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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. But those characters typically gain affection because they stand for something; something we agree with. Even so, it's not a romantic, intimate and emotional attachment. At best, we might sadface when they die or get a little worked up over it, but romance is a step deeper. Romance is about someone special who you basically want to share your life with. Pulling that level of attachment off with an AI program is pretty unrealistic. Likewise, I can sympathize with what Boone's been through, but you see, Boone doesn't spend the entire game going "let's go kill some Legionaires, sweetcheeks. <3" In my opinion, it IS awkward to be hearing an NPC call you honey or sweetie and to respond accordingly. These are empty words that don't serve their meaning properly, and thus I'd rather not have them, nor do I think they're an important time investment for such a game. Just my two cents.
  2. Though I just wanna clarify, that doesn't mean Lonesome Road wouldn't've been better if Ulysses was actually an "Ualana" who wore skimpy, revealing outfits while discussing philosophy and the importance of being aware of the meaning of- and taking responsibility for- one's own actions with us. Just tossing that out there.
  3. Perhaps a potential romance arc between companions? That you can influence through dialog? I dunno how many times I've logged on a forum or watched a youtube video and seen something like "OMG TEAM BATMAN AND CATWOMAN FOREVER THEY WERE MEANT TO BE!!" so apparently some people eat that kinda stuff up. Personal romances though, again, seem kinda difficult and awkward. They'd either have to make EVERY companion a potential romantic interest, which would cut down on the depth and detail of the romance as a whole OR they make one or two companions available for marriage or whatever, and I mean wtf do you do if you hate those options. You'd be molding your character's personality to fit theirs. Again, I just think it's hella awkward and not worth pursuing beyond basic flirting or a sex-buddies relationship. Sex is carnal, everyone can relate to it. Sex and/or flirting for the sake of sex or flirting with no emotional baggage involved, that's something every player can relate to and have fun with. But emotional attachment to an AI program? That's pretty damned difficult to pull off without seeming weird as hell. Even if it COULD be done, I'm not sure it's the wisest time investment if it's a could be rather than an easy-peasy.
  4. I really don't see the neccesity of men having an advantage in strength, or for there to be any gender-based perks and downsides in attributes, tbh. I have two female friends, both train in....I forget the name but some form of Martial arts. Am I stronger than them? I'm stronger than one. I was actually surprised I was as I don't do as much physical fitness as she does, but ok, I guess this is a case where gender does matter. The other woman however, I'm not. Why? Because again, they do more fitness training than me. Men have an initial advantage, sure, but by the end of the day, it all comes down to the work you're willing to put into your craft, and there WILL be women that put more effort into staying physically fit than men. "But by the end of things men are still stronger, that's why the Olympics splits events by gender!" Well I seem to recall a certain female swimmer who swam fast enough to actually compete with her male counterparts just this summer. Aside from that, the Olympics is literally the best of the best. Like these people live, eat and breathe what they do. I think it's a rather dramatic example to be taking when we're talking about an RPG. There's no reason why we can't have a strong female warrior character who we are left to assume simply spends more time training than most men, and thus can compete with them. We get to fill in blanks like this, and this allows us more character creation freedom. In short, I think it'd be ridiculous to say women shouldn't be allowed to be warriors, ESPECIALLY when it's such an armchair argument where we sit here on an internet forum and claim to have superior knowledge of women in midevil warfare.
  5. You're right, that was totally unfair of me to the substances. I'm sorry substances.
  6. Ok well how about substance abuse for the sake of substance abuse? Everyone knows smoking and drinking makes you an adult. I'd hope they mean mature themes, meaning storylines and themes for people with refined tastes that younger audiences may not be able to appreciate. Not that scaring away the kiddies is the strongpoint, mind you, but rather that oftentimes the themes we see that are for all ages are VERY clich
  7. On the other hand you wanna look presentable for the rescue squad. Think about how embarassing it'd be to be found in a clunky steel outfit. Omg I swear I could just DIE if they found me like that!! On a serious note, I wanna hear about dan's personal experience fighting women while both he and his female opponent wore steel armor and how bad he kicked her ass.
  8. Because you try convincing someone to support your cause by showing them your ****.
  9. Skill-based....I think. Not sure I'm understanding where the difference lies. More importantly, I prefer a system like New Vegas. Traits combined with perks combined with attributes for various outcomes. Why? Because this system is unpredictable. I like how I can use a certain gun with one character, then use that same gun with another character and have them feel completely different, simply because their perks, traits and attributes make the weapon perform differently. This resulted in me making dozens and dozens and dozens of characters to see just how strong I could make certain weapons and what character build did best with what, etc etc. I think a class-based system can become a little predictable, at least by comparison. If you have 24 classes, for example, then ok that's probably 24 playthroughs perhaps, but it definitely stops there. Once you've explored those 24, you've basically seen it all. With skill-based, I may make some bad characters here and there, but at least it keeps me guessing and experimenting, and when I DO find a strong character build, well, that's just the most accomplished feeling ever. Having said that though, I think something that's more important than skill-based and class-based is that your character has multiple layers. Offer attributes that are set in stone and affect everything you do. Offer perks or abilities that your character unlocks with experience, but can't pick literally every single one. Offer traits or abilities/weaknesses your character has that have a massive effect on everything. Fallout got this absolutely right and this example should be followed, to some extent. Make a new system, sure, but aim for something functionally similar to what Fallout has.
