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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Yes, in all your opinion. Thank you. The only people I see trolling in this thread are the ones who attacked the OP straight off the bat. And Caladian and yourself are still trying to justify your trolling.
  2. @swordofthesith. No point arguing. This is why I don't argue when it comes to maths.
  3. I don't have any facts to back me up. Having played the different beta iterations, the enemies feel very toned down in this new update. I've been using the same build for my BB companions since the Beta went live and these guys are now massacring everything. I've had fights where my BB Fighter and BB Rogue can pretty much do everything on their own, something they couldn't do in previous iterations.
  4. Hard difficulty is also very easy.
  5. There are ways around this.
  6. I don't see how the OP is trolling. He's expressing concerns about the need to have this game out before the end of this year. He would like to see it pushed back for the dev's to polish the game even more. He's also concerned about the reputation of Obsidian with having buggy games. A LOT of people have said, 'take your time, I can wait' on these forums over the last year. And the OP ends his post with wishing Obsidian the best of luck. These sort of questions have come up before. Early access to continue funding the development of PoE? When the question came up, Obsidian were worried about their reputation. And yet he gets called a troll, moron, etc with this thread. After browsing a few threads and seeing the OP's comments in other threads, I don't see any trolling. There seems to be a few people on this forum who don't like the negativity, perceived or otherwise, and jump into threads throwing insults. Well here's a tip. If you don't like these threads, then ignore them. Easy isn't it. Apparently not for some.
  7. I made a couple of posts in some other threads about it. Dump INT and Con and this is what a Might 21 Int 3 Cipher can do. Because you're using spells, It doesn't matter if you graze, because it still registers as a hit and your spell will go off. Resolve is your best friend and you can have enemies charmed for over half a minute. And you'll notice my party is pretty much on full health and on their way back to town. The Fighter has a small amount of health lost. And this is after going through Dyrford Crossing, killing a few beetles, killing the two spiders outside the cave, killing another two spiders inside the cave, charming the ogre and killing him. Then I made a post about the Medreth fighter on Hard difficulty. Cipher casted a couple of spells and stayed on the sideline out of the fight. Druid casted one spell and left her on the sidelines. BB Priest casted Interdiction and was out of the fight on the sidelines. Wizard threw a couple of fireballs near the end of the fight but was mostly on the sidelines from the start and not doing anything. While I had my BB Fighter tanking and BB Rogue sneak attacking all over the place and mopping up. But this fight was an earlier save game near the start and the BB Rogue had starting equipment. Again, the BB Fighter took a small amount of damage. But it was the Cipher's spells is what changed a hard battle to an easy battle from the start. Also, one good thing about the Rogue is the Escape power. I use it as a teleport spell to teleport into a flanking position. Once my Fighter and Rogue kill someone. I can teleport the rogue into another flanking position if need be. LOL.
  8. I always buy the physical boxed games. Have never bought a game that wasn't in a box. That said, it was D3 Reaper of Souls Collectors Edition from the end of March 2014.
  9. Cipher is an OP class and it's even more OP when min-maxed.
  10. I know and this argument has always comes up over the last two years: But every crpg I've played is exploitable. It's nice to try and balance the game, but you have to draw the line somewhere for a single player game.
  11. Welcome to the darkside Indira. Looks like D3 had a great effect on you. They have to lock the attributes in once the game is released. No more changing attributes. If they did, that would mean changing things like game manuals having to be constantly updated. Characters that you're currently playing 6 months after release now play differently because all the attributes changed? Your tank fighter is no longer a tank because you just got a Steam update. No thanks. And it'd be better for Obsidian to squash more important bugs than changing the whole system because Josh saw a Youtuber making an OP build and killing something in 5 seconds. But there will always be OP builds no matter how much is changed. You can even create OP builds with S&M's system. Whatever system is implemented, it won't stop the powergamers finding ways to min-max and make OP builds.
