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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. What do you mean 'I dunno'... Ah the denial drips off your post like sweet butter. What game was planned for release in May or June? DA:I? I'm not talking about DA:I and the release date getting put back for that game. Also May is Summer in America? Does it not include July and August? Are you still in denial that last year, a Project Director mentioned a Summer 2014 release for PoE? Well after the KS had ended (2012) and the game was in full development. Also, sounds like you haven't watched the Matt Chat. Keep avoiding those questions and living in denial Lephys.
  2. It doesn't sound like it when you laden your post with sarcasm. And it's not about me being correct, it's about the OP being correct which you were keen to dismiss with your trolling. So are you still in denial or do you accept that 'little know fact' from the OP that the game (mentioned by a Project Director last year) was planned to be released earlier than December? Do you also accept that the OP was correct with when Dragon age 3 is coming out? Come now Lephys, it's okay. It's okay to admit that the OP was right with these things with release date and DA:I.
  3. hehe. Can't admit defeat and you're back for more. Nice try Lephys. Just man up and admit you're wrong. No need for the sarcasm. When has it been stated Obsidian's only goal is to release the game as early as possible? No one said that.
  4. Maybe someone gave him a key? I've given a key to someone on these forums who isn't a backer.
  5. Also, one of the good things about the D&D character builder is when you get near the end of creating your character and decide you want to change your race to something else, you just click on the second option (Race) at the side and change your race. Just a simple click with the menu option at the side and change it. And everything is updated including your defences. In PoE, you have to click back through about five screens to get back to race. I'd like to see a menu option to the side something like below: Fairly crappy MS paint job, but you get the idea. You still click 'Next' to save your selection and to go to the next part of character creation, but can go back and click on any menu option at the side to change anything you want.. Also, the D&D builder changes colour with the options on the left when you complete one of those options. And the D&D builder allows you to skip different parts and you can go to the end and work back if you want. It's very flexible. I think if PoE could do the same, it would be pretty cool. Skip Attributes and go to culture if you wanted to go to culture. And then go back to Attributes. The D&D builder allows you to skip attributes and skills and you can go to powers and feats and then back to attributes and skills. It doesn't force you to go through the numbered steps in order. You can even select race (second option) before class (first option). Or even assign your Attribute points before selecting a Class and race. This is what happens when you select Attributes first before a class. The Skills, Powers and Feats are shaded out. Once you select Class, they become available.
  6. Damn nipsen. Not quite 2000 words. I do like people putting in the effort. Longknife is still the master of the wall of text. Longknife is okay and not having a go at him or you.
  7. It would be even better if it was like the D&D character builder where every time you select something, Class, Race, Attributes, equipment, ANYTHING, the values would change. Here's an example from the character builder. When I select my class, it already shows my defences based on that class. Then it asks me to select my race. I decide to select Human and the stats change. Next is my attributes. And it does the same when you equip items. This is all before you start adventuring. So I'm all for having defences shown at character creation.
  8. I proved you posted rubbish. So you like Lephys are now in denial as well. Good to see you never change DCParry. Keep blaming the OP and keep trolling. Are you denying the fact that Feargus did mention about the DA:I release date and also PoE release date in Matt Chat? Are you also denying that a Project Director on PoE saying last year with PoE having a Summer 2014 release date? I've already given you one example of Truth and Fact with Feargus' Matt Chat interview.
  9. I'm assuming that's for all classes? Also, is that mentioned in the game? Something like a mouse over? I really dislike all this maths and percentages system.
  10. LOL. Lephys isn't man enough to accept the facts. That's okay Lephys, ignore the facts. And the OP was right with things like 'little known fact' with releasing the game earlier and also not wanting to release it at the same time as DA:I. But you're still in denial with Feargus on Matt Chat and a Project Director saying last year with PoE having a Summer release.
  11. I wouldn't call spells like Draw Upon Holy Might trivial. STR, DEX and CON increased by 1 point for every 3 levels of the Cleric. And this is a level 2 spell. There was some really good spells for the Cleric in the IE games.
