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Everything posted by Elerond

  1. Trump's game is to stir controversy in topics that don't matter in order to get less attention to other things that he does, like cutting funding from women clinics in developing countries that offer abortion services.
  2. At the moment when it stopped timelapse and started to zoom in.
  3. I though people voted him because they had lost their jobs and he will bring them back. I think unemployed vote were marginal, point was that bringing jobs back ofcourse affects middle class and business associated with big companies. eg if you start manufacturing cars, someone have to repair them as well, someone have to insure them, someone have to transport them around etc etc. thats what is creating jobs and benefiting middle class But if everybody already has job, why they would need drastic measures to create more of them? Do they plan to bring Mexicans to do the jobs or what? Also car manufacturing don't itself bring repair jobs you need people buying said cars and use them to make repair jobs, and bringing manufacturing job to back to US may rise prices of cars, as manufacturing in US is said to be more expensive than it is in Mexico, and higher priced cars usually mean less sold cars, which means less need for repair shops etc. which means less jobs in that sector. If there are more jobs than people, it drives companies to compete for employees -> salary raise -> happy middle class so yes, it can drive price of item in question higher, however you gain more cash as well, and not all items will go up in price or not that much as your salary (in theory at least) But if already higher salaries go even higher, then those product prices rise even more. But it also means that companies have less money to put in other sectors, which would mean that in them jobs or salaries are going down. Because when US companies bring back their manufacturing jobs to US they don't bring new money to US economy, because money they make from manufacturing their products in Mexico and China already is part of US economy, meaning that when you lower amount profit they can make from manufacturing goods you lower amount money they can put in other sectors. Which means like I said that people that do manufacturing jobs may see increase in salaries and jobs, but in other sectors workers will see decrease in salaries and jobs. Except if US government will take loan and give that as compensation for companies that bring their jobs back so that there is more money to go around, but even that may not be enough as those manufacturing products are also sold in other countries, where those new higher prices may significantly lower amount of sold products as there will be cheaper products in market from their own companies.
  4. It seems that Trump will be most successful, beloved, and benevolent leader in history of universe. If you don't believe me now, you will believe me when you see the alternative facts say so after his first term of many to come. Because it will also be alternative fact that person can be president more than two terms, no need to change law even. It is alternative fact.
  5. That is not really true, but in cases where there are multiple people inheriting they have dispute who gets what, it is possible that you need to pay inheritance taxes before said dispute is over and you can get access to what you have inherited. I have suffered through one such case. But 30% tax for 100k euros house is exaggerating things. As it is tiered tax where you have base tax 3500€ for 60k-200k + 13% for everything that is over 60k so in case of 100k 3500€ + 5200€ (13% of 40k€), which means that effective tax is 8.7% of said house's value.
  6. I though people voted him because they had lost their jobs and he will bring them back. I think unemployed vote were marginal, point was that bringing jobs back ofcourse affects middle class and business associated with big companies. eg if you start manufacturing cars, someone have to repair them as well, someone have to insure them, someone have to transport them around etc etc. thats what is creating jobs and benefiting middle class But if everybody already has job, why they would need drastic measures to create more of them? Do they plan to bring Mexicans to do the jobs or what? Also car manufacturing don't itself bring repair jobs you need people buying said cars and use them to make repair jobs, and bringing manufacturing job to back to US may rise prices of cars, as manufacturing in US is said to be more expensive than it is in Mexico, and higher priced cars usually mean less sold cars, which means less need for repair shops etc. which means less jobs in that sector.
  7. I though people voted him because they had lost their jobs and he will bring them back.
  8. Trump's plans seems to be very communistic in their roots. Protectionism, going against markets to ensure that low level jobs are kept in USA, going against free market agreements, being very bothered to look like success in public image and lying if necessary in order to keep good front and accusing everybody of lying that say otherwise. I have not seen such communistic leader and future dictator after fall of Soviet Union.
  9. For example Protections against employment discrimination isn't everywhere in same level as they are for other citizens. Ability to adopt a child as couple isn't everywhere in same level as they are for other citizens. Protections against denial of service isn't everywhere on same level as it is for other citizens.
  10. What? Treating LGBT as regular citizens? The horror. I know right? "Do you want to be treated as an equal or do u want to be treated as special? If you are treated as an equal, then u won't be treated as if your special because your just like everyone else. If you are treated as special, then you won't be treated as if your equal because then your different and not like everyone else. But you don't treat LGBT citizens as equal to other citizens as you give (USA) them less rights and less protections against things than you give to other citizens. Meaning that special treatment that you speak is that you treat them as special in sense that they are lower class citizens. But of course for some equality means that people are equal if they rights only when they are able to act as majority of population and if you can't it is absolutely justified to mistreat you.
