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Everything posted by dunehunter

  1. It isn't just you mate. It reminds me a bit of BG2's Sword and Shield style, in that it's ****. I'd say an armor piercing or damage boost would be best, as that would go with the "theme" of the talents boosting the inherent benefits of each style. I would like to see a higher mighty +damage rate for two-handed weapon if u pick the style, or +stun&knock down resist or etc
  2. Two handed weapon does more damage so their related talent should be worse? Sorry i dont get into your logic. Shouldn't they make more effect in balancing weapon system itself than making talents unbalance to balance weapon system?
  3. Yeah u can cancel anything wtih micro control, but that can be quite tedious imho. And in this situation u have to cancel reload animation in every every encounter if u want to make your melee shoot and swing, but i would like to see if we can simplify the controlling.
  4. Try save the game after u choose intense flames or other talents enhancing flame of devotion, and load the game, they do NOT work now.
  5. Yeah queuing action can solve the problem too, do we have it in pillar of eternity yet?
  6. For now characters will automatically reload after shooting, which is annoying if we want to switch to melee immediately after shooting, can we have the option to select each character's strategy on reloading so for a ranger he will reloading while other melee class will go melee after shooting?
  7. Yeah i agree the loading time is too long now, every time i enter a room it will load, which is very annoying
  8. Perception is still far more important than other stats imo, everyclass should max perception in current build.
  9. Intense flames, enduring flames and other skills enhance flame of devotion will not work if u save the game and reload it, even the talent name appears in your character's learned talents lists.
  10. Enduring flames from Goldpack paladin lasts forever, it lacks a duration time.
  11. I notice this only happens when shield is equipped at 2nd slot.
  12. If u have a fine full shield in your second slot, switch to 2nd slot and switch back to your main slot, your charactor will gain +5 deflection from a fine shield, which i am sure is bugged
  13. It will be fun to build a paladin like the dnd pal with 10X smite evil, but,but with a pistol !!! :DDD With talents Intense Flame and Remember Rakhan Field, I can almost one shoot one kill every mobs I meet, too bad its 1 per encount, we need more charges !!
  14. Since mighty affect damage of ranged weapons now, i did 200+ damage with flame of devotion with a fine arbalest. Imo, weapon like crossbow, pistol should not be affected by one's strength and its a bit strange to flame of devotion an enemy with crossbow or pistol :D
  15. All paladin's auras deactive immediately when they are actived
  16. If thats intended, maybe deflection from defender and way of defender should not stack too? Now fighters get +5 from defender and +10 from way of defender so +15 deflections in total, maybe thats intended i can be wrong
  17. If paladin chooses the black path first and choose other talents, the black path disappeared.
  18. Deflection bonus from cautious attack and Faith and Conviction overlap with each other. If paladin has both, he only get +15 deflection.
  19. So when i level up i get a class ability. However i really dont like this ability, will obsidian provide an option to let us trade this ability to talents?
  20. I would like to see the option to get extra ingredient from magical equipments that we dont want to keep anymore
  21. Since no one have commented i post this again. What do you guys think? I would like it to be done this way, now when everytime a class is leveled up, it will get an ability, i would like to see more options for this too, so we can choose different abilities when we level up.
  22. I totally agree with you. If we get more talents/feats or whatever its called, every classes will be less restricted to their role, it provides more options so we can build a tank fighter or a dps fighter or controller-type fighter. We gain too less talents that classes lacks flexiblity
  23. I agree with your OP, the head position is too forward, make me very uncomfortable when i look at my characters' models
  24. In my opinion, Bonus should vary by different orders paladin follows. A paladin of bleak walkers who prefer brutality over kindness and love should gain bonus to accuracy or damage instead of defenses.
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