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Paul D

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About Paul D

  • Rank
    Obsidian Order Seeker of Balance
    (2) Evoker


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  1. Go away for a few months and return to see a great trailer and a new name. Nice work all!
  2. I know, it's so quiet I'm thinking of starting chatting with myself Beware the voices Sistergoldring ... for when they start ... why I started a conversation with myself a few weeks ago attempting to reconcile the possible ways the lore of the game may develop, which turned into an argument, followed by a period of sulking with me, myself and I not talking to each other, hence the self imposed banishment from the boards for the last few weeks....
  3. For me Beta is about being able to contribute to the quality of the game; record what is tested, raise any issues, obtain remediate/patch, test again. I'll be testing what OE ask me to test, not just some random walk, unless they ask me to do that
  4. When I read 'Druid' and I think 'Getafix' having grown up reading a steady diet of Asterix and Obelix comics.. http://www.asterix.com/encyclopedia/characters/getafix.html
  5. Thank you for the update. As a person who works in the ICT Industry, but not in game development, I am looking forward to reading about progress through updates such as this. It provides me with a window into the world of software development for a game, for which I am thankful.
  6. A reason to return to the stronghold ... It has the well stocked wine cellar and the finest spirits in the land of course!
  7. Probably on my second play-through with a different character; first time round I'll probably stick to the supplied NPC companions. But I may change my mind between now and 2014
  8. For some reason I thought of the challenge of role playing a Godlike Nihilist
  9. I like this idea. I would gladly pledge $250 right away, if payment was due in 3 months. FYI In Australia PayPal now offers "pay on delivery" option which means PayPal pay the supplier from it's funds and 21 days later withdraw the funds from your account. This could in effect give some people a little bit of "lag" between pledge and needing the funds. I can understand Odsidian perhaps not wanting to offer 3 month (90 days) "credit" although there isn't a product ready to ship yet so the exposure risk is low. For those who do want this sort of pledge before the door closes and pay later when you have the funds have you considered popping Obsidian an email to ask?
  10. Fascinating discussion thank you to all involved.
  11. If it is moderatly easy to implement and doesn't over complicate things a zoom so I can see the detail on the equipment, artefacts, and surroundings I think would be cool.
  12. Please take your game streaming ideas and jump onto the pyre of OnLive. A considered and well thought out counter point there contributing positively to the discussion, well done. I prefer brevity. Well met
  13. Because it cannot be done well without severely reducing the scope of the PC game. The issue is not CPU/GPU power (that might be a problem for tablets, but consoles are certainly powerful enough to run Project Eternity), it's the control interface. Here's an interview where one of the developers of Project Eternity discussed it: I wrote a post earlier in this thread for people who don't understand why this is the case. Thank you for the information. Consoles certainly have had their limitations. It must be refreshing for Obsidian to have the freedom to create the game they want, supporting the platforms their choose.
  14. Please take your game streaming ideas and jump onto the pyre of OnLive. A considered and well thought out counter point there contributing positively to the discussion, well done.
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