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Paul D

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Everything posted by Paul D

  1. The Order has certainly gone from strength to strength since its humble beginnings only a few days ago. Welcome to all new members.
  2. I agree, if we continue to successfully welcome people to the Order we continue to raise extra funds for the project. I'm more comfortable with that approach, and if anything extra happens (as happened for example with the forum titles), that is a bonus, but not expected.
  3. Perhaps. Knights of the Fractured Soul - pathway for souls who need redemption Knights of the Ward - defenders of those less fortunate Knights of the Black Powder - masters of those black powder exploding devices ... Guns
  4. I am assuming an NPC would have some form of formulaic composition, with stats and behaviour (response to environment) incorporated. If you create your own characters, the level of automated response may be difficult; ergo, you may need to role-play each character. I have nothing against that by the way; in fact I think it would be cool. If it were possible to have a mixed party NPC's and PC's the party dynamics, and gameplay would be interesting. It would be fantastic if we had the choice. This way people who would prefer PC + NPC companions (as per script), PC + NPC from adventure guild, or PC + multiple PC incl. NPC's if desired. Probably a programatic challenge to achieve such a blend of potential options.
  5. A further welcome to the Order: Cardo - Obsidian Order Risk Assessor Arcoss - Legionnaire of the Obsidian Order
  6. And Welcome to the Order all those who have pledged an extra $8 recently, including and not limited to (I'm working off this one page of entries so apologies to any missed earlier - iPads have working limitations ): Archon Stormraven The Obsidian Order's Fallen Archon FaerieHunter Purple Demon of the Obsidian Order Mieu Lich Battlemage of the Obsidian Order Vervain Warlord Prince of the Obsidian Order Lexx Adventurer of the Obsidian Order I salute all members, new & current. Paul D Obsidian Order Poultry Inspector
  7. Fantastic to see the Order doing so well !!!! Paul D - Obsidian Order Poultry Inspector
  8. Well after a couple of hours rest to wake and see how well the Obsidian Order has grown... Awesome Skaelight 'aka' Paul - Obsidian Order Poultry Inspector
  9. Introducing a hierarchy could help with determining which thread to read. Search is great, but I am still working out what terms to search on. Could a tag-cloud add any value? I don't know - but I like how they look
  10. I think Thievery should be permitted, without the limitations often placed; like resale, needing you to "fence" your goods. In a reasonably large world you should be able to nick something from one town and sell it in another; unless it is the town ensign or something similar of course
  11. I think take the time that is needed to ensure a quality product. It is the old project management pyramid: $ / \ T _ Q $ - Money, T - Time, Q - Quality You can have any two, and lets assume we want a quality product. This means: You can have a quality product, cheaply, but it will take a very long time. You can have a quality product, quickly, but it will cost a fortune.
  12. I've been thinking during construction of the game the project could also create a series of short stories to: help to introduce us (and future buyers) to the world; help shape our understanding of the world, its lore, the main characters and events; and keep us all interested as the project unfolds. What do you think? If you think it would be a good idea what sort of stories would you like to see?
  13. So many options, for something different cast a Mirror/Dopple-ganger spell and create multiple copies of yourself (confuse which they aims for) then rain destruction down on the shooter.
  14. Speed through a game is a subjective thing IMHO. Some people are slow players and investigate every nook and cranny; others stick to the primary story line and race to the end. I think the measurement of Big is the story, the narrative, the immersion. When playing do you imagine you are the PC undertaking a great adventure; you end up dreaming of the adventure, and when playing the real world "disappears". If this happens IMHO the game is Big, whether it takes you 15 hours or 100 hours to finish. I think Obsidian can make Project Eternity such a Big game
  15. Great idea, the opportunity to practice/use non-combat spells, as well as create spell combinations and/or new spells. For example, an Invisibility Spell combined with a Silence spell, both for duration; allows you to hide your formation and sneek past the guards. How about telekensis to move items on the other side of a gate or moat you cannot get across; or to flick the switch to bring down a draw bridge. Or (ok: thinking combat) combining a paralysis/de-buff/burn spell for 10 seconds; the enemy gets frozen, can't resist, and takes damage over time. Whe the mage can also become invisible turns the mage into a hidden creature of death!
  16. It was the discovery of quests on the road less travelled in Fallout 1/2 that I remember the most. Where what appeared to be a random interaction with an NPC somewhere yielded results. Granted, I spent a lot of time lost on that map, but it turned getting lost into an opportunity to explore and see what quests I hadn't yet found.
  17. I hope there is a pudding gun option; of the endless pudding variety. No village will starve when I visit
  18. If part of the game is to explore moral hazards, and it is an RPG afterall, then presenting situations where the PC has to make a life/death decision for a party member could introduce some powerful game dynamics. Sure, some like to play PC's in black/white settings (kill everything, be a pacifist), but I prefer grey
  19. The opportunities for formations to allow truely tactical plays are immense. It could even become Strategic rather than tactical if there is the ability to change the party mix between battles, allowing formations to be planned based upon party mix and the battle to be had. It would also be great if you could have mutiples of the same class in a party; creating a party of mages, or rogues for example. This would allow you to match the skill required to the environment and situation perhaps. Formations, and exporation of such tactical/strategic play within an RPG is one of the things I am looking forward to.
  20. Thanks Obsidian for another update, and I am sure there will be plenty more. Great to see there will be a guest star every day providing more information, that should help keeps things ticking along between award Tiers.
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