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Everything posted by PrimeJunta

  1. I've tried, and in fact they did save my behind once when things were going pear-shaped with phantoms and shadows. Fired off one which nuked them all, but left two or three of my party still standing. I've completely failed at using it with any type of control though. It's basically a "destroy lots of stuff in this room" type of thing. I suppose it could be used in combination with the right buffs to let you avoid the FF, but I somehow can't imagine that's the intention. My most hilarious experience with it was a TPW with it by attempting to shoot at some spiders. Bounced right back, then another bounce aggroed more nearby spiders which came and swarmed what remained of my party after the flame had rolled over it. Upshot is, I will not use it at all in my current Trial of Iron run. Just too risky.
  2. Chill Fog isn't even my favorite level 1 wizard spell. That would be Fan of Flames. As I mentioned I haven't even used it as if it was foe-only... Level 2 just became a lot more attractive though IMO, with foe-only Curse of Blackened Sight and, presumably, Rolling Flame that's been fixed so that it won't nuke the whole party every time due to the ridiculous bounces.
  3. There are more fun ways to get through fights than spamming Slicken. Now's your chance to look for them.
  4. Durability was dropped because people didn't like it. That happened very, very early in the process. They did drop the location requirement though which is kind of a shame IMO. It just doesn't feel right to go "Oh right, I'll add a corrosive lash to my saber right now deep in this dungeon."
  5. Curse of Blackened Sight as foe-only is pretty badass. I dunno, I haven't found the wizard tedious at all, even at low levels. The druid is better though. FWIW I have no problem at all with having some classes that shine at low levels, only to be overtaken by others which become more powerful towards the endgame.
  6. For Vailians, try Catalan/Occitan names if you don't want to go full Italian. http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/catalan/ http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/spanish/15thcbarcelona.html
  7. Slicken was way OP. Made pretty much any other CC spell redundant. Instant moderate-duration large-area disable. With that, why would anyone waste a spell on, say, Binding Web?
  8. Awesome. Will cloaks be back for OS X?
  9. Awesome, the balance fixes address most of the little niggles I've been having with it (spam Slicken as solution to any fight, OP Mind Blades, arbalest stronger than arquebus). Didn't even notice Chill Fog was foe-only, I had been using it as if it was regular AoE damage. Nice going with the bugfixes too natch. I wonder, will capes and cloaks show up on OS X?
  10. :me raises hand: I've cheated on ironman type challenges. Not with P:E nor do I intend to. The reason is that I have a tendency to ruin games for myself by redoing fights until they go "perfectly." If I do an ironman run, but occasionally back up my save, it motivates me to play as if it was ironman, but still be able to continue without having to start completely over. This makes for a more enjoyable experience. I.e., I'm abusing the feature to accomplish something it wasn't designed to do, but which still contributes to my enjoyment. Fortunately I appear to have made great strides in killing that particular obsession so I can now regard Ironman as the challenge it's supposed to be. Just got to Defiance Bay with mine...
  11. Tomorrow if it passes QA. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/74701-obsidian-why-isnt-there-any-hotfix-yet/page-3?do=findComment&comment=1625275
  12. Do you happen to know the difference between "God" and "NoDamage"? Does god mode unlock all spells and abilities too? (which would be AWESOME.) Does anyone know exactly what god mode includes? No idea. I haven't used them.
  13. Or you could ... you know, try to learn to play the game. It's not that hard. It's unlikely it will be patched to be easier in general, although there will certainly be rebalancing. Shadows and shades are harder than they should be because of a bug with their teleport, but fixing that won't make a huge difference (and if you're on Easy you probably haven't even encountered them yet).
  14. I'm going rage hard when I get killed though. Did all the quests I know of before Caed Nua. The boss battle in Raedric's Hold got a bit tense because Edér got knocked out at the outset and wasn't wearing that snazzy Second Chance armor. Still I won that with more than half the party still standing, so it could've gone worse. Only been camping when fatigued so far; have been taking advantage of free rest spots when available but no backtracking. The other nasty fight in this was the one in the cave in Anslög's Compass. It just turned into general mayhem but again I won with a fairly comfortable margin. My PC is a cipher. Picked up an adventurer druid who's been saving the day several times. Otherwise rolling with the companions available at that point. Playing on Hard, as usual. This really is more fun; I play much more deliberately, avoiding risks, even avoiding some of the nastier optional fights with limited rewards. Won't be able to continue this very long as I'll be away from my main computer for the next month, and my laptop is too wimpy to run P:E. Will take a stab at Caed Nua and probably leave it there, even if I survive.
  15. Yeah I suppose it makes a kind of sense in that you do need both hands to reload a muzzle-loader. Those guys do it entertainingly fast though. I really love the reload animations. The way the crank up the arbalest is way cool also.
  16. It might actually not happen but story-wise it's pretty obviously established that you're supposed to be worried about it. Even your companions comment on you looking haggard and not getting any sleep.
  17. You should have no trouble. You'll just get tougher enemies earlier.
  18. That is really interesting, so the best way to get a max "to hit"/"to crit" build is to pick one of the 30 accuracy classes with a hearth Orlan..., are there one handed ranged weapons, in the game? If so that could give another "bonus" to accuracy outside of buffs/talents. Can we talk about Hearth Orlans for a second? Because those guys alongside Moon Godlike seem to have gotten the best racial abilities hands down. Pistols? Two-handed, regrettably. :balance:
  19. Absolutely, it's one of my favorites. Just like Firkraag. Still hate those stupid beholders. If you don't use the Shield of Cheese it's micromanage-y as hey.
  20. Yes, we demand enchantable hats! (I've already made known my request for a proper milliner and haberdasher, but enchantable hats goes without saying.) (Edit: Although, I suppose sharing a handicap with the godlike is not such a terrible thing.)
  21. Planar Sphere. Klunk, you're locked in. If you're under-leveled, getting through those mage fights and especially the demons is not trivial. It's also the one that's pushed on you from the first time you exit Waukeen's Promenade if you're a wizard. (If you're not a wizard though it's fine as you'll have to actively hunt for it; it's not something you'd likely accidentally stumble into.)
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