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Everything posted by Grimo88

  1. From the fact of having played it for a while. (I'm close to level 9.) I cannot see myself playing this again after finishing it once. I also only played PoE all the way through just once and no longer even have it on my computer. The second time would be the same, in essence: same conversations, same factions, same story, same encounters. Nothing random in the game, it seems to me. I agree that different choices can be made, but that doesn't warrant a new playthrough, in my view. You’re arguing that your personal preferences means no one plays the game more than once? Get serious. Why on earth would I do that, and where do you get the idea I have? Of course I'm not arguing that. Whichever way anyone else plays the game is just fine. You didn’t - totally misread the post before. Apologies.
  2. From the fact of having played it for a while. (I'm close to level 9.) I cannot see myself playing this again after finishing it once. I also only played PoE all the way through just once and no longer even have it on my computer. The second time would be the same, in essence: same conversations, same factions, same story, same encounters. Nothing random in the game, it seems to me. I agree that different choices can be made, but that doesn't warrant a new playthrough, in my view. You’re arguing that your personal preferences means no one plays the game more than once?
  3. Everything is easy if you min/max the **** out of everything.
  4. It's all about money. You think Feargus and co really have passion in making games? The game designers and developers perhaps. For Feargus and co is just about money. This just in: business needs money to run. Nation in shock.
  5. I'm not sure if this helps. http://existentialcomics.com/philosopher/Arthur_Schopenhauer I **** you not, this was my second port of call after Wikipedia.
  6. Do you actively seek out unrelated topics to post your vitriol on?
  7. Your post inspired me to read up on his philosophy but I don’t think I’m any the wiser. Is he saying, like Buddha, that the ‘will’ of the world around us prevents us from actually achieving anything, so we should all just deny all desire? Not very helpful if true!
  8. For the spirits in BoW, just stand on the glyphs/symbols they have in front of them and they'll buff your damage. I can't believe how many people miss this, i mean, spirits who said they'll help you have oddly shiny symbols laid out in front of them? It's basicallty an invitation to see what happens when you stand on them. I knew they were there but didn’t use them strategically. I used them much more carefully this time and got her on level 14. Thanks all for your help.
  9. You say ‘stupid’ and ‘boring’ - care to actually articulate some arguments as to why you felt this way, or leave it at that? Conversely, I found I liked the main game’s story a lot more, but I enjoyed BoW. It is good to keep in mind BoW has a much easier job at telling its story because it was limited by its scope and completely linear. The main game had to juggle freedom of exploration with high stakes and a much larger cast of characters with more diverse ideologies. I for one think they did a great job telling a non-traditional story in PoE2.
  10. Been on this fight for hours. 14th level, party is Pallegina, Eder, Rogue, Xoti and Aloth. Normal difficulty. I have Waiden and Inquisitor but they don’t help much. Major problems: - healing from Concelhaut at about 20% brings her back to 60% quickly and by that time my resources are spent. - I have little defense for that breath debuff. Can’t figure out how to counter. Overall it’s just a ****ing slog and I just can’t seem to do enough damage towards the end of the fight. Any tips?
  11. Matter of taste. I hated Endless Paths with a passion and I skip it in favour of White March every time. Ideal dungeons for me are multi-solution ones like Deadlight and Raedric's Hold, or ones with 2 meaty levels like Durgan's Battery.
  12. ‘from what I’ve read’ hahahahaha. Oh man Marvel better watch out - ‘from what I’ve read’ Aquaman is a real banger! It’s the end for Disney! Hahahaha.
  13. Seconded. Totally understand the therapeutic nature of games and immersive fantasy, but please seek some support, man.
  14. I got him. I restarted the game and I'm pretty sure that put the difficulty back where it should have been. I've taken a party that's more for story than optimized tactics so it's a bit of a bitch. Main problem was that my guys were grouped for the AoE Concelhaut's Drain. Good fight! Thanks all for your help.
  15. I'm level 15 and I am getting wiped by the Messenger in BoW (first encounter). For some reason, turning difficulty to Classic with no scaling seems miles harder than Hard WITH scaling. Have no idea what to do? Am I too low? I thought this was for level 14-15? Why the heck am I getting pumped so easily with scaling turned off???
  16. Huana seem pretty aumaua exclusive? And the Pargunnen are dwarf exclusive aren't they?
  17. I get the feeling that the creative team weren't crash hot on having elves and dwarves at all and only wanted them in there for 'brand recognition' as a spiritual successor to the infinity engine games. Avellone has been outspoken about how little he likes them on a few occasions I believe. So elves and dwarves in this setting come off as rather marginalised, not in the fictional societies, but rather the creative energies put into them. They just seem like shorter or older humans rather than having anything distinct about them. Much more effort has gone into fleshing out, say, aumaua. Then again, if we go to Aedyr, we would probably get way more on them.
  18. Jesus Christ. The petulance in these forums sometimes. Why are you here?
  19. Are you actually complaining that you didn't pass a skill check? The premise is simple: they're fantatics. So unless you adhere to their philosophies or have really high diplomacy, you won't get through to them. You're also leaving out the fact that they can offer you a quest to assassinate the Fleet Master. That's not a nothing choice. If you are not a druid or ranger but you have the soulbound nature rifle from Motari O Koiki they will also talk to you then. This quest is completely appropriately designed. You're just ****ty it didn't accomodate your personally desired outcome. The devs responsibility is to let you roleplay in within the confines of the world, not to change the rules of the world just because you come in swinging your Watcher ****.
  20. Could it be Rymrgand, since having a body would be antithetical to his whole deal?
  21. You're the Watcher, so you're never going to blend in regardless, so I'd say go for it.
  22. Had the same bug. Reported it. Totally ****ed my 40 hour playthrough. Wasn't happy.
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