  12. hahaha. Indira is right. I have no idea about the maths either. I just know how to make OP builds, especially in pnp. If the character I'm creating ~feels~ OP, and it turns out it is. Then great. Too many people I see focus on arguing against with things like, 'oh but you'll have less defences, less this, less that'. Well, when you're slaughtering everything in less than 10 seconds, then defences of my characters don't come into it.
  13. These are the sort of posts that bring a smile to my dial. As a fellow min-max powergamer, Well done.
  14. I do like to face hug the guards, wave my arms in front of them and then turn around and high tail it out of there. And the guard are totally oblivious. I know, I know. It was just implemented and needs fixing. Also, the colour needs to be different as the yellow and green tend to blend in together.
  15. Funny but false as you obviously haven't read the first page of this thread. I wasn't the one to accuse the OP for complaining for complaining sake, calling the OP are moron and saying this is another troll thread. Also, when have I accused others of being a fanboy? You keep making that stuff up and believing what you want.
  16. The green filled circle is when you're in stealth mode. When you're out of stealth mode, they go back to round circles like in the IE games. When you're in stealth mode, and an enemy 'notices' something, the circle changes colour, starting from the bottom below your feet and fills up counter-clockwise until it's completely full and the enemy attacks you.
  17. I've put in 40+ hours so far and the only times I shot people in the back when I was starting off. I haven't shot a companion in the back for quite some time. Placement is really important and knowing how your weapons will fire is also important. And it's pretty easy to place your companions so they're not shooting each other. It's turn based, it's really easy to make a formation with your party when everyone is taking a turn. Camera doesn't bother me. Once you get used to it, it's pretty easy to use. The only skill I found to be fairly useless is Barter. But it would be easy to make that a good skill. Everything else I'm using and I've managed to unlock a lot of dialogue options with the 3 ass options. So many options that I've been rewarded additional xp and items. If there's one thing I don't like, it's the random loot. It should have fixed loot drops. One upside is it can make your party OP with reloading.
  18. New system makes sense to me when you put it like that. Please don't change it. Pleaasseee don't change it....
  19. I know I find it confusing which is why I basically ignore everyone's arguments and opinions on attributes. What might be good on paper doesn't seem to be the same in the game, in my experience anyway. I honestly believe there is no system that can get rid of dump stats. So I min-max characters, dump certain attributes which some people on this forum would claim to be not dump stats, to see what effect this has in game and the results are startling to say the least. I have no maths to back this up, just combat log feedback to see that a character is hitting, at times critting, and fights become shorter. Then I update my spreadsheet with this character's class, race, background, attributes, skills and powers with some notes with what works and what becomes essential for this character.
  20. When in doubt and someone is giving their concerns and criticism, just claim they are a troll.
  21. Intense fight in the Ag Centre just past the dead cows. It was touch and go throughout the fight. One of my guys got temporary brain damage. And Angela was on 1 hit point. Haven't healed her since I left Ranger Citadel at the start of the game. This game is so much fun.
  22. I hope they fix that up. I'd hate to be writing the walkthrough for this game. eg. if you do this quest with your main character as a cipher, you can save this person. Otherwise if you take any other class you can't 'save' this person. If there's a cipher in your party and they can't help out, then I don't agree with that. I'll test it out in my next play through to see if a companion cipher can help. At the moment, we're seeing dialogue between you and whoever you're talking with and your party members become mindless drones. Interjections may be in the final game with party members but they should be able to help imo.
  23. I just saved someone that I thought couldn't be saved in the beta. I'm hoping something in the dialogue mentions why my character could save this person concerning my attributes or skills. I have an idea what attribute did save her though. The dialogue in the beta shows the minimum skills you need for missing dialogue but doesn't tell you what skills are opening different dialogue options. Huge spoiler.
  24. I think the stealth mechanics may be a little OP. First picture shows me the limit where I can travel before the guards 'notice' something. The red line is the limit. Second picture is when I cross that imaginary line, the colour in the Fighter's circle starts to change colour to yellow below his foot. Third picture shows I can face hug the guard without him noticing and then run back to my party before the characters circle changes completely to yellow and he was completely unaware.
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