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Everything posted by MacArthur

  1. There are unofficial patch for linux on GOG (browse the POE forum on GOG), but no official patch for technical reason I believe. You need to redownload the entire game again to have the last patched version of the game.
  2. Well... That doesn't bode very well... If they have to send a mail through 70 000 backers+, it most likely is going to take a lllllllllllooooonnnnngggg time. I know that there isn't a perfect solution, because 70 000+ connections at the same time will kill pretty much any server they can put at a low cost.But seriously, devs (not only obsidian) should think long and hard on that one. That's not my first high anticipated release and each time, it's an horrible cluster fest. Backers have to register in up to five different sites (forum, backerkit, survey,...) and have god knows how many forms to fill for years... This thing is getting far too complicated not to have an effect on their will to back again instead of patiently wait for GOG or Steam to release their games and buy it in two clicks.
  3. Waiting for some news on eventual GOG keys for W2 here too !
  4. The disappearance of the crafting skill, as it was proposed, seems like a good thing to me. If you can benefit from it at the max level with only one charcater having it mastered, then it's not balanced enough compared to the other skills. It's a fair and reasonable point. It would have made the skill a chore that you dump on one character at the beginning of the game, then never think about for the remaining game. No interesting tactical choice to come with it : no point in having it. On the other side, the end of all forms of durability systems is a little disappointing for micromanaging nuts case, like myself and others . I perfectly respect those that don't care and don't like this kind of feature, but there seems to have a reasonable size of people that would like and use this kind of thing. The only way to content both side would be to have a special difficulty mode which activate them. Hardcore mode, or whatever it's called. Though, I suppose that the problem for the team would be to redefine all the economy of the game with each mode. What's the view at the moment on hardcore mode ?
  5. This is loosely related to the object of this thread, but the sudden influx of backers today at european hours has got me thinking that translations does not make good stretch goals. Sure, you will have a little bump on the moment, but not much excitation the days after. Most of the effects come the day it is reached and after, so it comes in reverse to what a stretch goal should be. It's a condition for new backers to come, not an incentive for most of them. That's something Obsidian should think about for Italian/polish/russian. Devs should put it right out of the box, or with something really interesting for all the backers, to move it quickly out of the way. Another thing interesting to maximize the effects of stretch goal is to render them the most detailed and immersive possible. That seems to be working quite effectively with The Endless Paths of Od Nua, instead of just another big dungeon
  6. Not sure Obsidian is doing it the right way here. I mean, it's in the name : stretch goal. It seems obvious to me that the game will reach 3 millions, so you should put everything in there that should be the core experience : all the races, classes, compagnons and features (like crafting or translations) that you think is basic for the game. For instance, for the races, you wanted the typical, the godlike and the specials, that make 7 : human, elves, dwarves, two godlikes, two stranges ones and that's it for the core experience. Same with compagnons, classes and features. After the core game, you can add the big things in packs to put the pledgers in this kind of mood : if there isn't 3.5 million, I won't have my big city, if we don't reach 4 million, I won't have the pirate or flying factions with their own set of specific features, quests and compagnons,... See what I mean : you need to set a financial pool that's good enough for a core experience, everything else is a stretch to push people's imagination further along. Without it, we feel running like headless chickens
  7. Very nice things in there Just my two cents : a little versatility on the speaking side of things would be great. The system of vampire bloodlines was awesome for that : you could sneak your way out, fight your way out, and also talk your way out in three different manners : be a seducer, a brutal thug and/or a persuasive man. That's just the best way to roleplay a character in a game if you can mark your way of doing things with him. Plus ADD had the same set of skill if I remember right. So it's not that farfetched Different type of langage skills is a must I think. Just investing in one skill and be done with it, like most RPG do these days is a little boring from a customization point of view. It's also a great addition on the way the quests end. The world change a great deal if you seduces it or if you brutalizes it. I loved the beginning of Arcanum for that. There was this annoying group of thugs really strongs who were stopping anyone form the village to quit it without paying a fee. You could deal with them in so many different ways that would greatly affect your character and the way the world view you afterwards. That was really great
  8. I just think it's a good place to put it : question : I am sorry to ask a question that many probably have asked before, but I very much would like to know what's your plan on the translation thing : Which langage ? Will it be a stretch goal ? I know several friend that I can convinced to pledge if the game was localised in french. I also feel that it's a very important thing to bring many more backers to the project. Thanks for the answer in advance. answer : Hi Blackstaff, We are trying to figure out how to fund other languages. We may have to take a leap of faith and say we are doing them before we actually have the funding to do so. We will see. Thanks for the incredible support! -Feargus
  9. I've asked the question to Feargus just minutes ago : Here is the question : I am sorry to ask a question that many probably have asked before, but I very much would like to know what's your plan on the translation thing : Which langage ? Will it be a stretch goal ? I know several friend that I can convinced to pledge if the game was localised in french. I also feel that it's a very important thing to bring many more backers to the project. Thanks for the answer in advance. Here is his answer : Hi Blackstaff, We are trying to figure out how to fund other languages. We may have to take a leap of faith and say we are doing them before we actually have the funding to do so. We will see. Thanks for the incredible support! -Feargus So from the looks of it, they are very much aware of the problem and it's just a matter of how they will come to do it. They can put it as the 2,4M stretch goal if (or when ) we come this far, or they will put it right out of the gate in an update and wait to see how much money will come back with it. And for those coming here to say "it's a waste" or "learn english, dumbass", you just need to realise that there are in europe (and anywhere else for the matter) a lot of people who don't read or speak that well english but will gladly spend a lot in this game. It's a commercial thing, people.
  10. May I insist on what this wise man said right here . In particular the drm free and translation things hides a huge amount of backers for this project. I suppose that Obsidian is waiting on the statistics of backers coming from each country to announce wich language is sustainable for a translation. But the great Feargasaurus should probably say something about it tomorrow. Some backers will take this delay like something a little condenscending for their way : it works both for the translation and the drm-free thing I think. Though as a french english speaker and non particularly touchy gamer person, I can't say I care that much for these . On the final amount bet, as a proud backer of SRO (the avatar says it all ), I know that a few backers-friendly decision can transcend a kickstarter. PE has easily a potential of 7 to 10 millions dollars for final pledge. You can't just imagine the amount of infinite engine fans out there who would love just the thought of this project. Obsidian needs to inspire the considerable fan base that they already have and make them SPREAD THE WORD to the limit of this world and beyond . PE just shouldn't have a day with less than 100k pledged. If obsidian does it right, the final rush is going to be HUGE
  11. Just my humble suggestion, but maybe you could also explore the history of this world with the PC creation. Something like : there was this great insurrection among this human city ruled by southern elves. Your human parents died for your sake and their beliefs, and left you alone. It's a great way of personnalising our character and having some future personnal errands to do. More broadly, there must be some great historic events in there and I think it's a good idea to ask of our character where they were at that time. Great and inspiring premisses by the way. I'm burning my refined elfic pants in anticipation here
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