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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. I really don't understand why people are calling for bans on people. There's a really easy solution for these threads to be buried and fall off the front page, don't engage in them. I don't want to see the Obsidian forums turn into a heavily moderated forum where some forum posters get so upset by a forum post like the one in the OP (really, that upset you?) and they want to see people banned. I also find it humorous that some of the people calling for bans are people from the Codex. Are the Codex really trolling the Obsidian forum calling for people to be banned? LOL. Oh god. that's hysterical. The OP's post doesn't upset me and I don't go crying to a mod. I have thick skin and can withstand any of Malignacious' threads by not responding in them. I only responded to this thread because so many people are calling for a ban. Really? LOL. Get a grip. If you don't like Malignacious' troll threads, don't respond. Ignore them. Easy isn't it? Apparently not for some people.
  2. I've also noticed something in the town or any areas populated with a lot of people. Sometimes one of your characters might get stuck running into people. For instance, I went to medreth and noticed I was missing my Priest. I clicked on the map and my priest was near the inn. Then I went to the inn to see what was wrong and saw this. Seems the pathfinding couldn't figure out how to get around them.
  3. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68878-pillars-of-eternity-early-2015-beta-feedback-and-game-polish/ This is the part where I say "I Told You So" And the all the Obsidian fanboys nerd cry because they were squabbling and moaning about how devs had everything under control and making design decisions 2 months before release was perfectly fine.. Oh wait no we are pushing the game out to next year. You also had this post from Infinitron a year ago. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64042-are-we-getting-the-pe-we-were-led-to-believe-was-on-the-horizon-during-the-ks/page-12?do=findComment&comment=1359092 There was good reason to worry about the systems, mechanics and ruleset back then. And the beta confirms this.
  4. Yep, you've become a manoeuvre with your slimy weaselling debating style. The continual avoiding of what I pointed out. You ask for proof for things like the DA:I release, I give you Matt Chat. You then discount that proof because you admit you haven't watched it. All you are is a lying weaselling troll. You should know. Your first post in this thread was a troll post.
  5. The games for me in 2014. Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Hookability: 90 Such a huge change from the original D3. The 5th Act was awesome and Adventure mode turned it into another game Lastability: 75 Played it for months non-stop. Did get over 7000+ achievements. Very close to 100%. Have moved on for now but can see myself returning Entertainment value: 88 I'd rate it highly as well. Atmosphere, good story, and overall fun. Even the crafting was enjoyable. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Hookability: 10 Frustrating due to the random decks that I was dealt with. Random luck if I won. For a free game, it was good to try out. Not my type of game though. Lastability: 0 Won't be playing this again due to the frustration. Entertainment value: 10 Very repetitive. It's a card game! That's it. But the frustration killed it for me. Heroes of the Storm Alpha Hookability: 90 For the short time I played this, it was great. Rock solid stable for an Alpha, hilarious gameplay. I really enjoyed it. Lastability: 60 Can't see myself playing this for any great length of time. Entertainment value: 75 Loved the short story it had, loved the mixing of all the different characters from all the franchises. Found it entertaining. Pillars of Eternity Beta (v3.01 - Scores would have been lower for previous iterations) Hookability: 40 Still a lot of problems. And not just balancing and bugs. Total game design. Hopefully combat will be improved. Lastability: 15 I have hope a lot can be fixed but can only see myself playing this once for the story when the game is released. Much like IWD2 when I only finished it once. Entertainment value: 60 Nice backgrounds. Interesting quest with the Lord and girl. The other quests were kinda meh. Just fetch quests. Interesting history and lore. Wasteland 2 Hookability: 90 Awesome game. Everything I've been waiting years for, no scratch that, waiting a decade for. Overall an awesome game for me. Lastability: 90 Oh yes, I can see myself playing this for many years. Entertainment value: 90 Love the setting, the easter eggs, the dialogue options, everything Ah okay. I understand now.
  6. So basically a new game. On a serious note, I hope the next update balances out the enemies on how they should be in the game. We've gone from one extreme with the encounters to the other. From hard to roflstomping the enemies. Also, I find Stormwall Gorge very boring. The encounter design needs to be improved as I find the top half of the map a waste.
