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Everything posted by evdk

  1. Ohh... there is such a thing ? East Effect ? Sure instead of Sheppard you have Brayko.
  2. It goes without saying that describing a Bioware game as a dating sim is hyperbole, although DAII did get overtaken somewhat by the romances. In Mass Effect, the opposite occurred. The romances were nowhere near as central as the tone of the relationship suggested they should be. I must have played some crazy East European version of ME then.
  3. There's an unspoken assumption here that you really, urgently NEED that granular level of experience you'd get from only partially clearing the dungeon. But I don't think you do, not really. Not everything in a game needs to reward you. As long as the game is built around its experience mechanic effectively, it shouldn't really bother anyone. Or possibly you could use subquests.
  4. Actually, XP is an abstraction, unless you are dealing with "learn by doing" systems like the one used in Oblivion and other TES games. "Troller" is "Nigro", my friend. Discussion unnecessary.
  5. It's called 'loot'. Not every enemy will have 'loot'. What would you loot from a zombie? The rags? The zombie might very well be part of a "Please help purge our abbey of the curse of undeath" quest. And also, why do you need to kill it anyway?
  6. This should help not putting 100.000.000 of bloody trash mobs in the game. And, as has been previously pointed out, murdering umptillion of gobbos helping you become more persuasive is equally retarded, because the system is only a abstraction of reality. I'm amused at what lengths and stretching of the mind some people go to equate killing of enemies and exploration in a single-player rpg (not MMO) to grinding... Why would this help not putting a billion of trash mobs in the game? Wouldn't they actually care more to not put a billion of trash mobs in the game if they actually handed out xp? What grinding? Never mentioned any grinding. What are you yammering about?
  7. But you can kill them and you will even get a reward where applicable. And you will get loot anyway. What are you, Pavlov's dog?
  8. I don't think Avellone wrote Safiya. It wasn't tragedy either way. Unless it was and she got eaten by One of Many.
  9. This should help not putting 100.000.000 of bloody trash mobs in the game. And, as has been previously pointed out, murdering umptillion of gobbos helping you become more persuasive is equally retarded, because the system is only a abstraction of reality.
  10. Trying to point out I think I can see both sides of the argument, I just prefer one way over the other. No matter how you dole out XP it's a completely artificial thing, no getting away from that. Yes, it's down to personal preference and I am personally sick of XP per kill systems.
  11. Played both of those games and actually don't remember much romancing going on, so the games must have done it right.
  12. You took the words right out of my mouth, which begs the question what point did you try to convey there?
  13. While we are in the business of exchanging personal anecdotes, I would like to mention that I know people who can drink a whole bottle of vodka and still be articulate. Just putting it out there.
  14. Problem is that the two Black Isle/Obsidian games with famously deep characterizations had romance, although the form and style differed from Bioware's. The reason being because romance can add another layer of depth to a relationship. What games?
  15. No, but neither are Bloodlines. No approach is inherently worse then the other.
  16. Well, that's with the assumption you can sneak by EVERYTHING in the game. Stop pulling the straw out of his "argument", it's not worth it.
  17. Strongly FOR. I've been advocating this approach from the very beginning and these news have made my day.
  18. Just don't take any clues from Arcanum's combat and build balancing, that's all I'm asking.
  19. Cleve is a lovable lunatic, but alas I do not trust him. If this actually comes out and the word of mouth is good I will definitely purchase.
  20. NO. NO. NO. NO NO. Jesus, Ostner, don't you have no shame?
  21. For the sake of knowledge, of couse. In our schools we love to learn dead languages (latin and greek) as well, for the same reason. Latin and Greek in standard curriculum? If so, colour me impressed. If not, then it's about as relevant as me studying Spanish just because.
  22. Would you like to have Photoshop or Windows Movie Maker start everytime you run a game? I use steam so much I don't even understand what you are comparing it to. Steam is a platform to share and have live-things like updates. It's one of the 2 ways to buy the game (the other is GoG and is scary-DRM free). Having Steam always online doesn't bother the standard Steam user at all. That's nice and all, sunshine, but I would rather not have another client running so I can play games. Luckily there is an alternative, so we both can get what we want. Wheeeee. PS Standard human being is not bothered by a lot of things that should by all accounts bother him a lot.
  23. Which is relevant to this discussion how exactly?
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