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Everything posted by Mrakvampire

  1. Yes, cause BG 1 is the father of those games and PS:T and IWD - are children of BG 1.
  2. Yes, sure. But they clearly stated that they want it based on IE games, that were originally created by Bioware.
  3. I speak only for myself, never for others. And please, stop using names like 'Biowarians' or 'Biodrones'. Thank you in advance.
  4. Fallout is not fantasy. Arcanum also don't fit the genre already announced.
  5. So now we start comparing romances to FPS. Good arguments. Next step - "Romances - are devil! Burn those, who propose them!"
  6. Are you sure? Maybe you should ask him, before answering on his behalf? Hivemind?
  7. And those "who don't want Bioware-style romances in PE" allowed you to speak for them? Hivemind, obviously. No, I never tried to suggest anything like that, that was just a simple question about why do you dare to speak for others.
  8. By saying 'we' you mean yourself and your reflection in mirror?
  9. I'm not that good in terminology of hate. I heard this word in regards to BG/BG2.
  10. Dear Baldur's Gate games fans! Maybe I'm mistaken - but I witnessed some kind of bad attitude here, on Obsidian forums, to people that like old Bioware games. We are being called 'biodrones', BG series as 'badly written' and some people express opinion that we are not welcomed here. I want to make it clear - I don't want to start BG vs PST flamewar. I regard both games as great, but different. But I think that some fans of Obsidian regard BG as inferior IE game, cause it wasn't created by Obisidian developers. And I think that we should try to make sure, that the voice of gamers that like BG series is heard. I just... Don't know what to say further, as you know, I'm just a hamster. Discuss. P.S. Again - the purpose of this post is not to force you choose your favorite game or some kind of similar flame-war stuff.
  11. It's 100% what I expected. The difference between me and you is that I regard both games as great ones, and you think that 'writing in BG was poor and childish'. This is major disagreement here between me and you.
  12. So, ok. We have here 'cheese, obnoxius, poorly written' romances of BG2 and 'truly masterpiece' romances of PS:T. I think that the issue is not with romances, yes? You just don't want PE to have anything in common with BG and be something like PS:T 2?
  13. Bioware of BG2 times and Bioware of DA2 times - 2 different companies. And about combatfag. Again, let us be honest. Icewind Dale was really very combat-oriented game. Very very different from PS:T. And both were created by Obsidian. Think about it.
  14. It's only matter of tweaking random encounter chances, sleep interruption probability and restricting sleep in some really non-logical places. It's fine-tuning to me, not experimentation.
  15. Maybe it is you who should try to not create over-inflated expectations for a team that creates a GAME, not some kind of grounbreaking literature classic?
  16. Are you absolutely sure that PS:T and BG2 had no romances? Okay.
  17. Is it necessary to abuse people every time that you don't like their opinion?
  18. You are wrong. Romance doesn't develop only one NPC - it has a potential to develop all NPCs as the interaction between NPCs will change. And btw. Romance in this situation greatly increases replayability of this game and it increases it more drastically than low-int dialogues.
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