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Everything posted by limaxophobiacq

  1. You can also combine one character with high deflection and one with high other defenses, since it takes the best of both. Have priest cast Minor Avatar for +32 to Fortitude/Reflex/Willpower and wizard with hatchet and shield use Hardened Veil for +75 deflection,, and then Defensive Mindweb gives everyone the Fort/Ref/WIll of the priest and the deflection of the wizard.
  2. Oh and for Ciphers Defensive Mindweb is crazy strong. I used it when one character with Preservation (+50 defenses while prone/stunned) was proned and suddenly everyone had 200+ on all defences. If you use consumables (I don't), you could stack a whole bunch of defensive buffs on a paladin and then your whole party will get those defences and be practically invulnerable. Reaping Knives might be cool, but if you just build one defence stacker and then cast this your party becomes godlike.
  3. Loaded saves right before the concelhaut fight and then Thaos (PotD) to try out some of the new spells with the help of the console. Wizards: Best level 8 spells feels like Freezing Rake (I don't really get the AoE though) and Wall of Many Colours, very much worth it on the time to cast vs. effect. Wilting WInd just takes to long, Minolettas Piercing Sigil requires letting your wizard get hit, Imprint is a gamble and a waste of time you could be spending CCing or doing damage. Blackbow might be cool for non-boss encounters if you built around it. Druids: Stag takes too long to summon and is too fragile. Also why do I have to select it and then activate it's carnage ability that should just be a passive ability for it? Avenging storm I could see for those that use spiritshift a lot but I don't. Tornado has a good effect with high instant damage and prone but the AoE is to thin and really awkward to use, especially if your druid isn't on the front line. Priests: Since Priest play in a hard fight is to always buff your party and cast any 'Prayer Against' spells that you need before anything else, you're casting 3-4 other spells before you even start to think about casting any of the new level 8 ones since none of them are AoE buffs*. I'd rather cast spells to keep people from going down in the first place than cast Watchful Guardian since IIRC they lose their buffs when they get knocked out and then revive (someone correct me if I'm wrong), but it's a powefull effect. Hand of Weal and Woe is an improved Ectopsychic Echo so of course it's very good, but I didn't get to cast it in either fight because when I was done buffing and throwing down Minor Intercessions for one or two status effects that got through the fights were always over. *unless you are an Eothasian, in which case you essentially get a Circle of Protection spell that is actually good, and you should probably cast it right after Crowns for the Faithful and whatever Prayer Against spell you need
  4. Shadow Step: Teleport to another possition on the battlefield, and then automatically teleport back to where you started after 'a few moments'. 1 per encounter. Feign Death: Like the Play Dead ability ranger has for its pet but for the rogue itself. 1 per encounter. Constant Distraction: When rogue is flanking someone, they are also automatically distracted. Passive.
  5. This bug now appears in released non-beta 3.0. Should one make new bug reports in the general Tech Support for bugs previously only reported in beta?
  6. But I really need those new Barbarian abilities! 10-15 raw retaliate on melee hit and killing blows having no recovery sounds sweet. Edit: Hand of Weal and Woe and Ectopsychic Echo keep working when you leave the initial range of the spell when it is cast.
  7. Charge + Hand of Weal and Woe and Ectopsychic Echo seems like it could be fun.
  8. Having the best terrible optional ability is not really worth much, and Skaens sneak attacks and stilettos are much better if you for some reason actually want to melee.
  9. Symbol of (GOD) Spells: Berath: Causes Weakened Eothas: +20 to all defenses Magran: Causes Blind Skaen: Causes Hobbled Wael: +30 defense vs. Charm/Confusion/Domination Since I can't imagine anyone thinking these are actually of equal value*, why on earth did they make it like this? Do they for some reason just REALLY not want people playing priests of Wael? *Given that Prayer Against Treachery and Prayer Against Bewilderment exist Waels bonus is practically meaningless, and even if those spells didn't exists no one can actually think +10 vs. Charm/Confusion/Domination is worth +20 vs. literally everything else.
  10. Berath does Corrode and causes Weakened, so it attacks fortitute at the same time as it lowers fortitude, so that each hit makes the next one more likely. His and Magrans are just clearly better than the Wael and Skaens. Wael seems to get the worst deal, though I haven't checked Eothas. Edit: Eothas gives +20 to all defenses. WTF? How is +30 vs charmed/confused/dominated remotely balanced vs +20 to all defenses? That's kind of bull****.
