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Justin Bell

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Everything posted by Justin Bell

  1. https://emily.st/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/its-done-640.gif Expect to hear this change in the next patch
  2. Awesome! Thanks Justin! I really appreciate it. It's not something worthy of breaking things already working, but if it ends up being a harmless change, well, I'll be a happy man. Talked to A Brennecke and he gave the go ahead! Gonna change this today and check it in for the next patch. Thanks for bringing this to our attention! How about background music for Durance and GM conversations? https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81985-durance-and-gm-conversations-need-their-own-soundtracks/ It's a great point. We'll definitely take a look at that for future products, might be too much to sort out for PoE though. Yep, that's the one! Also used in Durgan's Battery but starting at another point in the song
  3. We could probably make this happen Maybe. I'll ask to see if it's safe, last thing I want to do is destabilize the base game. But if it's safe it's an easy swap.
  4. I don't have any definitive news to share at the moment, but I can say that we're discussing ways to release the expansion soundtrack, and that it would most likely happen after part 2 is released. Thanks again for your support and your kind words! You guys are great.
  5. Hmmmm. Are these White March caves, or PoE caves in general?
  6. LOL nice Darkpriest! No idea when the next part is coming I'm as excited as you are :D
  7. Thanks durbal and Quantics for that! durbal, I'm glad to hear you liked the chant, there was some debate about it in the office but my instincts told me it was the right thing.
  8. Thanks for posting this about Ondra's Gift and apologies to you for encountering that bug. I hadn't heard of it until now, but we'll look into it.
  9. Hi Mazisky, I hope so too! Chances are there will be new music for The White March 2.
  10. Thanks folks for the kind words! What you guys are describing sounds like a bug. When the dancing animation triggers, the singing music should as well. We'll take a look. As for hearing the song outside the inn but not seeing the singer inside, there's no connection between the two unfortunately. In other words that emitter will always trigger regardless if the singer is singing or not. It would be awesome if we could tie the two together, but there's no way for us to track that without some messy scripting logic.
  11. Hi achaye, Not all, but the major ones were. The town, wilderness, and two new combat pieces were all live orchestra. The inn and some other things used a singer.
  12. My pleasure. Very happy to hear you like the music.
  13. Also if you decide to do this, I recommend waiting until the next patch. I updated the mix of some of the music, it sounds much better.
  14. Hey Starwars, Thanks for that, glad you enjoy the soundtrack! To answer your question, unfortunately we will not be updating the soundtrack with the expansion music. That said, the .oggs for the soundtrack are bundled in the game data folder, so you can get them easily that way. They'll probably be in a folder that looks like this: data\win\PillarsOfEternity_data\data\audio\mus\px1_mus or px1\data\win\PillarsOfEternity_data\data\audio\mus\px1_mus If you need a program to conver the oggs to mp3s, this one is pretty good and it's free http://www.freemake.com/how_to/how_to_convert_ogg_to_mp3_free
  15. I agree, it's a shame it didn't get on the CD. We printed the CDs before that track was written.
  16. That's the last part of the Caed Nua music Starts at around 55 seconds
  17. As much as I'd love to I don't think we'd be able to do that for anything but the music unfortunately. Even then it might be difficult for us to ensure that doing so won't cause unintended consequences. : /
  18. It was a disk space saving consideration mostly. The music is streamed and has a minimal memory cost, but we also wanted to keep the game's download size down. 32kHz helped for that reason.
  19. We had to lower the bit rate of sounds and VO to 32 and below for memory optimization and disk space reasons. Some sounds don't actually need high sample rates and that depends on the frequency content of the source. Something with no frequencies above 4kHz can have an 8kHz SR and still sound nearly identical to a 192kHz version of that same sound.
  20. This is a great conversation, VO is something folks are very passionate about. Early on in the Kickstarter we got lots of feedback from people saying they'd rather we spend money on the game rather than VO. When were deciding how much VO to record for PoE, the IE games were our frame of reference in terms of overall scope. The scope of PoE's VO is comparable to the IE games. I should qualify what I said earlier. We like VO at Obsidian, love it in fact. It's one of the things that we do really well and that we're known for. That said we wouldn't spend money on adding VO if the result of doing so prevented us from making a good game. The game comes first and foremost, above everything else. I can't speak for the owners of Obsidian or the production staff on Pillars. I'll go out on a limb though and say is that a voice pack DLC is unlikely at this point. I don't mean to disappoint anyone who is in favor of one, but the cost and risk of doing something like that is pretty high. Now, if the modding community came together to make a mod that added more VO, that would be pretty awesome. Look at Skywind? Those guys managed to put together full voice acting for their mod. If they can do it for Morrowind, someone surely can for PoE.
  21. Voice acting can add up, that's for sure. The thing to also consider is that you'd have to include the designer/audio designer/QA/programmer time as well as the voice acting costs. That's what really gets you. If enough folks are vocal (heh... see that?) about more VO, we might be able to consider it for future projects! Adding more into PoE now would be risky I think. It's amazing what will add bugs to the game! Something as simple as adding new VO could create a ton of new bugs It would be awesome though.
  22. Hi Hogfather. Thanks for the heads up, we'll take a look soon!
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