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Everything posted by dunehunter

  1. You can switch to one handed weapon to do CC, why using shield?
  2. Got the same problem, aura range grow larger and larger.
  3. Darcozzi Pal is by far the best for DPS role IMO, their Liberating Exhortation can provide +10 Accuracy, and you can cast it before battle. With Sworn Enemy they got decent accuracy, and Fire of Darcozzi Place give them weak AOE damage.
  4. I am confused by these two concepts, anyone know whats the difference between them?
  5. Sure it will be, just change con and dex, it will make your barbarian more deadly, but more fragile at the same time
  6. Wearing the heaviest armor you may found, and wear the ring that give Second Chance, and abuse Savage Defiance, you will be not dat easy to be killed.
  7. Now Liberating Exhortation can be use on paladin self while other Exhortation can only target allies. Should they be consistent? I think allow all Exhortation except revive one, wjhich is meanless, to be able to target pal themselves will give them a buff.
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  8. Exactly true @Ceranai - Have tried a similar Daracozzi Paladin build, but the fire shield given by flame of devotion just sucks, it only does around 10 burn damage last shortly.
  9. Barbarian is by far the most fun class to me, which can be build into many roles. The core abiliities for this build is Battle-Forged from fire godlike and Carnage from barbarian. Since the Battle-Forged attacks are melee attacks, they can stack with Carnage, so one enemy attacks your barbarian, all surounded enemies will suffer burn damage. Battle-Forged are buffed now to be doing 2 x Level fire damage. A lvl 12 character can have 24 base damage from Battle-Forged, which can be heavily buffed to reach 53 burn damage. Attribute 19/18/10/8/15/8 for Str/Con/Dex/Per/Int/Res You don't need to have high dex as other barbarian build. However, you wish to have high CON be more durable because you can bear more attacks and then do more retaliate damage from Battle-Forged. Abilities & Talents Barbaric Yell: I choose this ability instead of frenzy because this is a tank build, and to MIN/MAX Battle-Forged, you don't need the X 1.33 attack speed from frenzy either. One stands alone: nice ability for this build, your barbarian will be tanking lots of enemies, and to be mentioned, this ability will boost your melee damage by 20% too, though it's not shown in description. Blooded: in other barbarian builds, this ability may seems to be not that useful, but it will be really really suitable for this tank build. When you are under 50% endurance, your Battle-Forged damage will be improved by blooded by 20%.. Thick-skin: good ability for a tankish barbarian. Wearing a plate armor and you can easily reaches 20 DR, makes you to be very hard to kill. Savage attack & Vunerable attack: savage attack boost your Battle-Forged by another 20%. And it's interesting cause vunerable attack also works for Battle-Forged so your burn damage will also have 5 DR bypass Scion of flame: Your Battle-Forged will get another 20% boost from this talent, which is decent. In summary, the final burn damage from Battle-Forged will be 24 X (1 + 0.27 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2) = 53.52 Burn Damage, and it both has Carnage and 5 DR bypass. Weapon Style To use what kind of weapon really don't matter for this build, the key thing to do is NOT die too fast. So when you think enemies are too powerful, switch to sword & shield, otherwise you can dual or two-haned cause your enemies will die faster than you do cause of the high retaliate damage.
  10. What would you guesstimate the proc rate is for that? Not very high chance, like 5% per hit, but when it happens, it just bombs every enemy around my barbarian. I guess that rogue can do sneak attack with these weapons too, though haven't tried myself. Tested a bit, confirmed that spell striking is triggered when you do crit hits.
  11. What would you guesstimate the proc rate is for that? Not very high chance, like 5% per hit, but when it happens, it just bombs every enemy around my barbarian. I guess that rogue can do sneak attack with these weapons too, though haven't tried myself.
  12. In my first play through with my dual wielding barbarian, I bought Azureith's Stiletto, when I hit enemies with the weapon, it has the chance to trigger spell Jolting Touch, what surprise me is that the spell also has the carnage effect, so my Jolting Touch become an AOE spell LOL, Good Job obisidian! It's a lot of fun
  13. I too hope they can add this in the furture patches.
  14. Indeed they probably built their pally somewhat poorly. The character creation is misleading though, suggesting int on the pal while it's by far their less useful stat. Pallies shine as tanky damage dealers with 3 int, 3 perception and everything else maxed, with a good old 2H equiped. They're at their best in between the fighter and the rogue in terms of role. In term of between the fighter and the rogue in terms of role, do you mean their tank ability ? I doubt they can exceed in dps over fighter IMHO.
