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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. How do I even back the project? It asked for my credit card, I only have a visa debit card. I tried it and figured it'd yell at me if I couldn't use a debit card but it just said "grats u did it!" and it seemed way too easy. Did I do it right
  2. Not items of clothing, I STIIIIILLLLLL wanna hear Tim Cain, Josh Sawyer and Chris Avellone sing "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey together. That alone would be worth another 3mil.
  3. I am willing to post pictures of my glorious ass for our female members to gawk at if we reach the 3.5 million stretch goal. I hope this is enough motivation to encourage enough donations.
  4. "I have to go now, my planet needs me." Or simply "Courier Six?" as an easter egg to New Vegas.
  5. I'm still trying to understand what being an "old skool" RPG fan has to do with disliking those updates.
  6. Yeah and hire Tommy Wiseau to do all the voices. Cheap and likewise entertaining.
  7. Just give it an ending that the player has to initiate. AKA in New Vegas, yes we have a definitive ending, but you have to go to your faction-of-choice's leader and say "ok start the battle," otherwise the world keeps turning. You want post-ending gameplay? Make a save before the final fight, reload it and run around all willy-nilly. Bam: you can keep playing after beating the game and Obsidian doesn't have to trivialize the integrity and impact of the story just so you can run around bopping wolves on the head with your +10 Sword of Überly Awesomeness for god knows what reason.
  8. Name it Steven. They already have the funding and all the support they need. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Name it Steven, just to be like "in ur face, every other video game company. We can give our game a stupid name and get away with it." Publishers would be jealous.
  9. Are you sure? The Banner Saga, Wasteland 2, Shadowrun Returns... maybe we are lucky and Top 3 RPG of the decade actually becomes a real challenge. Thing is, this decade has only just begun. So there is a lot that can still happen I'd also add Dead State to that list. Ya but you forget we're going to die in like 2 months because crazy apocalyptic superstition.
  10. I just don't want unpredictable outcomes; I want the player to be able to anticipate the outcome, at least to an extent. For example, I think if you give a beggar a coin and then buys a lottery ticket and wins the lottery and decides to give you half his winnings, that's ridiculous. The player who gave the beggar the middle finger will be swearing at the game, screaming "how the hell was I supposed to know that would happen!?!" The outcome should in some way be predictable. That means no "oh this person I rescued turns out to be a prince!" or "turns out I killed the nephew of the toughest bounty hunter in the world" or things like that. Of course people you help should be grateful and might repay you somehow, but you shouldn't see dramatic outcomes to such decisions. Convenient benefits or inconvenient consequences? Sure. I DO think there's a beauty in, several roads later, being hit with consequences and realizing "ooooh, that's why I shouldn't've done that..." One that I like is the NCR-Great Khan conflict in Boulder City. You may shoot up the Great Khans because who cares? They helped bury your grave, they seem like jerks whereas the NCR has been nice so far, why help them or settle things peacefully? Well because unknown to you, they're actually very kind to their "family" and if you help them get out of there, they treat you as such and give you fair deals on their weapons and ammo, buying items from you at full price. Is it neccesary to have access to their merchant? Not in the slightest; there are 2-3 other NPCs with larger stockpiles of ammo so you're really only missing out on someone who gives you fair prices, but even then she lives kinda out of the way. Is it convenient? Hell yes it is, and it's reason enough to make the player glad they helped out WITHOUT making the player who killed them swear at the game and say "how the hell was I supposed to know that would happen?!" It's a big enough bonus that the guy who helped feels fulfilled, but also an optional enough convenience of a perk that the guy who killed them can shrug it off. Make it like that. Maybe a quest gives you the option to help bandits kill a traveling merchant and you get a cut of his stuff, then if you do, when you reach the next town and maybe some time passes, the store owner complains he hasn't gotten a delivery in a while now so his inventory is smaller and prices slightly steeper. You might not've expected this to happen when you commited the act, but it's logical when you see the outcome, and it's realistic. Likewise you can decide you want to kill the bandits for even suggesting such a plan, then the result is that later you'll find a larger inventory and slightly cheaper prices in the shops of the town up the street because they're being supplied properly.
  11. I think this is a really good question. I personally remember a time where I'd play shooters and get sick of being expect to be on my feet AT ALL TIMES with no chance to relax, then I'd play Final Fantasy and get annoyed with not being able to do anything about my characters sucking. Not that they were horrible, just that a fight was DESIGNED to be challenging and nothing I could do could make it easier...cept grind for an hour. I'd like an in-between. Again, I know I'm a broken record here, but I loved New Vegas. I liked that guns skill afforded you reasonable sway instead of "OH MY GAWD THIS GUN'S GOT A MIND OF IT'S OWN SOMEONE HELP ME," but it was up to you to aim. Or if you REALLY didn't want to, use VATS and build your character for VATS. It'd be nice if, for example, character skill was incredibly important (obviously, as with any typical RPG), but if the strategy with character placement was intriguing enough that player skill played a bigger role. Obviously, again, it always does, but for example with Fire Emblem I never felt like I was able to think up a strategy, but rather my goal was to NOT screw up and send one guy too far forward so that he gets attacked 7 times. That's nice and all, but it feels linear in the sense that there was "screw up" and "don't screw up," rarely showing any chance for tactics that were in some way rewarded or opened up new paths or possibilities. Personally I'm in the middle on this. Yes I want to see my character progress, but I also want to feel challenged and forced to think in some way. Grinding or finding some special item just to win a fight? Not something I find acceptable; I wanna think.