  11. Symbol of Wael inflicts freeze and gives friendlies +30 resistance to charmed/confused/dominated. Would have liked if it caused confusion instead but can see how that would be a bit OP, but this OTOH feels kind of situational, and in those situations you'd rather cast Prayer Against Treachery. Also the freeze damage is vs. fortitude which isn't ideal.
  12. Hand of Heal and Woe can be cast out of combat, probably a bug?
  13. If this stacks with survival bonus dragons are getting a lot less scary.
  14. PotD. Voted trial of iron because I had to pick one and I feel expert mode is just a bad interface that makes you jump through hoops to get information you want instead of just showing it to you.
  15. Skaen already has Stiletto and Club, which share weapon focus.
  16. Right under the spell name. I completely missed it. None of the seal spells have it, and neither does Calling the Worlds Maw, which surprises me a little.
  17. Between this and Cragholdt Bluffs someone seems to be having a lot of fun making lovingly mangled corpes.
  18. Made matching red/gold and green/gold hammerwielding godlike paladins. Once helms arrive you could replace the green ones race with one that isn't terrible (pls buff nature godlikes).
  19. Now that it's a category of immunity, it would really be nice if it was shown in spell descriptions. For some like slicken it's intuitive but for some I don't really know. Just as an example is prone from Pillar of Faith ground? Is it a magic pillar smashing them in the head that prones them (not ground) or a shockwave from the impact (ground)?
  20. Combat mode starts when I enter Galawains Maw even though no one there is hostile. If i reload the autosave from entering I am not in combat mode. Happened when I first entered and still happens now even though I've finished the quest. Savegame from oldsong outside the maw: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jvi1huunz04pkbu/fa3f59669b09445f81330190166690b8%2022229106%20Oldsong.savegame?dl=0
  21. On wizard spells, even with triple the duration, I still feel Ryngrims Enervating Terror suffers from 'why would I not cast Call to Slumber instead?' with the spells not having enough differentiation (same level, same AoE, same defense targeted), and could have it's AoE increased so it has more cases where you'd want to cast it. Maybe have it's AoE increased by a lot, from current 2.5 to 4 but it's duration shortened to 15 seconds rather than 20? So many enemies are Fear/Terrified immune anyway in 3.0.
  22. Is stasis field really that bad? It's got such a long duration that you should do OK even if you just graze with it and since it's not a listed status effect I don't think anyone has resistance or immunity to it? Nature's Bounty is super awkward. It's not striktly speaking bad, but really awkward compared to priest buffs that just work and dont force everyone to take time to drink potions. Elemental DR duration is incredibly short, could really go from 10 to 15 second duration, and also really seems like the kind of spell that should be fast cast so you can throw it down in reaction to an enemy spell.
  23. I'm of the opposite opinion. 7th-level Priest spells are rather meh. The full-on Resurrection is good, but I rarely (if ever) need it; Minor Avatar is okaysh but casing Champion's Boon + Crowns For The Faithful is generally better. The other spell is really rather weak and never worth casting. Yeah while Minor Avatar is cool, buffing the entire party with Crowns is almost always superior to just buffing yourself. Probably amazing on a solo run though. Storm of Holy Fire is great. With buffed Intellect it hits 6-7 times for ~40 burn damage each time with Scion of Flame and the AoE is gigantic. It doesn't have the CC/debuff of druid spells like Relentless Storm/Plague of Insects but it does more damage faster than either of those two.
  24. Seal spells have higher accuracy than they say they do when you mouse over them. They're quite good. Prone and Blind are never bad. Barbs of condemnation I've used on level 2 to kill that outlaw you meet when traveling from Cilant Lis at the start of the game, so not 100% useless. Instill Doubt has a lot better duration than either Arcane Assault or Interdiction. Though it could probably stand to be Fast. Suppress Affliction might be short duration but its still a lifesaver, with the lower duration there's now actually a reason to use Minor Intercession (though Minor Intercession could probably still be buffed to remove 10 rather than 5 seconds of hostile duration since it isn't improved by Intellect). Pillar of faith is good already. The AoE is small but the duration is a longer than Prone effect for other classes (10 seconds vs. 4 seconds for slicken and 7 seconds for calling the worlds maw), also the prone is +15 accuracy instead of +10. Pillar of Holy Fire does a lot of damage and has twice the range of the 4th level spells, and again +15 accuracy. It's pretty decent for hitting the enemy backline.
  25. Looking through the end-game beastiary on a PotD vs a Hard game, it's +15 defenses and accuracy and +25% health. DR remains the same. Which makes sense, if DR increased the balance between fast low damage and slow high damage weapons would change depending on difficulty.
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