  11. It is just precedent that gives indication how they could treat foreign protesters that come to protest during UN summit or some other international event hold in US. It isn't different from what lots of other countries do, but it is something that US has stand for long time, meaning that is an example of possible changes coming in next 4 years (leading to Trumps becoming beloved leader of US). This person seems to have excellent ability to predict future (aka see the date) https://twitter.com/Bro_Pair/status/60907570780585985
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/20/womens-march-canada-protesters-denied-entry-us?CMP=share_btn_tw Canadians traveling to Women's March denied US entry after sharing their plans "The group was upfront about their plans with border agents, Dyck said. “We said we were going to the women’s march on Saturday and they said, ‘Well, you’re going to have to pull over’.” What followed was a two-hour ordeal. Their cars were searched and their mobile phones examined. Each member of the group was fingerprinted and had their photo taken. Border agents first told the two French citizens that they had been denied entry to the US and informed them that any future visit to the US would now require a visa."
  13. Ideal length depends on what game focuses on and what kind mechanics it uses. Open world exploration RPGs like Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series or Bioware's Dragon Age 3 you need much longer length as in those games focus in exploring world and finding content more than anything else. So in them play time tends to be much longer than in other games because of that exploration, but they are games that have very low replayability percent. In action oriented story driven games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age 2 or Alpha Protocol ideal play time is much shorter, because in them focus is in story and player choices how to forward the story. Hardest RPG genre to determine ideal playtime is what I call balanced RPGs like Baldur's Gates, Fallout 1&2, Dragon Age: Origins, Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2 and Divinity Original Sin. Because they have that time consuming exploration, character building, but they also have heavy focus on narrative and player choices. In such games focusing in one aspect over others usually makes game become dull.
  14. Most decent priced wireless routers have firewall controls for inbound and outbound traffic and VPN support and parental controls etc. features Like for example https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-Wi-Fi-Gigabit-Router-WNDR4300/dp/B008HO9DK4/ref=sr_1_3/156-5321114-0197645?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1484229707&sr=1-3&refinements=p_n_feature_keywords_browse-bin%3A4787664011&th=1 If you need more advance firewall features then you probably need to look bit more expensive routers Most USB - RJ45 adapters most likely work in your pc, but for safety it is wise to check that they have drivers for your OS. Here is one example of such adapter https://www.amazon.com/Linksys-Ethernet-Chromebook-Ultrabook-USB3GIG/dp/B00LIW8TBG
  15. I think that simplest solution for you would be to go with Wireless router that has also LAN hub and USB to RJ45 adapter.
  16. You can also get Iovara help in final fight and she tells your character that may we meet again and then her spirit disappears.
  17. Election results were clear, no president needed
  18. Don't worry Turkey is part of Nato, and they also like systematically oppress their people. So you know how much freedom means for freedom army
  19. Highly unlikely as the state doping was only implemented after the bad results of the Russian athletes after the Vancouver 2010 games and the ability of Russia to interfere in the IT infrastructure of countries is also a relatively new phenomena ....we have seen this the last 10-15 years maximum because hackers lacked the resources to implement the types of disruptions we sometimes see It was today 27 years ago when PSInet launched their alternative for Internet's backbone that would grow to one of the networks that we today know as Internet. Meaning that we haven't had that long IT infrastructure that can be targeted by hackers.
  20. There is laws that if you speak about homosexuality you can be jailed, because of spreading homosexual propaganda. These laws are used to jail people carrying rainbow flags etc. symbols of LGBT community, so I would say that they are very much systematically oppressed.
  21. https://twitter.com/GRRM/status/813173409622487041
  22. Would you say you hot? You sound hot Those are synonims.In the same way that a butter knife and a combat knife are both sharp. You shouldn't get this drunk on Xmass you know. Nah, thats an anti-Western conspiracy theory....I imagine you feel guilty every Xmas because of the amounts of alcohol you must consume...its fine I give you permission to get inebriated Of course you must get drunk on Xmas, everyone knows this as an irrefutable fact That is why Dry January is a thing
  23. After all, everyone knows nobody has ever created anything of cultural and artistic value since the fall of Rome, especially not any people descended from those filthy barbarians. Rome for about thousand years conquered and raided its neighboring nations, but it ironically suffered that same fate itself after Romans started to become more interest to spat with each other than what was happening in world around them.
  24. https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article160462226/Berliner-Polizei-Wir-haben-den-falschen-Mann.html Now they say that Berlin police says that they believe that they arrested wrong man.
  25. According to psychological journals there isn't a single provable case in history of world where person's sexuality has changed. Subject is very difficult to study because all able bodied people are physically capable to have sex with people the aren't attracted towards, from which prostitution and porn work as examples. And historically subject is even harder to study because homosexuality has and still is frowned all around world where heterosexuality is not just accepted but seen as the norm and encouraged through one's life. Also societies are mainly designed for heterosexuals from norms to laws. Which is reason why there are people who realize that they are homosexuals later in their life. Also bisexuality isn't not well understood by people, in way that lots of people see it as phase where person decides their sexuality, which is why they miss identified themselves in surveys based on their current relationship. There isn't agreed on reason why people are sexually attracted towards anybody and sexual attraction is complex thing in sense that everybody seems to have different set of characteristics they are attracted towards. Which make it extremely difficult to pinpoint what comes from genetics and what comes from nurture especially when it is extremely hard to find commonalities in people's backgrounds that give same answers or who have same physical reactions in tests. Which is why study after study give different answers.
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