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Everything posted by PrimeJunta

  1. Boys and girls, observe: this is how culture changes. Leave the text in or take it out, after the sh1tstorm the usual oppressed-white-male contingent has raised, Obsidz is guaranteed to be super-careful about never getting into this situation again. Heads we win, tails they lose. Neener neener!
  2. @Epsilon Rose: lotta questions, will try to answer. Chanter and Interrupts: Maybe. Depends on what the rest of your gang is doing and the enemy. If you're mobbing a boss, you can actually stunlock him this way. Have done it. You need to set things up so that the enemy's Concentration is lower than your Interrupt, and you hit at least as fast as he does. Sensuki has also described dedicated Interrupter builds which apparently work pretty well. (Conversely, it's possible to get stunlocked if you have low Concentration and get mobbed.) Weapon speed/damage: depends on the enemy, since damage reduction (DR) is applied to every hit. If you've got a fast weapon which does 15 damage and hits twice as fast as a slow weapon which does 25 damage, it'll be more effective against an unarmored opponent. Against an opponent with 10 DR the slower weapon will win out, because two hits from the fast one will only do 10 damage whereas one hit from the slower one will do 15. The add DR bypass to the mix. Figuring out which weapons are the best is all part of the fun IMO. Some things though -- scepters, rods, and wands let wizards make Blasts which is cool. Bows/crossbows/guns don't but have faster shooting rates (hunting bow) or more damage (most guns, arbalest). Since you will always want a Weapon Focus, that usually determines which weapon to give which character. None of the weapon groups are bad, and there's lots of good weapons available in every group.
  3. Ich habe etwas hier geschrieben: [ https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72638-quick-hints-for-beginners-who-find-the-combat-intimidating/ ]. Ich hoffe du verstehst Englisch; mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut.
  4. No you don't. I killed one "green" character because he totes deserved it. Click on sword, click on recipient of violence.
  5. Quick workaround: give your male dwarf a female voice.
  6. Restore Brighthollow, go upstairs, find bed, click on it.
  7. I remember early in the BB there was a bug which duplicated your items if you double-clicked to unequip. Maybe this is related...
  8. Srsly folks. The system has rough edges, balance issues, and occasionally questionable features, but it's fun. There's genuine build variety. All of the classes play differently and all of them are useful, and you can skew them meaningfully in a variety of directions. I've been experimenting with different party compositions and I always find myself missing the one I kicked out. I've also made some dumb decisions leveling up and am feeling the consequences. Will do better in my next playthrough. In character mechanics, this is way better than any edition of D&D I've played. If they revamp the magic system for a bit more depth and bring back per-character stealth, it'll be a classic.
  9. There's a little sword icon on the UI at the bottom. Use that.
  10. NPC's not on the roster will only gain XP if you send them on adventures from the stronghold. The opportunity arises occasionally. They do tend to fall behind even so, so rotating people is not an optimal strategy.
  11. Gotta say, in a game where you can I am surprised that the thing that provokes the biâwâc is a bad limerick and the possibility it'll get pulled. But whatevs I suppose.
  12. Yeah. During the BB a lot of us complained repeatedly that the FX are so obtrusive they often obscure the characters. They wouldn't change them because reasons. Also the camera angle is a bit too low, but I can understand why they didn't change that -- by the time the BB started most of the maps were already designed and re-rendering and adjusting them for a higher camera angle would've been a LOT of work.
  13. No, actually, the game is broken BECAUSE THERE IS NO MILLINER ANYWHERE. Or haberdasher. All those lovely hats and NOWHERE TO BUY THEM. I DEMAND MY HAT SHOP!!!!
  14. @Dongon My main character is clearly sub-optimal (I've picked one, possibly two talents that have turned out mostly useless), and I'm currently playing without a healer. I'm playing on Hard, and I'm doing fine. And I'm a rank amateur compared to some of the people here as I play the IE games on Normal. Yes it is different from the IE games, and yes you do need to do some work to figure out how the mechanics work and use them to your advantage. That's kind of the point.
  15. I see a lot of complaints here along the lines of "I get killed a lot, therefore the system sucks." That's what's technically known as a "non sequitur." You get killed a lot because you suck at playing this game. That alone says nothing at all about the system in question. Figure out how it works. Then criticize it. You can take notes from Sensuki.
  16. Sorry OP, but it is the bad player behind the keyboard. I and many others are playing on Hard and not finding it unreasonably difficult at all. The system does have its faults, but if you're dying a lot on easy, you are doing something wrong. Hint: select all and auto-attack will get you killed fast. It worked in BG and to a lesser extent and the easier fights in BG2, but it doesn't work here.
  17. Some of the tougher enemies have such high defenses it's pretty hard to get past them without debuffing them first. That's where the disorient, blind, and such comes in. Lob a fireball at them and you'll only graze.
  18. Ah, the JES hate brigade shows up. Move along, nothing to see here.
  19. Well... since in BG2 the one-day wait is actually a free rest and only moves the game clock forward, I don't quite agree. Also I've found at least one thing you need a legendary dwarf blacksmith to craft.
  20. Stick with it. I find myself relying less on stealth as I go actually. Try using the fan-shaped spells, for example put Aloth and Hiravias if you have him up front, have them open up with them, then run back and block with Edér. For many of the tougher mob fights that makes things drastically easier. If you're going through a lot of camping supplies it's a sign you're doing something wrong.
  21. I disagree. Fights that drag on due to hitpoint bloat are really dull. Also they don't drag on much in the IE games either. I find P:E's fights are about as short/long. Thirty seconds is five IE game rounds, and most fights will be over in about that. (Five rounds is what took me to kill Firkraag last time I tried.)
  22. My party looks fabulous. If I wanted it to look even more fabulous, where would I go? Feathered hats for everyone!
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