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Everything posted by Mannock

  1. Except for the fact that you can't farm and what not in Deadfire. So no, Deadfire is not an "open world" RPG รก la the Elder scrolls-series. And no, it's not about semantics.
  2. I've been living under a rock, could someone brief me about, please? She announced on twitter that she's leaving the company for other endevours. Nothing strange really. Her husband is Swedish, so maybe they're moving to Sweden? But again, I don't see this as some big negative thing regarding the release of Deadfire. She's not the one crushing bugs.
  3. this forum is full of pointless negativity and personal insults like this crap. why doesnt everyone here try and move forward and aiming to be more positive or the mods should be getting rid of poeple like this instead of letting it flourish It was in jest you know. Hence the smiley at the end.
  4. I think Megan Starks was writing Xoti. The wiki also credits both Maia Rua and Tekehu to Paul Kirsch. Kate Dollarhyde is also a writer for the game. Maybe she's got Serafen? And then there's the sidekicks too of course.
  5. Look away from the forums for a couple of hours; boom! Well, happy bug hunting. More time to play Desert War 40-42 in the meantime.
  6. I'm planning to make an archer type of character for my first playthrough and, to me, the Sharpshooter subclass of Ranger seems to be the best fit. And given what you are saying, I'm thinking that no armor is the way to go then. I think it's a pity that light armors get so little love, cause they are really part of some classes and their concepts (in my opinion).
  7. Please school me here, if the medium and heavy armors are so superior, even for the the classes traditionally not wearing heavy stuff (ie rogue, wizard, etc), why should I chose light armor for my rogue?
  8. Maybe. But what was it, that you found confusing about it? The way you describe it, it sounds less confusing, not more. i only briefly played the BETA and ddint put too much time into trying to figure out the new mechanics. Hence why confusing because i hadnt nutted them out yet "I read about World War 2 for 5 minutes but I didn't get it. World War 2 is confusing." *edit*
  9. Doubt it. Even if you break off all the quests when you get the companions, you need to run over a lot of places to catch them all. ... Given Mannock's avatar, my thoughts exactly. I assumed it was a serious post about catching all the companions in under 30 mins. I'm getting too old for this s**t.
  10. Nah, we knew all about ninjas, both from earlier types of cartoons and from adult action movies (which we watched of course). And the name change was reported all over tv (in Sweden at least) so we were all fully aware and didn't give a Splinter's ass about it.
  11. Carrie and Kate are no interns. There's other writers than just Josh you know. I'm sure the relationship aspect of the game will be great.
  12. Doubt it. Even if you break off all the quests when you get the companions, you need to run over a lot of places to catch them all.
  13. But it involves meta knowledge to be able to recruit the companions right off the bat in BG2. So when you have meta knowledge of Deadfire, I'm sure you will be able to do lots of things in "optimal order", just as you can in for example BG2.
  14. Aerie is act 2. But granted, you can get her pretty much immediately after Act 1 ends. And don't forget Cernd and Mazzy. They take time to get too. Getting all companions in BG2 in 30 mins is bull****.
  15. One of my favourite quests ever is the Bridge district murder in BG2. It starts off as a who dunnit, which is something I always enjoy. And when you find the guilty party it ends. Or you think it ends. But by chance, the thread gets picked up again in a whole other part of the region, if you're lucky enough to stumble upon it. And no, there's no quest markers or hints about it in your log. You just have to stumble upon it. After that, you get an item which takes the quest in a whole other direction. Which there also are no quest markers or hints about. It's just a long sequence of odd happenings which takes you on a great ride and ends with a really awesome item (or two, cause you get one of the parts to the Bow of Gesen too).
  16. Yeah, sorry. Repeating myself. And yes, PoE was a great game and I'm sure Deadfire will be even better.
  17. Totally agree! The have it all of the inventory system we have in PoE takes all the strategy and fun out of it, like it was in BG2. Again, I agree. Getting Blade of Roses early in BG2 was awesome and it was good enough to carry through large portions of the game. You didn't need to switch weapons every 45 minutes because you found a new weapon of awesomeness that did 0.20% more damage than the one you already had. And all enchanting should be done via a "cromwell's forge" mechanic. I miss those things.
  18. Awesome quest XP. And he can dance on the head of a pin aswell.
  19. New post on Josh's tumblr, where someone asks in German what companions will be romancable. Josh responds that it's a secret. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/171641047836/lieber-herr-sawyer-ich-bin-hier-weil-ich-fragen
  20. Good point. If it truly is something, there need to be hints. The hive mind here isn't getting anywhere. But maybe come Easter we will get some hints for some Easter eggs perhaps?
  21. Cernd is okay, but kind of dull in my book. Him and Valygar on the same page. But it could be worse. Could be Haer'Dalis.
  22. Cernd? Really? I don't think I've ever seen anyone bring up Cernd as a memorable character from BG2. To each their own though.
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