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Everything posted by theseez

  1. Thanks! Will try that out!
  2. I don't seem to have my backer badge either, hoping you can kindly fix it up for me. Many thanks in advance!
  3. Referring to the topic title, I am currently living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and unfortunately due to region restrictions, SP: TSOT is unavailable on Steam or on GamersGate. Would appreciate if anybody could let me know how I can obtain a digital copy of the game. Many thanks!
  4. Project management may not be 'glamorous', but it is vitally important for a team effort like this. Loved the update, keep them coming!
  5. I guess I'll stick with Kickstarter. Obsidian will be swimming in cash by the time the KS finishes, and I love the concept of Kickstarter as a creative ecosystem, so might as well give them a bit of love back.
  6. I asked them this on Twitter, no response so far. Hopefully we'll get an answer soon because I'm sick, drugged up, about to pass out and will probably only wake up after the Kickstarter has closed :/
  7. Everyone knows monks don't need any sthinkin' armor, the power of fisticuffs allows one to be immune to sissy bullets. Funny, that was what the Boxers said too...
  8. Argh you guys are killing me yknow? I've increased my pledge, so what am I supposed to eat next month? Now that the writing team will reach 'touched-by-the-finger-of-God' levels at USD2.8m, I'd really love to see that talent at play in a second city as a new stretch goal. That, an expanded soundtrack and the expansion of the novella to a full length novel will have me starving to death before my next paycheque arrives.
  9. I would rather have more music as a stretch goal instead of having it done by an orchestra. If PE is a success then orchestras will likely cover the music anyway.
  10. 50 minutes seems to be a bit short for a game of this scope. Would it be feasible do you think for an expanded soundtrack to be set as a stretch goal? (subject to Mr Bell's concurrence, of course).
  11. Q. Will there be (a) signature tune(s) for the game (e.g. Maybe, A Kiss To Build A Dream On for FO1 and 2, Baba Yetu for Civ4, Suteki Da Ne for FFX)? To have a particular strong piece deeply associated with and conjuring up images of the game is I think one of the most powerful things music can do. A. That's a great idea, but I would need to think about that a bit more. It would have to be done right, and wouldn't be worth doing at all if it didn't fit or wasn't great. Q. Will there be usage of leitmotifs for characters and/or locations? PS:T did that very well, not to mention the obvious power it had in Star Wars. A. Yes indeed! That's how you build memorability into music, and that's very important for us here. Many thanks for your kind reply, Mr Bell. Can't wait to see what magic you'll come up with for the game (yes I voted for you!)
  12. If Mr @JustinBell is viewing this forum, a couple of questions if I may:- 1. Will there be (a) signature tune(s) for the game (e.g. Maybe, A Kiss To Build A Dream On for FO1 and 2, Baba Yetu for Civ4, Suteki Da Ne for FFX)? To have a particular strong piece deeply associated with and conjuring up images of the game is I think one of the most powerful things music can do. 2. Will there be usage of leitmotifs for characters and/or locations? PS:T did that very well, not to mention the obvious power it had in Star Wars. Hope to hear from you on this if you have the time, many thanks!
  13. I'd love a huge urban environment complete with various districts (rich, poor, commercial, industrial etc), slang and dialects, factions, architectural styles, diversions and so forth. I completely agree that Sigil was one of the best interpretations of a CRPG city I've ever come across, the experience was immersive and you felt like the city had its own beating heart and living soul. You could practically smell the squalor of the Hive, the sulphuric fumes of the Lower Ward and the perfumed decadence of the Clerk's Ward, and the ambient noises added even more depth and colour. I would love for this richness of experience to be brought to PE.
  14. I would like to second your proposal for, ahem, certain reasons... I knew you would. Such an adorable little bunny you are *pats FlintlockJazz's head*. If anybody intends on throwing a Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch at him you'd better make sure you count all the way to five, or you'll have me to deal with.
  15. Monty Python-style vorpal bunny for me please! Bunnies are so cute!
  16. I'm going to rep my region a bit and vote for kerises to be included. Just as a little tidbit, the keris wasn't just an ordinary weapon, but was imbued with mystical power as evidenced by the rituals for its forging and use. Oh and let dual-wielding be enabled please!
  17. I think we all finally know what the Nameless One's true name is. Happy 402nd birthday Namele...MCA! Thank you for being such an awesome part of all of our lives. The world would be a duller, lesser place without you. Even if you DID kill the last speaker of the Udo language.
  18. Woo fellow Malaysian! Could you guys tell me something about where your language originates from? I know some turkish and somehow I am able to understand about 5% of your written language... Malay is basically an Austronesian language (almost the same as Indonesian, related to Tagalog and the Polynesian and Malagasy languages), but with heavy borrowings from various sources owing to Malaysia's position as a trade crossroads. Vocabulary has been borrowed, inter alia, from Sanskrit (the pre-Islamic Indian influence is strong, although not as strong as in Indonesia), Arabic, Persian, Chinese (particularly southern dialects) and more recently, Portuguese and English owing to our colonial history. Words that are similar to Turkish most probably derive from Arabic and Persian borrowings common to both languages.
  19. Maxed out and will be eating ramen for all of next month, sadly
  20. TBH I'm not really enthused about this latest news. As a story driven player, I'm not too fussed about hardcore modes and the like, and I know for a fact that I will not be using any of the features included in the stretch goal except for the new race, possibly. Hopefully the next one will include further content or mechanics that I find useful (e.g. UI features, in-game refinements) instead.
  21. This was brilliant, well done Armand! Looking forward to your next offering and hope to see you ingame!
  22. UG MUST BASH STUPID DOOR! And lo and behold, the door was smashed to smithereens. Agree on bashable/magickable doors and chests please. The cake is a lie.
  23. Has Obsidian taken note of the possibility to crowdsource translation yet? I notice it's been brought up quite a few times on this forum as well as on the Kickstarter page, but I don't think we've heard anything from them as yet.
  24. Just as a slight digression, would very much like to know whose signature is at the bottom of Edair's drawing. Would be really cool if possible to have the artist come on here and maybe give us an explanation of the inspiration and significance of the character, his armour, equipment etc.
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