  7. I'm really warming to Hormalakh's design. The more I see it, the more I like it. The inventory really needs an overhaul and hope we see some changes. It'd be good for a dev to come into the thread and let us look at some of the designs they've come up with. Even better would be update the beta patch with one of these suggestions like Hormalakh's for us to try out. Looking at it as a mock up doesn't beat the real thing with playing it in the game. We need to feel it in action. lets see what works and what doesn't. There may be things that look good in the mock-up but doesn't work as we thought it would in the game. If it can be improved upon, then lets improve upon it.
  8. Part of me feels like to create a couple of threads, give some really good feedback but then I think, is this really important to Obsidian? Do they have bigger problems to tackle and see my suggestion as something small. Look at Sensuki's suggestions, the amount of threads he's created, the extraordinary feedback he's given, the mock-ups of U.I. design, so much stuff that a lot of the backers like and would like to see in the game. Then look at how many of Sensuki\s suggestions have been implemented. And I'm not suggesting everything Sensuki has suggested should be in the game. But there's a lot that I like. And it's not just Sensuki. There's been a lot of good suggestions from a lot of people. That's why it'd be good to see what are the big issues for Obsidian. Is it just mostly balancing and bug fixing? There's no more changing anything major? At the moment, people create threads with suggestions and it feels like it may be looked at by Obsidian and then tossed to the side. Maybe Obsidian are too far into development where a lot can't be changed?
  9. Good thing they've pushed it back. Also wondering when they're going to release the Mac and Linux beta versions. Hopefully in the next few weeks.
  10. But you still did anyway. We don't need anymore trolls in this thread. And stay out of the other thread if you're going to troll that too.
  11. Oh Bryy, I hear the waaahbulance calling for you Well he is trolling and a troll. He came into this thread to throw a personal attack and nothing else. And how am I interpreting your posts? When you throw a personal attack at the OP with his complaining just to complain? When you continue to think the OP is a troll? When you continue to justify attacking the OP and troll these forums? You still haven't come forward and said he isn't. All you've done is continue to attack him in this and the other thread. An appreciation thread he created for the developers and backers no less. You even admit you can be snarky. Well you are snarky and you make snarky and snide comments in a lot of threads on this forum. You are rude, snarky, abrasive and sarcastic with your usual one line posts. So look at yourself in the mirror first before calling others rude.
  12. I'd like to see a list from Obsidian on some of the major issues they're trying to fix and possibly get feedback on those issues. Have an open two way dialogue on some of the major issues and concerns that Obsidian have and get our feedback on possible changes and improvements. At the moment, we have no idea what major issues there are. What are the major issues and what would be deemed as minor issues. And suggestions from people like Sensuki may be small issues that they're putting aside while they're tackling bigger issues. And that to me comes across as a little futile for some people who are giving great suggestions if those suggestions are being put aside and put into the small issue tray and then forgotten under the piles of other issues that come in. I could list a whole heap of suggestions that I think are important but in the eyes of Obsidian, they may see it as small things.
  13. No that would have to be you. Another troll just trolling.
  14. Oh Lephys,. you're going to write a wall of text even though I'm going to ignore it? LOL. Yeah good one. Looks like you have nothing better to do than write walls of text to people who you think will ignore it anyway. Maybe test out the beta and report some bugs? Be a bit more productive with the beta than writing walls of text to people who you think will ignore them. At some point in time, that IS how the Rogue was, because that's how the Rogue was designed. Maybe see WoW and 4E for starters. Maybe earlier than that with kits. And how do you know an Obsidian person came along based on the notion of what a Rogue should be? Who in Obsidian did this? Ah FAIL again Lephys. And more gobbledygook. Stop with the gobbledygook. You are changing the meanings when those meanings have real world meanings in context of certain games. See I can talk like you to. And in Lephysland, this would make perfect sense to you. And a DPS class can mean heavy hitters or strikers. And that's what they are with certain games. So stop trying to change the meanings. And there's no point giving the rogue a base attack damage more than other classes. Certain conditions have to be met to get that extra damage. i.e. Sneak Attack. So go back to the update and read about heavy hitters. Maybe you'll learn something. Changing the class role is not constructive criticism. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean the role needs to be changed. The rogue is what it is and does it's job well. It's a DPS, heavy hitter class. That's what it does. That's what it's been designed to do. And Obsidian have shown nothing that they'll change it. Accept it. You accepted it when the heavy hitter update came out. No good reason not to accept the role the rogue has now. But we've had this debate in the Fighter/Rogue thread in the other forum. You lost that round too. What I will do is post constructive criticism and suggestions in improving the rogue. Whether it's through skills, powers, talents, game mechanics including stealth, to improve the rogue. And if I source different rule sets to improve the rogue which I think will help with PoE, I will. What I won't do is stand idly by and see someone like you who has NFI trying to change the role of the rogue to something that it's designed not to be. And no need to worry about me. I don't need your worry. Go worry about someone else. You're behaviour on the other hand, well just look at the other threads you've trolled.
