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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Anyway here's my list Deep Pockets - who needs 6 quick slots? Haven't played the full game, but I would probably never pick it Arms Bearer - Don't really care about extra weapon sets. Two is enough. Extra ones did occasionally come in handy in the IE games but it's not something I'd waste an advancement point on. Quick Switch - haven't seen the need so far, I haven't changed weapons in combat very often, because there's no ranged weapon penalty for shooting at close range. Have never changed Grimoires in combat. (What these three talents give are not inherently bad, but I don't think they're enough to waste an advancement point on) ------------- Shot on the Run - do you move very much when you are a ranged character? Probably not. Even though I suggested the mechanic in the first place, I don't think slowing ranged recovery while moving is even needed for the game tbh. Rapid Recovery [Fighter] - +1 Endurance healed every Constant Recovery tick, couldn't care less tbh. Ancient Memory [Chanter] - on it's own (without Beloved Spirits), +0.8 Endurance per tick is kinda silly, why not just make it 1 Endurance? It's only worth picking if you're going to take Beloved Spirits I suppose (which is currently bugged anyway). Graceful Retreat - I don't like this one because I don't like the Engagement system, and I just don't move if engaged, or use an ability that breaks it if I have one. I also helped with a mod that removes engagement, so ... Mental Fortress/Body Control/Unstoppable - haven't seen the need to take these, these are bad because they give exactly the same defense as Bull's Will, Bear's Fortitude and Snake's Reflexes, except they only protect you against certain types of attacks. They do stack, which is fine, but why would you ever pick them BEFORE picking the others? Probably need a buff. Hold the Line - I only take this to abuse disengagement attacks with the Fighter, that's the only reason I take it lol. Can play around the default benefit of this talent with good positioning. Envenomed Strike - Would be better as 1/encounter. I picked it but didn't think the poison damage made it worth investing. Might be okay with a very high Might and good accuracy though. Dangerous Implement - it does give a good damage bonus, but you would be daft to take it because Wizards make a lot of implement attacks per day, and using this talent would screw their adventuring day over royally. No thanks. Vulnerable Attack/Penetrating Shot - Kind of actually have to land a hit or better for this to be worth taking, and even then, damage multipliers scale better. I need to test this further, but currently I don't think it's worth it ? Vulnerable Attack *might* be good for fast weapons though. Penetrating Shot would likely hurt ranged DPS a fair bit because ranged weapons have long enough recovery times already. Arcane Veil (and related talents) - per rest ability. Wizards are usually at the back anyway, if they're taking damage you're likely losing the encounter anyway. Aggrandizing Radiance - the self-inflicted bonuses don't last for very long There's probably more class-related talents that I think are bad too, if I see any I'll post them.
  2. In this video, the game no longer plays a sound every time you mouse over a menu item. Instead it has to wait for the menu sound to finish playing before you can trigger a sound from another one. The same thing happens in the VO menu in character creation, and I wouldn't be surprised if VO can't play from two locations at once in the game either (but there's no walla playing atm).
  3. The health healing talents were just put there to shut the people up who asked for them. Same with the XP thing - I don't think serious consideration was put into those things it was more just a "STFU HERE!" kind of thing. They sound like great talents for the very early game, but after a while I wouldn't be surprised if later game monsters are doing really high per-hit damage, so it will only add a couple of hits worth of survivability at best. I also don't agree with them being there in the first place, as it went against one of the very things they said they were not going to do right from the beginning of the Kickstarter. Kind of goes against the game lore, and trivializes the existence of the split health mechanic.
  4. Haha yeah, just posted it because I thought the review was pretty thick/funny.
  5. http://gamecloud.net.au/featured/pillars-of-eternity-first-impressions Someone PM'd me this preview today. Sounds like the reviewer was trying to load an old save from a previous patch into the new one lol. Anyway, here's a preview of what mainstream media will think of the game
  6. Dunno. I expect enemies in the later areas will have a lot higher accuracy than the ones we are facing currently. Elder Bears have 97 Accuracy and that pretty much wrecks everything (coupled with very high per-hit damage). We will be able to test faith and conviction stuff when the bug with ability-modifying talents is fixed.
  7. Paladins got nerfed to crap in one of the earlier builds. Among other things, this is something I agree with - aura radius does need to be increased.
  8. Yeah if you *could* end up fixing the Dyrford areas by doing that, that would be cool.
  9. That's not what many of us envisioned when they talked about exploration XP. That implementation just seems lazy to me. IMO it would have been better to give XP for finding 'secret' areas and finding things within areas (such as hidden caches).