  12. No he's not. Changing the goal posts. So you are denying that a Project Director on PoE said last year that PoE had a Summer 2014 release? LOL. Round and round Lephys goes, where he stops in Lephysland, nobody knows. And this is why even when you have the FACTS, you have people like Lephys still not wanting to acknowledge it and then go on wild tangents. I'm not suggesting it's the ONLY thing. The FACT is that Feargus did mention on Matt Chat that they didn't want to release at the same time when DA:I came out and he was looking at the DA:I release date. Are you denying the fact that Feargus did mention this in the Matt Chat?
  13. At least half my Cleric spells in the IE games were offensive/attacking spells. I'm surprised you wouldn't use spells like Holy Smite, Animate Dead, False Dawn. And this is by no means half the spells I'd use. Glyph of Warding was awesome in BG1. Then there's the buffing spells as well.
  14. So you're still denying the fact that Feargus said in a Mat chat that he was concerned about DA:I's release date with PoE and trying to avoid releasing the game at the same time? Which is why we don't have a release date as yet? You're also denying the fact that a project director on PoE said it was going to be a Summer 2014 release and he said this last year?
  15. Lets hope Josh does the same thing, sticks with his excel spread sheets and us powergamers can have some fun.
  16. (In the voice of Inigo Montoya) You keep saying that word... I do not think it means what you think it means. It was a little known fact. There are interviews that said this game was going to have a summer release. So the OP is correct. While the OP hasn't backed up his arguments with links, there's truth to the 'little known fact' and the DA:I release. That's now two I've pointed out.
  17. Matt, maybe try out and create a character with a higher Might than Perception and then buy the same class at the inn but swap the Might/Perception so the Perception is the higher attribute, and test which one does more damage. From people playing the Beta, the OP of this thread, Fiebras with his thread, Mutonizer and myself, we would all be in agreement that Perception is the DPS stat. I know you have the maths to make your argument, but what we're experiencing is not what the maths says which would indicate to me that something else is at work.
  18. So pressing enter now separates the two from myself and the rest of the forum? Well perhaps in future if you're going to address the fanboy thing and it's not directed at me, put a disclaimer saying this does not apply to Hiro since he never said it? Also, it seemed to me you were separating two issues, troll and fanboy but still throwing both at me with the accusatory 'you' and 'your' words.
  19. I stand by those who are throwing insults at the OP that they are in fact trolls themselves. And Caladian has proven himself again they are not random speculations when Feargus mentions in a Matt chat that he doesn't want to release PoE at the same time as DA:I which the OP has stated in his original post with Obsidian not wanting to release at the same time. At the very least, the DA:I part is FACT which leads credence that the OP has genuine concerns. If you look at the OP's post from the viewpoint that the OP has genuine concerns, citing things like worrying when DA:I comes out when this is TRUE, then the whole piece comes across as legitimate. But some people just want to jump into threads and throw insults at the OP.
  20. I would say the party of adventurers at the Dragon egg is the best encounter on the map. While the beetle battle was a part of the beta and there are many stories to be told about it, I prefer not to waste time on encounters that don't make sense with the setting, story, or anything else. The villagers talk about bandits nearby and yet there's beetles on the road? Change the story or change the encounter. Also, I don't want the maps to be crammed with encounters. I want to be able to move around the maps like BG1. The map is small enough as it is without tripping over random beetles every few metres.
  21. Funny but false as you obviously haven't read the first page of this thread. I wasn't the one to accuse the OP for complaining for complaining sake, calling the OP are moron and saying this is another troll thread. Also, when have I accused others of being a fanboy? You keep making that stuff up and believing what you want. Where did I accuse you of using the word fanboy? Yes, I quoted your message but I did not mean you were using the word fanboy... Why not say that in your original message? Or better yet, if you're going to make a general statement to people on the forums, then it's best to not quote me at all. When you're saying 'you' and 'your' after accusing me of being the first person in this thread for using the word troll (which I wasn't), then your post can be interpreted as you accusing me of using the word fanboy which is how it came across.
  22. Doubt it. Game will be released in a couple of months anyway.
  23. I'm going to go with Obsidian's decision on this one. We need more ways to avoid trash mob encounters.
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