam Which is the ‘best’ level 2 spell. Damn Obs loves wizard more than other classes! .....Well my point is there are still some terrible balance issue between each spells. Some seems to be too weak/strong for their cast level.
  3. The more DLC we have, the worse it becomes as we will get more OP and badly balanced gears and tons of exp from DLC. Which will make late original game a cakewalk for sure. And I doubt devs will take this as a priority.
  4. One is Resolvd immune one is Resolvd resistance, one is +10 accuracy to beast type enemy, one equals to +10 accuracy to all enemy type. Can’t believe someone think they are the same
  5. What about Horns of The Bleak Mother that give you same bonuses ? Same thing??? Am I missing something
  6. Cap of the Laughingstock is overpowered as a head slot imo. Immune to Resolve Affliction already makes it better than other accessories. Village's Fool is very powerful when u are soloing, -10 enemy deflection usually means +10 accuracy to self. An equipment has both stats is just too good for a single slot item.
  7. The -5 sec hostile duration only happens once u trigger agony, and the -50% hostile duration is calculated multiply not additively. So I don’t think u gonna immune to all afflictions. I haven’t tested frenzy but I guess it works the same way as SI.
  8. Haha my friend, you worry too much about nerfing! I don’t think this is OP because SI is just unusable imho, this combo make it an ok abilities. There are way more OP things in the game right now so I don’t think the devs would nerf this.
  9. 1. The raw damage of Sacred Immolation can be totally removed with Lone Wolf ring + Clarity of Agony, meanwhile the AOE retained. 2. SI disable itself, so usually u cannot have two SI activated at the same time. But, if you clear the self damage debuff with Clarity of Agony, you can cast SI again So with SI -> CoA -> SI -> CoA, you have two SI activated without ANY self damage! Have fun with this votary combo
  10. To answer the question in the thread title: yeap, would like to see PotD made harder on the late levels.Because I like character-building and testing the party composition vs hard bosses and bounties. But do agree that Obsidian investing time in something that would affect only 5-10% of players might be not as efficient as putting time into something that would benefit all players. So a question arises: if the late game is easy on PotD for PotD players, is it also easy for non-PotD players on lower difficulties? If yes: - then this difficulty curve thing affects a larger playerbase; and it would be nice to see it tuned. If not: - then leave the majority of enemies as they are. And only tune-up 2-3 "bosses", such that there will be no need for these quotation marks. P.S. Btw, KaineParker made a nice remark about grazing. Increasing all defenses/AR by a fixed amount only leads to a longer time-to-kill and mostly adds tedium rather than a tactical challenge. Imo, strong enemies require asymetric defenses/AR bonuses, different offenses/behaviour and smarter AI in order to feel unique and fun. This is actually a good point, we need insight on more non-POTD players, or even open a thread for non-POTD playthrough difficulty. If this is true, then it affect more players than just POTD players
  11. Why would anyone use sharpshooter/shattered pillar as a tank? And the pen bonus of sharpshooter is ranged only btw.
  12. Maybe it is related to the new search feature in the inventory?
  13. Same here, very slow on starting/quiting the game. Lag when open inventory and drag item.
  14. Magran favor gives +2 fire, sun and moon gives +2 fire in day time, so in total u get +4 fire PL, can u get +4 fire pl with 2h weapon? Can u get +4 corrosion pl from gears? Both is no.
  15. No doubt if you put every resource into it, it can work fine, with a chanter/monk/rogue/confused barb Anyway, im not so convinced when i see these high hp fampyrs, which is the hardest combat in origin game, but it's OK when killing minions for sure. But for a confused barb, the problem is it can also be dangerous when u are in a party. You might instantly kill your teammates if you do the kill/chain on beckoner skeletons.
  16. Base damage 10, 100% damage bonus -> 20 damage, 200% damage bonus -> 30 damage. Normally only rogue can reach such high damage bonus.
  17. I tried it with Torment's Reach - and the Ghostblades also proc off of cone-kills. The fact that Torment's Reach and Ghost blades both use a cone shape makes this a very good combo: You place yourself in a way that Torment's Reach hits as many foes as possible - and so will Ghost Blades once it kills. Usually you'll kill the guy in the front first and bring down the others to 1/3rd of endurance in the meantime. Then, when the first guy falls and Ghost Blades procs it will most likely kill somebody else and so on - chain reaction till death. The raw dmg AoE of Oathbreaker does more damage, but it's circle shaped which in the above case is not so benefical. For others like Barbs that's totally fine of course. As I said, ghostblade's base damage is really low, you might be able to chain it if all enemies has low hp. The best material is beckoner's half hp skeleton, otherwise, it's very hard to trigger cascading effect.
  18. Ah yean Engoliero do Espirs, i tested it with a berserker/chanter who kill his own skeleton to proc the cascading kill chain before, but it's not so OP because ghost blade's base damage is very low. But that new axe looks more powerful to me.
  19. Heh, didn't know how else to describe it. In the fight(s) with the inquisitor(s) in The Endless Queries, if you get too close to one of the mobs (my guess is the head inquisitor) and are invisible, you instantly become visible. Likewise if you try to go invisible while close to her it cancels immediately. It was doing my head in until I realised. Not sure if it's the same for stealth, as the mobs there have a pretty quick discovery period. Also I only tested with Smoke Veil but I can't imagine it being different for other sources. Remind me of True Sight and inquisitors in Baldur's Gate, sounds very cool Actually I was surprised that in the original game there's no way to detect invisiblity. In baldur's gate there's see invisibility, true sight and etc. In nwn2 steath vs spot for Hips and true sight for invisiblity. But in pillars, invisibility = Invincible Yeah, that's what threw me off tbh; there was no ability like it in the series till now, it was so unexpected. Assassin can do bad things with the right setup: WOW :D This looks like another cascading proc on kill chain.
  20. Heh, didn't know how else to describe it. In the fight(s) with the inquisitor(s) in The Endless Queries, if you get too close to one of the mobs (my guess is the head inquisitor) and are invisible, you instantly become visible. Likewise if you try to go invisible while close to her it cancels immediately. It was doing my head in until I realised. Not sure if it's the same for stealth, as the mobs there have a pretty quick discovery period. Also I only tested with Smoke Veil but I can't imagine it being different for other sources. Remind me of True Sight and inquisitors in Baldur's Gate, sounds very cool Actually I was surprised that in the original game there's no way to detect invisiblity. In baldur's gate there's see invisibility, true sight and etc. In nwn2 steath vs spot for Hips and true sight for invisiblity. But in pillars, invisibility = Invincible
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