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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. Really? You gotta be kidding me. New Vegas started with a bang and ended with a bang. Literally. I for one couldn't stand how forced the storyline of FO3 felt. I distinctly remember Amata running in my room saying "Oh my god, they killed Jonas!!" and I was looking for the dialog option that said "Who the **** is Jonas?" They attempted to get me emotionally attached and invested in an NPC just because he was named "Dad." Listen, just because you name him "Dad" doesn't mean I immediately give a damn about the guy. FFS, I DON'T have a good relationship with my father; how is this supposed to cater to those of us who were raised by single mothers? Even so, I know this is all just a simulation, immersing me is NOT that simple; if he was a she and was "Mom" instead of "Dad," I'm sure it'd be the same. He has to be likeable. Same with Jonas. You can't force me to go "NOOOOOOOOOO THOSE BASTARDS" just because Amata cues me to. It wasn't until I found his body later that I even realized who he was, and even then he was just "that black guy who helped get me a BB gun" in my mind. I had no other attachment to him, just as I had no dire desire to find out what became of Dad (which in fairness, also had it's perks because you didn't feel forced or rushed to do the main quest). But revenge? Curiousity as to the why of it? Anyone can relate to those. Just because Goodsprings didn't have a giant super mutant and a ton of cars that triggered mushroom cloud-sized explosions doesn't mean the beginning sucked.
  2. I didn't spend the entire duration of Lonesome Road getting bitched at by Ulysses about the importance of symbols and understanding their meaning to hear Mr. Chris Avellone say the logo doesn't matter. That made me laugh quite a lot for some reason All this and the fact that Ouroboros just makes me think of Red Dwarf. xD Makes me think of Doctor Borous. And then I think of Nightstalkers. And then I think of Roboscorpions. Then I think of Mobius. Then I think of pudding. MMmmmmm, pudding! Thgis game needs pudding. I second this motion.
  3. I didn't spend the entire duration of Lonesome Road getting bitched at by Ulysses about the importance of symbols and understanding their meaning to hear Mr. Chris Avellone say the logo doesn't matter. That made me laugh quite a lot for some reason All this and the fact that Ouroboros just makes me think of Red Dwarf. xD Makes me think of Doctor Borous. And then I think of Nightstalkers. And then I think of Roboscorpions. Then I think of Mobius. Then I think of pudding. MMmmmmm, pudding!
  4. Please clarify what exactly you'd like to see or how this is considered a mature theme.
  5. I didn't spend the entire duration of Lonesome Road getting bitched at by Ulysses about the importance of symbols and understanding their meaning to hear Mr. Chris Avellone say the logo doesn't matter.
  6. And make harpies carry herpes for extra barrel o' laughs bonus points.
  7. I know what it is, but it's really not the most distinguishable symbol (I mean it's a ring with a dragon head), and the minor details between TES online's version and Project Eternity are really quite striking.
  8. I hate to be the bearer of bad news and I'm sure the team is focused on more important things right now, of course, but did nobody notice the blatant similarities between the symbol for Project Eternity and the symbol for The Elder Scrolls Online? Every time I look at the logo, that story about Apple suing that Polish grocery store or whatever for having a similar logo and for using the web address of a.pl just screams at me.
  9. I liked that Boone bitched at me with a tone that said "I'm restraining myself from kicking your ass" when you took his beret. Or that Veronica squealed like a little girl if I put a dress in her inventory. Little things like that give companions personality and the interactivity of the world helps immersion.
  10. At any rate I think it'd be interesting to add multi-language support as a stretch goal and monitor how that effects donation frequency. Sure the marketing department would enjoy such an experiment aswell.
  11. How about magical spells that require the caster to swing her boobs in a certain direction EDIT: Why is another word for mammary glands starting with "t" censored?
  12. Yes because all straight males desire to rub one out while playing an RPG, all straight males totally dig artificial romance with packets of AI data and all straight males refuse to buy games if the only female companions are sassy hand-to-hand lesbians, bitchy ginger alcoholics or straight-up mutants.