  10. I will donate hella money if Josh Sawyer, Tim Cain and Chris Avellone will sing Don't Stop Believin' by Journey.
  11. You know what they SHOULD do? Just as a joke and an easter egg, DO include a chainmail bikini and DO make it incredibly sexy. But also give it horrible stats so that the woman who wear it gets her head chopped off the moment she's in battle. Just as a sort of "you see this is why this needs to stop" statement to today's media outlook on female armor.
  12. I think a form of romance is doable and would be welcomed by some fans (not a big fan of it myself) but personally I think serious relationships in a video game are an absolute joke. Just because a character calls you "husband" doesn't mean you love her; it feels like empty words and it's an empty relationship....because she's an AI program. I don't care if it's a roleplaying game, roleplaying love just isn't doable imo. Having said that though, I did enjoy the little bit of flirting that the Courier and Cass did, and I know a lot of people liked Doctor Dala from OWB. I think flirting is fine, as flirting can be playful, flattering and funny without being too serious, but it really shouldn't extend beyond that. A "friends with benefits" sort of relationship could be humorous, fun and appease those that DO want romance without being awkward for those that don't. Seems like a fair in-between point. Thats all that should be. Maybe some flirting maybe some hot affection at night and maybe imply that they married in the end if they are still alive. Do ont go with the getting married, having kids etc during the story. Timeskips are the worst things for RPGs because they always fail to deliver^^ Exactly. We should be aiming for characters that are deep and detailed enough that we experience everything they do, but you CANNOT simulate love. You can simulate flirting and it still offers entertainment in the same way a "THAT'S WUT SHE SAID OOOOOOOOH" remark offers entertainment, but beyond that, it just starts to feel incredibly forced and fake and alienates the player from the experience.
  13. I think a form of romance is doable and would be welcomed by some fans (not a big fan of it myself) but personally I think serious relationships in a video game are an absolute joke. Just because a character calls you "husband" doesn't mean you love her; it feels like empty words and it's an empty relationship....because she's an AI program. I don't care if it's a roleplaying game, roleplaying love just isn't doable imo. Having said that though, I did enjoy the little bit of flirting that the Courier and Cass did, and I know a lot of people liked Doctor Dala from OWB. I think flirting is fine, as flirting can be playful, flattering and funny without being too serious, but it really shouldn't extend beyond that. A "friends with benefits" sort of relationship could be humorous, fun and appease those that DO want romance without being awkward for those that don't. Seems like a fair in-between point.
  14. Ok well they can be 100 lbs. and their boobs can be the other 200 lbs. Problem solved.
  15. Perhaps slightly off-topic, but I think the return of such an intelligence system would be welcomed. Idiot playthroughs in FO1 and FO2 were hilarious. As an alternative, if there's a charisma or personality stat at all, perhaps raising it would unlock better dialog options? Wittier, funnier and/or more insightful/thoughtful/sympathetic ones that tend to be able to get you further in dialog, whereas low personality characters get very blunt and bland dialog options that leave them limited with social interactions? Personality/Charisma is typically a very underpowered stat, it'd be nice to see such a thing fleshed out more. New Vegas did an amazing job of making the Speech skill God-Tier quality, but the Charisma attribute still left something to be desired.
  16. This. And yeah, take suggestions with a grain of salt, obviously. Sometimes players simply don't know what's good for them and can't understand how, for example, limitations can be a good thing. As an example, I remember a certain Youtube video where a guy was livid that a New Vegas patch fixed an infinite money glitch and locked the door to the Abandoned BoS Bunker and he thought it was dumb. There's also complaints like "omg we couldn't go north!" which, tbh the solution would be to make Deathclaws level with the player or NOT spawn at all until the player is ready, but that opens up an entirely new can of worms: I for one hate late-game combat in FO3 for that very reason, because nothing but HP-heavy enemies spawn nonstop and literally just waste my time, whereas I feel less progression overall because enemies are constantly getting stronger WITH me and I have no goal to work for. Clearing out the Quarry gave the player a sense of accomplishment. Other times it's just incredibly bland, generic ideas that tend to pop up, like "omg Obsidian make the player character a super saiyan 7 vampire overlord who can destroy the planet if he blinks and also he's an angsty teen and his parents don't understand him and he's a dark tormented soul that women wanna get close to but he's too dangerous to love." Basically, people should ask themselves what the alternative is when they make a suggestion or lodge a complaint. Sometimes things sound good on paper or in theory, but work terribly in practice. Likewise, Obsidian needs to avoid clich
  17. You mean I'll actually have to turn off the game and go on the internet to find images of sexy women to fantasize to? I hate you all! What a horrible suggestion, imposing this inconvenience on me in the name of "realism" and "sexual equality...." The chainmail bikinis are strategic, obviously. They give her a +50% distraction bonus that increases her evasion drastically.
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