  10. The hilarious thing is is that it mostly shut the pro-kill xp people up lol.
  11. I don't think the Critical Focus talent is working in this build, due to a bug with talents that modify abilities.
  12. Good point about the customs issue. That will be a problem for some countries.
  13. Hi forum troll. I use a 120Hz monitor because I used to play competitive Call of Duty 4 Promod, and in CoD4 we play at either 125 FPS or 250 FPS. In most of the games I play, I can get higher than 120 FPS. I don't play new games very much.
  14. Yeah it's the +0.5 from v301 or whatever hahah public int CalculateDefense(DefenseType defenseType, AttackBase attack, GameObject enemy, bool isSecondary) { int num = (this.Level - 1) * AttackData.Instance.DefensePerLevel; switch (defenseType) { case DefenseType.Deflect: { num += this.Deflect; num += (int) (this.StatBonusDeflection + 0.5f); Equipment equip = base.gameObject.GetComponent<Equipment>(); num += this.GetShieldDeflectBonus(equip); if ((enemy != null) && this.IsEnemyDistant(enemy)) { num += this.DistantEnemyBonus; } bool veilPiercing = false; if ((attack != null) && (attack is AttackRanged)) { veilPiercing = (attack as AttackRanged).VeilPiercing; } if (!veilPiercing) { num += this.VeilDeflectionBonus; } break; } //////////////////////// PROBLEM RIGHT HERE ///////////////////////////// case DefenseType.Fortitude: num += this.Fortitude; num += (int) ((GetStatDefenseTypeBonus(this.Might) + GetStatDefenseTypeBonus(this.Constitution)) + 0.5f); break; //////////////////////// PROBLEM RIGHT HERE ///////////////////////////// case DefenseType.Reflex: { num += this.Reflex; num += (int) ((GetStatDefenseTypeBonus(this.Dexterity) + GetStatDefenseTypeBonus(this.Perception)) + 0.5f); Equipment equipment = base.gameObject.GetComponent<Equipment>(); num += this.GetShieldReflexBonus(equipment); if ((enemy != null) && this.IsEnemyDistant(enemy)) { num += this.DistantEnemyBonus; } break; } //////////////////////// PROBLEM RIGHT HERE ///////////////////////////// case DefenseType.Will: num += this.Will; num += (int) ((GetStatDefenseTypeBonus(this.Intellect) + GetStatDefenseTypeBonus(this.Resolve)) + 0.5f); break; case DefenseType.None: break; default: num += 50; break; } if (attack != null) { num += this.GetDefenseBonus(defenseType, attack, isSecondary); } AnimationController component = base.gameObject.GetComponent<AnimationController>(); if (component != null) { if (component.CurrentReaction == AnimationController.ReactionType.Knockdown) { num += this.WhileKnockeddownDefenseBonus; } if (component.CurrentReaction == AnimationController.ReactionType.Stun) { num += this.WhileStunnedDefenseBonus; } } if (this.OnDefenseAdjustment != null) { int num2 = 0; this.OnDefenseAdjustment(defenseType, attack, enemy, isSecondary, ref num2); num += num2; } return (num + ((int) this.PotD_Bonus)); }Those +0.5 are no longer necessary because the calculation is no longer [Attribute A + Attribute B] x 1.5. The +0.5 was added because I reported a bug with the rounding for that formula. That formula has now been changed to [Attribute A + Attribute B] x 2, so the cases where you have an odd numbered attribute don't lead to a fractional number anymore.
  15. There is a tonne of voiced companion dialogue in the game files, if that is any indication of the depth.
  16. Not everyone earns a lot of money. Plus, if cheaper prices end up with more backers - that equals more word of mouth. The $20 tier was definitely a good thing.
  17. Obsidian have said that they would like to do it, but they don't have the time to implement them before release. I was disappointed by this as it was something I asked for during the very first backer beta version.
  18. We aren't actually sure what style of expansion it's going to be, but I'd wager probably like TotSC/Fallout New Vegas DLCs
  19. Gonna guess that since the option to have the disc and the physical rewards not ship at the same time, that would probably mean that regardless of what tier you backed, the game disc just comes in a regular dvd case or something? but muh special disc packaging y0
  20. A while ago, there was a +0.5 added in the code for Fort/Ref/Will defenses. When I get home I'll check it to see if it's still there - that may be the cause if it's rounded up/down by 1.
  21. Yeah that's what I mean. I'm glad you chose to delay printing the disks
  22. Were the 'ramps' in the Infinity Engine games flat? or did they have some height information? As long as the terrain wasn't raised towards the bottom, it worked well.
  23. You don't wanna pirate the unfinished version ^^ It's certainly better than it was before, but it's still got a ways to go polish-wise. Getting there though.
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