  13. Personally I'd love to see Charisma influence your dialog choices. Give high charisma characters the witty and funny lines while providing them with basics like "Would you mind telling me where I can find Brian?" while the low charisma characters get "Tell me where Brian is now" and get treated differently because of it. Make high charisma characters handle an enemy provokation with a confident "I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into" or a reasonable "There's no reason we can't both walk away from this without a lot of unneccesary bruises, right?" whereas low charisma characters get a "**** you" or a "Leave me alone/Don't touch me!" I'm sure many people would also enjoy a return of low-intelligence playthroughs from Fallout.
  14. I don't think hardcore racism is neccesary as long as the races have very distinguishable and different cultures.
  15. I would like to see some suggestions, seeing that this seems to be the most popular option atm. So like "anti alcoholic tree dwarves" or "pacifist demonic hell elves" or something? :3 I for one wouldn't mind seeing orcs that aren't brutal killers, but rather fair, civilized people who just happen to be butt-****ing-ugly and perhaps (perhaps) physically stronger than most. Typically it's: Humans = Flawed and resourceful Elves = "Perfect" and above humans somehow Dwarves = Live underground and are short. Also smart and good engineers. Literally that's that Orcs = Brutal, evil, mindless and ugly I wouldn't mind seeing that switched up a bit. Let orcs be considered "perfect" because they're physically stronger and mentally equal, but don't make them lord it over the other races like jerks (save for a racist here and there). Make elves more like tribals who prefer to live off the land than research and create, make Dwarves....hell if I know, they've never really been anything but their initial stereotype...Dwarves basically ARE elves that are just shorter, live underground and are decent engineers...
  16. I am always for seeing the Charisma stat beefed up. A lot of games do a very poor job of making pacifist playthroughs possible. New Vegas did a wonderful job of making the Speech skill God-Tier (plenty of fights with speech checks felt downright suicidal, passing the check could literally save your life), but the charisma attribute still needed work.
  17. Exactly. The most evil character I ever had was a House supporter who simply schmoozed up with the more powerful group in every conflict, just to reap their rewards. This meant he handed over Cass to the Van Graffs, killed off the Great Khans and BoS at Colonel Moore's command, and eventually betrayed the Van Graffs for power armor training. However, this doesn't mean he ran into the King's building guns blazing and just shot them dead. No, the only reason he shot up the Khans and the BoS was because Moore seemed insistent on it to the point where it was to his benefit to do so. With the Kings though, why NOT work towards a peaceful solution if the option is available. On the other end, I'd say the other most evil character I made was an idealist who didn't see why the Omertas, Boomers and BoS should be allowed to exist, given their conduct and/or goals. He provoked more fights than my sociopath, all in the belief that he was morally justified in doing so. You can debate his reasons (Omertas are kinda scum, BoS refuses to play nice with anyone, Boomers say "MAN I CAN'T WAIT TO BOMB YOUR FELLOW SAVAGES LOL") but by the end of the day, he started fights that were unneccesary. Perhaps RPGs should just stop calling it the "evil" option and call it the "selfish" one instead, as for some reason people have developed this shortsighted belief that evil = stupid and senseless violence for the sake of violence.
  18. It's really kind of pathetic how bad evil has gotten in some games. Sometimes it feels like: A young woman approaches you crying. She says her father was beaten and left for dead by a group of bandits and desperately needs medical attention. How do you respond? A: Offer your help at any costs B: Offer to help, but saying you'll expect some form of compensation C: Take a **** in her father's mouth
  19. To me, a sociopath would be someone that sees people as tools; someone who's not afraid to use them in whichever way is most profitable to himself. That type of playthrough, I am interested in. There's many selfish people out there like this to some extent. Having said that though, a sociopath wouldn't see the point in needlessly killing someone off and wouldn't be randomly killing people unless it was somehow profitable to him, so even this has it's limits. I think what people are generally saying is "I really don't think blowing up Megaton for 500 caps is a realistic option..." Stupid Evil is a definite no, and simply offering a cash profit doesn't justify outrageously evil options; a sociopath is selfish, not shortsighted. Slaughtering an entire town for some spare cash? Definitely seems like the entire town would have more to offer if you work with them, no?
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