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Everything posted by dunehunter

  1. Updated my save file here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/105445-21-character-falls-into-animation-loop-when-using-an-ability/?do=findComment&comment=2095266
  2. It is same when u cast affliction on enemies, actually I don’t like how PoE 1 works, every combat is just about who CC who first, which is lame to me. But I do agree that counter lvl3 affliction with lvl1 inspiration is a lame setting. I was expecting it to be substraction, so when lvl 3 affliction meet lvl 1 inspiration, it becomes lvl2 affliction, and vice versa.
  3. In the new patch, u will get -35% damage from full attack abilities, this is extremely bad for Sabre/pistol combo because u can only attack with one of your weapon, but suffer that penalty!
  4. Cauldron's Shard is still not working for acid abilities in 2.1.0.
  5. Played around with it more and I think this was a false alarm, at least for the Mortars. Had a mod which cratered my accuracy, but closer inspection of the logs shows that the mortars continue to work as they always have. Pierce the bell worked as expected as well, so I don't know if the issue mentioned earlier is actually true. So rogue abilities works in an area with some weapon(Mortars) and some not(WotEP). Seems really confusing to me
  6. Can't you combine Blade Turning with the priest spell that extend buff duration? That way u have a buff let u immune and reflect melee attacks for 20+ seconds.
  7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15TFB5vn7CFakeVmwgM9ePHqGijAPvetJ/view?usp=sharing @Cdiaz
  8. Pallys are very strong. Problem is they are very boring in melee combat. Sworn enemy > Flames of devotion then rinse and repeat. Over and Over I agree, both paladin and chanter are a bit boring to play. Actually supporters are really welcomed in party, but if it is the main character, no thanks...
  9. Paladin is not even the strongest class in the game, see the vote in general forum to see people’s viewpoint. But some thinks they are OP because they can do everything OK.
  10. I’d rather make boss immune to injury or cannot die from injury then nerfing skullcrusher
  11. All rogue abilities are fixed to only affect main target in beta. But something like stunning attack from monk is not fixed, imo it's an oversight.
  12. As long as they don't change the DoT/HoT stacking mechanism, Unbending would be trump card for fighters.
  13. As topic, if you stun enemies from stealth with the cloak equipped, even the stun icon on hover is gone, enemies are still stunned for a short period.
  14. If your defense is high enough, reduce hostile effect becomes pretty useless.
  15. Or if we can have True Sight from D&D Let the inquisitors have instantly-cast Dispel Magic and True sight plz!
  16. Arkemy'rs Wondrous Torment? https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Arkemyr%27s_Grimoire /confused .. what spell? Sorry it is the level 6 one. Brilliant Departure Thanks. I tried to do a quick test, and it looks like it breaks on attacking? Yes, as I said in another thread, it breaks on attacking, but u can still cast offensive spells without break invisibility.
  17. I wish they would implement challenges that disable figurines, empower and tweaks Rest system. Unfortunately i doubt this is going to happen. Sure, you can get +5 PL from items, but it's restricted to one keyword and you sacrifice "item power budget" for it. These items pay heavy price for that bonus PL while Empower has literally no drawbacks. Similar situation is with empowering self - You CAN get 50% more casts, but it's limited for Wizard, you won't be able to use Grimoires and everything will interrupt you. You can fix the interrupt problem, but that will cost you a Wound and Helmet slot. Using empower has no drawbacks and gives you 50% of your resources back. I don't quite understand when u mean item power budget here, both weapon is very good even without the +PL. And yes of course it only adds PL for one keyword. But it is also true that Empower only applies to ONE spell while with these gears ALL your fire spells are Empowered.
  18. Implement one God Challenge to disable empower, problem solved But even without Empower, you can get a lot PL from gears, like Magran's Favor + Sun&Moon + Pet that gives u +5 PL, that is like to have Empower on every Fire Spells u have...So I'd ask, is it really the issue of Empower? I can make my spells 'permanent empowered' by using right gears anyway.
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