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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Less trash mob encounters? If there is, how does that translate to overall encounters on the map? Does the map feel more BG1 with wide open spaces between enemies?
  2. The merchant's gold level resets every time you go back into town? I can see a lot of map transitioning from the town to one area and back, resetting the gold amount to sell all your stuff. Might as well not set a gold limit in that case.
  3. I like how inXile have done their website with including a stretch goal. 20 days to go and nearly 65% there. Here's hoping they'll make it. Maybe Obsidian should have done the same when they originally had their idea for a stretch goal for new wilderness areas/companions.
  4. Josh has mentioned 'spiritual successor' in at least one instance. Path of the Damned is a spiritual successor to Icewind Dale's Heart of Fury mode - Josh Sawyer. I can't be bothered searching for more quotes.
  5. I was in the 30% minority that didn't want quest only xp. Oh how things have turned around.
  6. No, not at all. When you play the game, it'll give you a good idea how good/bad it is and what improvements the game would need to make it better.
  7. I've given away a couple of keys and have one left. If you want one, you can have it. Otherwise anyone else can have it.
  8. frapillo, do you want a beta key to try out the game?
  9. I agree. Haven't come across any bugs so far and everything seems to be working. Pretty stable for me.
  10. Has anyone played all the different companions and can give them a rating out of 10? What are the better companions and what are the worse?
  11. I'd call it a spiritual successor too. I just don't like the arguments from some people who claim it's not, Obsidian never said it was, and so on, to try and shout down those who call it one.
  12. So backers can still call it a spiritual successor. cool.
  13. yesthey did. Maybe not using the exact phrase "spiritual successor", but they did communicate that idea in many ways. In their kickstarter pitch, which plainly and purposefully targeted IE nostalgia. In interviews with gaming sites during and after the kickstarter - there was probably not a single one that failed to mention the IE games. By not objecting to interviews/articles on popular gaming sites where the authors actually did use the phrase "spiritual successor" in the introduction/headline/commentary. (At least where I live, it's customary for a journalist to send the interviewee a draft of the edited interview article before release, to get confirmation that the way it was edited/cut/presented still represents their views correctly. And even if they didn't get that chance, they could have complained after the articles were released.) In presentations at gaming conventions, where they started the presentation with huge slides showing the IE games. In their two-sentence pitch on the game's official website, where they boil down the essence of what they are selling to this:"Miss classic cRPGs like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment? So do we! Introducing Obsidian's PILLARS OF ETERNITY." Seriously, the effort by some posters here to shout down arguments that involve comparisons to the IE games, and trying to convince us that the whole IE connection is just in our heads and our own fault, is starting to approach the abusive tactic of gaslighting. It also doesn't help when gaming websites report or do interviews with Obsidian and the interviewers and sites mention 'spiritual successor', and then Obsidian or any of the Obsidian dev's do nothing to correct them of the usage of that term. Which is why Obsidian should come out with a statement and say PoE is NOT a spiritual successor. For some reason, Obsidian are silent on this.
  14. Obsidian should release a statement saying PoE is NOT a spiritual successor to the IE games. That would put it to rest.
  15. Who cares what reviewers think. Gamers who may be thinking of buying PoE won't watch those reviews and their concerns anyway. I'm sure Obsidian don't care about reviews either. One thing I did get out of it which I don't get from reading a review. The tone of their voice which I found quite telling.
  16. And yet Josh is thinking of putting it back in, in the form of bestiary pages which you agree with. So it doesn't seem that indispensable for a lot of people who are against combat xp if they then agree with bestiary combat xp.
  17. This comes across as throwing the combat xp people a bone. I don't want a bone, I want some meat. Even the recent Eurogamer review of the beta has problems with no combat xp. 17.40 onwards. They question the decision about no combat xp. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ0YB45qy-U&feature=player_embedded
  18. So you want maps like BG1 where there's one or two encounters on a map? No trash mobs. And the rest of the map is void of anything. But it's pretty walking around just the same.
  19. Definitely, if my mechanics skill isn't high enough. Especially If it's only trash loot and/or protected by monsters. Now, if there's a possibility of xp, then I'll max mechanics to get the xp reward. And with the bestiary pages, I can kill those monsters guarding that locked chest. At the moment, I'm avoiding as much combat as possible and all the trash loot that's around those combat encounters I'm avoiding.
  20. I'll be maxing out mechanics very early to get all that xp.
  21. This is very close to my party. I found Luck to be the dump stat. Similar with Charisma which I dumped on 3 of my characters but put it up for one with the Leadership skill. I put INT and SPD up and strength is either 4 or 5 with most of my characters.
  22. Well, well. Other forms of xp might be in the game including trap, lock and combat/kill xp with unlocking bestiary pages.
  23. Thanks. Good to know. I was wondering why there was no ammo for it.
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