  15. Damage dealers? Really? The paladin has the same base stats as the fighter but worse accuracy, no? They are obviously good at tanking because of that (high hp and deflection + the inherent one). But why on earth would you consider them damage dealers? Because of a single ability that can be used twice and gives the same amount of extra damage as every single sneak attack the rogue makes? Even if we dont think of Rogues, its difficult to see how the paladin could out-damage an offensive fighter for example. That said, paladins are certainly a "support class", but a tanky one. I can tell you that by level 9 Pelligrina is one shotting some enemies, she has a two handed sword that causes knockdown on crits (maybe not every crit, it's hard to tell, she kills really fast), and I enchanted up to 12/12. She is hardly optimally built, and I haven't gone out of my way to manage her equipment, and Eder is wearing the better armor, but she's pretty beastly. I can only imagine what a player built paladin specced to damage would be doing. Still, she's not a true tank, if she gets surrounded her endurance starts to drop, whereas Eder can just stand in the midst of enemies seemingly forever. Still, for the amount of damage she does, and how much tankiness she does have, it's a pretty decent mix of tank and damage, kind of like mercs and two handed warriors from Dark Age of Camelot. On POTD you will find out that every battle last much longer, and therefore, passive dps boost abilities are much better than those per encounter ones. Specailly compare roque's speak attack to flame of devotion without doubt.
  16. This link may give you some inspiration
  17. I fully agree with Gromnir, except on this. Or rather, I am probably missing something. What are the advantages of the fighter, multiple engagement? late game DR boost? Wont the fighters defenses be lower anyway? As for the monk, I thought the conclusion was that the monk was an ok tank with some offensive capabilities (as opposed to the other two)? Obviously the monk can negate some (10%?) damage if that is still in the game, and will have slightly more hp/endurance, but somewhat less defense again. Reading this thread, it's like if some believe that D&D invented the name "paladin". I see paladins in PoE like templars or teutonic knights. An order of dedicated warriors/knights. Its just nostalgia, but I think you got it right according to the way poe paladins are described in the game. They have a much broader concept which basically comes down to being part of an organization dedicated to an ideal (i.e. an order). Paladin's tank ability is not as good as fighter, cause: 1. they lack self-healing, how to you expect them to survive from POTD boss with only lay on hand? This ability sucks a lot, and in POTD boss will have high enough accuracy to hit the pal, even if you have decent deflection. Even my barbarian can take the tank role cause 'Savage Defiance' is so good, it has INSTANT casting time and the healing amount is decent. 2. fighters can convert in-coming crit and hit to hit and grace. War defender is a must modal for defending. 3. paladins lack CC, they can't control the battle, so for example, if your wizard is attacked by enemy mobs, figthers can knock them down so your wizard can run to safe places, but your pal can do nothing.
  18. Me too, i changed my first playthrough class to barbarian cause they are more fun, when I level up my paladin, I just have to pick the last worst ability. But when i am picking ability and talents for my barbarian, there are so many choices and all abilities seems equally interesting so i need to ponder a while to think about it.
  19. Flame of devotion is nerfed by half so you only get +100% damage instead of 200% with bleak walker talents and intense flame, still usable with 3 weapon sets and 2 guns but just not that powerful.
  20. If I both have these two feature, do I get more critical hits due to more hits and less grace? Or they caculate seperately? BTW, is interrupt a good feature for dpser? I am thinking about building a fast speed attack with high interrupt, maybe a barbarian for AOE interrupting.
  21. There are no way you can't build a monk with high deflection, they have the highest starting deflection, so you can build a monk tank with high deflection or a dps monk with low deflection, either will work.
  22. I think there are a lot of damage caculate problems in the game now.
  23. The burning damage of FOD should be either caculate before DR of after DR, but neither one is correct in game. As shown in the figure below, We can see that the Burning damage is not: 31.4 / 2 = 15.7 (before DR) or 27.4 / 2 = 13.7 (After DR), It's (31.5 - (10 / 2) ) / 2 = 13.2 (Minus DR/2 and ignore dr bypass), I have already tested several times and I am sure the current fomula is Burning Dmage = (Raw damage - DR / 2) / 2, and even if your weapon have DR bypass, as we can see the the picture, my arbuquse has 6 DR bypass, it's not in the formula unfortunately, I think there are some bug in the caculation so I post this as a bug.
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