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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. Anything raw mechanics related can change, and you should also consider the date on some of the info. The original Eternity was going to have a system of repairs, how did that work out? All I am saying is that you should not worry about tiny specific mechanics details. When the beta hits if there really is an issue there will be plenty of feedback on it, and the devs are willing to change any of the maths at any time if it creates an imbalance.
  2. I don't know I concur with Quillon, once I got past the initial stages and all the characters I wasn't using died I just started to get bored with it. Much like D:OS 1 after the first chapter. I will probably try to push through but it isn't "best RPG ever" or even close. I said it earlier in the thread, and I will say it again. Anyone can like both games. But Eternity and D:OS are not really competitors. OS is far more about the combat than it is the story, or the world. Eternity is the opposite, the combat is "good enough, not bad", but the game is really about the setting and plot.
  3. I don't know. The developers have been clear that they chose 5 because it worked better in early play-testing, and lead to a more balanced game. I think the developers saying "it works better" is a strong argument for 5. At this point they know vastly more about the game than any of us, so their opinion carries weight.
  4. There is a Twin Elms ending slide. It is called ORLAN BABY!!!! Also guys complaining about instant villain reveal... You do realize the jesus christ holy lord of all CRPG's you guys worship called BGII opens with the very first NPC you meet in the game being the villain of the game? No kidding, the very first NPC. So complaining about Eternity revealing the villain after a short intro segment isn't really valid. At least I had to deal with Sparfel and the fat innkeeper first in the other two games.
  5. Calling for a vote, is not the same as a vote nor a vote passing. A rule to not mention that which is sought to be banned in the vote is a nonsensical expectation. The intent isn't even to banish her name, but to end the maelstrom that surrounds her. The real intent was to make quip at the maelstrom that surrounds her. Now I understand why Gromnir must explain the plot. Now I've been robbed of my quip. By all means, people are free to carry on how they wish. Or maybe I am just tired of the completely invented drama about the character, and actually would like the forums to move on. Which requires not talking about her.
  6. You guys realize that by calling for a vote to get Ydwin out of the thread, you are in fact mentioning Ydwin in the thread?
  7. Yes, what the hell? Aloth just tells you his entire life story within moments of meeting. Yeah I remember how 10 minutes after meeting me he told me about how he was a leaden key member, and following me because I was one of "those types" the leaden key likes to spy on and manipulate. Oh wait, my bad, he didn't tell me about any of that until I was half way through the game.
  8. Pretty sure he is smoking crack cocaine. Or whiteleaf which is the Eternity version of tobacco. As for the "weed" comments, uh no, the Eternity weed equivalent is Svef.
  9. Yes I mentioned that, also that log scroll bar is very much different from earlier videos. The color difference could simply be a result of a bad photo though, so I will concede that point.
  10. Pretty sure I agree with Gromnir. It seems like there are six characters. If you zoom in the "red" icon doesn't look like an art style that fits with Eternity, looks like something out of Tyranny, also, there is already a simple crossed swords icon... wouldn't you click that when you wanted to see "everyone's log"? That said the UI design is very different. The colors are more blue grey than the normal browns, the doodads and graphical flourishes appear different, like many have said the log is also on the left not the right, so it is possible he is showing custom ui in action as well.
  11. Dun dun dun!!!!!!!!! If you don't mind telling us, what was the reason you guys didn't just keep the original companion portraits?
  12. I guess I am confused. See I thought CRPG means Computer Role Playing Game. As in, a Role Playing Game designed for Computer. Which Morrowind definitely is. Arsene.... yeah, you are missing quite a few. I am glad you think DOS:2 is some sort of second coming, it isn't, but it is an okay game.
  13. Pretty sure you remember that wrong. You didn't even get named characters in the Beta, they were just generic characters like BB Fighter. But yeah when I look at this guy, and you ask me, "Is this a fighter, or a rogue?" Well... don't be shocked if my answer isn't rogue. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.
  14. Wait what??? No, not really. Plenty of CRPG's (is that even a thing anymore?) have raised to bar since then. Morrowind's extreme level of freedom and open world, unique multiplayer integration of games like the Souls series, even Original Sin 1 pretty much did every 2 did first, since 2 is just 1 with some slight gameplay enhancements/balances and a better story.
  15. New blurbs? Where are these new blurbs to be found?
  16. Do we need to break out all his art, where he is always wielding a long sword or sabre, always wearing chain or scale, and always using a shield? The original concept art before his name was finalized was blatantly that of a fighter/tank character. Meanwhile, there was one, count em, one, blurb where they insinuated rogue was some sort of front line shock trooper. Then they proceeded to tie their skills to mechanics, make every in game rogue a thief, a murderer, or some sort of assassin. To top it all off, they also made most rogue skills revolve around turning invisible, doing sneak attack damage, breaking engagement, etc etc. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. I am sorry Josh posted this one blurb, but outside of that blurb, there is no evidence to indicate rogues are anything other than sneaky attackers who prefer to stay at range or stab someone in the back when they aren't looking. You know, the classic D&D thief/rogue? Nothing about them that exists in game brings to mind "front line shock trooper".