  12. Not to promote a negative stereotype of women being stupid or something, but... I love how her face is so derp, her sword is missing and the horse looks like "OH GOD PLEASE GET THIS IDIOT OFF ME." That statue's hysterical, gender be damned.
  13. Depends on what exactly they mean by the crafting system. If it's something like New Vegas, where you can simply use everyday clutter to make useful items if you simply know the recipe, then I love this. If it's just basic enchanting or weapon smithing like in Skyrim (get iron, find forge, rinse repeat), then yeah that's kinda bleh. Iunno, I really liked how practically every "junk" item in New Vegas could have purpose if you simply bothered enough to learn it's purpose or try to put it to use. A system where there's just a basic need for iron to craft weapons and....yeah you just need iron basically (or other things you can buy from literally any merchant), then it's kinda tedious and pointless. As dumb as it may sound, I did enjoy going "YES A GLASS PITCHER FINALLY," whereas "k gotta buy some more iron" is just....yeah as I said: tedious and boring.
  14. New Vegas got me pregnant. And I'm a man. Then it aborted the baby by falcon-punching me into the 4th dimension. Turns out the 4th dimension is a lot like the third, 'cept you can get Fritos and Funyuns just by wishing for them really hard, which is pretty convenient. That's how awesome New Vegas is.
  15. Not saying they are similar, either. But you asked why people are so stand-offish about all sorts of things like this, I answered why. Yes it's paranoid and overly-cautious, but I personally don't care because I agree with it, nor do I care if there's no indicator besides text that says "Critical." I would not mind at all if such indicators or whatever were the bare minimum, but would I mind if they were over the top or annoying? Yes. As I said, I'd like the devs to ask themselves if an indicator is annoying, potentially repetitive, eats time or impacts gameplay. If it does any of those, do NOT include it. Different sound cues, imo, tend to be superior for this because they don't eat time, sounds don't get repetitive or annoying (unless you're using a freaking cat's mating call as your crit sound...) and don't effect gameplay. If they insist on something like the original Fallouts for example, then perhaps it'd be wise (both sides of the argument would appreciate it) if triggering one of those didn't lock you into place and force you to watch some guy writhe in pain, but rather he did so as your battle continues.
  16. Because it's needlessly action-y. There's lots of needless action and cinematics in video games, and it's only getting worse. Great example? Skyrim. Skyrim has kill cams that activate at random if your next hit is gonna be enough to kill the opponent....or if it's enough for them to kill you. The problem? They're programmed horribly. All it does is ask "is the opponent attempting to attack" and "will it be enough to kill you if it hits." IF it hits. That's a big if, and yet as long as the answer is "yes" to both of those, you'll find yourself locked in place and killed by a move that you could've dodged or blocked, if the game simply gave you a chance. Instead, the opponent launches 5 feet forward and proceeds to kill you, just because he happens to hit hard. Your skill at dodging, your stats, your HP potions you have hotkeyed? Nothing matters, and Bethesda doesn't think this should be patched. No on the contrary, they make MORE KILLCAMS, because by God we need action-y kill sequences in our games! Therefore I think people are starting to hate their very being in any form, which with all due respect, I consider quite healthy, given that there's nothing neccesary about such action-y cinematics. They do nothing but stroke the player's ego, but they do so in a way that many of us loathe. We loathe them because they're either annoying, they take excessive amounts of time or, in the above case, are actually detrimental to gameplay. There's plenty of ways to stroke the player's ego WITHOUT doing any of that. You know how VATS will let you know you're gonna crit in FO3 and New Vegas? Screen goes black and white and you get a notifier in the top-left corner. Bam. If you want a visual or audio cue, then either give it a unique sound or do something like black and white. No cinematics, no slow-motion for dramatic effect, no going super saiyan and exploding the sun, just do something that doesn't eat time, doesn't get repetitive and annoying and doesn't impact gameplay.
  17. Dunno if this has been said before and slightly off topic, but on that note can we NOT have that god damn "SSSSSCHING!!11!1" noise every time someone draws a blade? I have kitchen knives in this holder thingy and I'm pretty sure they don't go SCHIIIING when I pull them out. Pretty sure the neighbors would call the cops if they did. Another note of realism would be spears, not swords, being the go-to weapon for basic combat.
  18. Hey guys, what if we make this vid play every time your character scores a critical hit: I think that'd be pretty cool.
  19. This too. Soooooo much this. Enemies (and the player) should have better offense than defense) Holy balls, I cannot for the life of me play FO3 anymore because I'm sick of the "OMGWTFBBQ TWO GIANT ALBINO RADSCORPIONS AND THREE DEATHCLAWS PLUS THE ENTIRE A-TEAM ARMED TO THE TEETH WITH ROCKET LAUNCHERS SUDDENLY ATTACK YOU!!" ADHD Michael Bay bull****. I don't expect to die to this because I've fought 20,000 fights like this before. I KNOW I'm going to win, it's just a matter of time....an annoying matter of time, considering I've only got ~2 hours to sit and enjoy my game, I REALLY wanna get this quest done, but I have to spend 5 minutes killing these bullet sponges and breaking my shotgun and assault rifle that I -JUST- repaired to full 15 minutes ago. This simple issue can literally ruin a game.
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