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Everything posted by flarglebargle

  1. i'd like them to some how tie the death mechanic to characters souls to make it more interesting than simply reloading after a party wipe or just reviving a character with a spell, like for example having to negotiate or fight with daemons to get their soul back so you can rez them
  2. there should'nt be a NG+ but PE should be like fallout 2 were you can keep playing after you beat the game just so we can see if we missed anything
  3. i want what ever races they do decide to put in to alter peoples reactions to you in game, i shouldn't be a vampire or merperson and walk up to people and get zero reaction, in RL people can be persecuted and killed simply for haveing a different skin color or from being from a different area, so npcs not having signifigant reactions to your characters race would be unrealistic and boring
  4. the game should be translated into as many major languages as possible so long as the translations are correct and give the person useing them the same expirence as someone useing the english version
  5. a co-op setting could be fun but it should have the lowest priority and should only be put in if they've run out of stuff to add to the game
  6. screw kill moves just put in a setting/perk like bloodymess
  7. idk about BG 1 or 2 but i really hope the combat isn't like fallout 2 where the combat was simple attrition fighting were you could be in ADV MK1 PA with a 112% energy weapon skill shooting a plasma caster but you would lose to guys with metal armor and 10mm smgs simply because there were 8 of them and they would chip away at your health until you died, or the combat gets in the way of the game like the wannimagos who could attack you 3 time in 1 turn did tons of damage and were had insane resistances to everything but fire, so if you didn't have PA a high big guns skill and a upgraded flamer you were screwed
  8. if we come up with a good name that fits the setting they should consider it, but i'd prefer they pick the name
  9. like tim cain said if you put joke/pop culture reference in the game, if the person playing doesn't get it they should'nt even know they missed it, like gizmo from junktown being named after the pet skunk cain had when he was 12
  10. a system of identifying things that grows with how experienced your party is would be good, starting off you need to take unknown items to an expert but as you learn you need to do this less but still high end items still need identifying, you're not going to find a 1000 year old sword and know what it is, what its made of and what it does
  11. what hes talking about is when you ask a person about say the moon they should'nt say the moon is a small part of our planet that broke off of our planet when.........(insert text book definition of what the moon is) is should be : the moon? its the thing that orbits earth , you can see it at night?......how do you NOT know this? are you an idiot?
  12. the only voice acting this game should have is none at all or just the major characters like faction leaders because it will get expensive but the voice acting in FNV made the characters really stand out
  13. it would be rediculous but being attacked by bloodthristy giants with felica day's voice would be hilarious
  14. i'd like a fortress buuuuttt an inn would be easier for OE to impliment and it would let them add funny and serious moments/quests
  15. elves and dwarves are in EVERY fantasy setting its time for something new
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