  17. That's correct. Eder can be a fighter or a rogue (which still makes no sense to me). Ydwin can be a cipher or a rogue.
  18. So 1: Ydwin was always making it in game. 2: That means this thread was pointless the very day it was posted, much less today. 3: A 7 month old necro? Can we just lock this?
  19. Uh yeah.... Not exactly. Per Josh's follow up tweet those images are actually for Konstanten, and Fessina. Bronteru and Radora are in his own words, "dust in the wind #rip". Ydwin I am 100% okay with, read her blurb. She sounds like a sort of more cold and calculated person, and any "cheer" is purely for effect. Rekke... I don't like that portrait. His description is a strange looking man who washed up on shore and speaks in tongues. That portrait doesn't look strange at all, or like a person who would speak in tongues. I would have associated that portrait more with someone that had Radora's backstory, a wizard trying to become a pirate captain. But then his backstory may be totally different now.
  20. Well fug. At least this Konstanten dude still looks like a dwarf. Makes me wonder if Rekke's backstory isn't far different, cause that image doesn't make me think "guy who washed up on shore and speaks in tongues".
  21. They have already stated the sidekicks will be about equal in content/character stuff to a BG1 character, or one of the less verbose BG2 characters. For me if two of the sidekicks needs to become full companions in the expansion it is a question of comparison to what has come before. Meaning what at the base level have we already had between the two games? There has been .... 1 Elf - Just Aloth, no other Elf companions. 1 Dwarf - Just Sagani, and unlike Aloth she didn't make it into the sequel. 4 Aumaua - Kana Rua, Maia Rua, Maneha, and Teheku (yes, godlike is only half your race). 2 Orlan - Hiravias and Serafen. 2 Godlikes - Pallagina and Teheku 7 Humans - Eder, Durance, Zahua, Grieving Mother, Xoti, Devil of Caroc (yes she counts, she was a human first), and Pallegina. So Humans and Aumaua pretty well represented already, Orlans aren't horrid either, and we already have two godlikes as companions. So to me the answer is obvious, it should be Bronteru, and (oh god no) Ydwin. As we have no dwarf companion at all in Deadfire so far, and the only Elf in either game has been Aloth. They are the only two racial groups that only have one companion to them.
  22. Just waiting for the Coalition for a Dwarven Companion in Deadfire to show up in masse for this thread, it will be something to see for sure.
  23. Alright now ladybeardersona enough is enough, look what you made injurai post. Meanwile, that is definitely a amish weaboo, not a lady dwarf. She does have really cute mittens though.
  24. That said, the Gaun aspect of Eothas that Xoti specifically worships includes defense against injustice. Eder talks about this in dialogue, and it shows up in some item descriptions, but otherwise isn't explored much in Pillars 1. (Or even why some deities have multiple aspects and others don't.) Personally I agree with CottonWolf's assessment of Eothas. The fact that he tried to lead a fiery war straight into the Dyrwood, and starts Deadfire by possessing a giant statue and destroying your castle, indicates he is a bit of a kick ass, ask forgiveness later sort of fellow. As for defense, I will just remind everyone there is a specific saying in sports for a good reason. "The best defense, is a good offense."
  25. Having played some OG Sin 2 I mostly agree with this statement. It is vastly improved over part 1, the comedy is there but less relentlessly in your face (which is funny cause only OG Sin 1 does this, all the other Divinity games were more subtle), the story seems more interesting, and the changes to combat helped a lot. No longer is the game "tactical", read: spam status effects and lock down the fight in round one so enemies never even get a turn. Now you have to deal with actual armor/magic armor, enemies are smarter, and many fights start as ambushes where enemies have superior placement and location. Also attacking from high ground now gives bonus damage, and from low gives damage penalties. Lastly the game doesn't seem to be getting easier the farther I get, the challenge stays consistent. However... The Camera is still flaming balls. This is not because of "3D RPG", this is because it just sucks. You need to be able to zoom out farther than you can, and there is way too much crap at high terrain levels that constantly makes seeing things hard. Not being able to highlight containers is also retarded. I can highlight NPC's, I can see ground items, I can even see NPC's "vision cone", but I can't tell if that box is a container or just a piece of scenery without mouse-hovering it????? Unfortunately there also seems to be no penalty for being a douche bag. What's that? Caught me stealing your 400 gold, a skill book, and an armor? Here, have 50 gold, we all good now? Great! They are still different games, and OG Sin is still better in multiplayer than single player, but the sequel is definitely a step in the right direction. That said, I still prefer Eternity.
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