  15. ^ I was waiting for someone to say IWD2. Even though it had a short development time, it was still delayed.
  16. My guess and pure speculation. Obsidian notified Paradox they were going to delay the game and issue a statement. Knowing Obsidian were going to release a statement, Paradox decided to release that prepared statement on their website too. Unfortunately, the Paradox announcement came out before Obsidian's. And going by the announcement on the Paradox website, it looks like a joint statement by both companies to announce at the same time, and looks like it was written by Obsidian. There's a quote from Feargus in the announcement. Or maybe it was supposed to be a backer update to be emailed out? Who knows. This is not an issue for me. For me, there is now a small spark of hope this game will be good with trying to fix it. And delaying the game to fix it gives me that hope. I 'want' this game to be good and releasing it in a couple of months would have been a disaster. Obsidian recognises that the game needs 'polish'. I do note there is no news about this on Obsidian's home page or eternity website. Perhaps Obsidian can put this up in the news section as well.
  17. I'd assume there will be beta updates for the next few months. Hopefully, an update every couple of weeks. But I would like to see a little more added to the beta. Maybe another area or side quest.
  18. I think having an appreciation thread and applauding them is a good thing. It shows a lot of support from the backers, turns around the negativity and gets morale up.
  19. Stop trolling Bryy. This is supposed to be an appreciation thread. And I applaud Obsidian for delaying this to try and get the game up to scratch.
  20. ctn2003 has been helpful. Just look at his posting history. And quite a few people on this forum have said the OP isn't a troll, despite you thinking he is. The one's who haven't been helpful are the ones like you Bryy who jump into threads and attack the OP. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt but you want to jump on the troll bus like the other trolls. Maybe you can be helpful too? Oh too late. You just trolled the appreciation thread that ctn2003 created. Looks like you can't help yourself. And please Bryy. I already stated the facts. Stop doing a Lephys and weaselling around this.
  21. Fine. If you don't want to acknowledge at least some FACTS in the OP, then bow out.
  22. Doing a Lephys and weaselling you're away around this now Bryy? So you're saying the OP is wrong with Obsidian not wanting to release this at the same time as DA:I? You're saying Feargus on Matt Chat is a figment of everyone's imagination?
  23. No Lephys. You are not feeling okay. Trolls usually don't feel okay when they try and weasel their way out of this. ... isn't a claim that they seem to really want to rush the game out the door, followed immediately by the fact that they voluntarily delayed the game until December. AND how there's any evidence, whatsoever, presented regarding the beta being not-actually a beta, and only being released to make time for the December (already delayed so that he game wasn't released as early as possible) release. AND how the claim that the beta is actually a hastily-released alpha isn't dependent upon the notion that they're rushing the game, which, again, is somehow supported by the fact that that they had the option of releasing the game earlier, or later, and they chose later. (This is before they just recently chose even later, mind you). That's an actual quote up there, btw. Not what I'm claiming he said. No discrepancy. His actual words. If you can't explain that, this meeting is adjourned. Obsidian want to rush this out the door with a Winter 2014 release if they kept to it? Yes, it would have been rushed. Little known fact that the game was going to be released before December? Yes, as an Obsidian dev mentioned this last year when the game was already in development. They wanted to keep it away from releasing it near DA:I? Yes, Feargus confirmed that in Matt Chat. That's three from three. Is this Beta an alpha? Not for me to say. But I'm not discussing that. I'm discussing the first three which you don't want to acknowledge is true. And now Bryy has come in with his usual one line troll posts. So I did explain that and you can't accept those facts.
  24. Trolling again Bryy. You said the OP was complaining to complain. No where did that come across from his post.
  25. Top decision from Obsidian. I'm hoping for a late Spring or preferably Summer 2015 release. The game needs more work and hopefully the backer feedback continues to help improve the game. There's been a lot of great feedback. Also, I hope this has put the team in a more relaxed position without having the looming deadline bearing down on you. And I see Lephys and Bryy can't help but troll this thread too with their sarcasm.
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