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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. In this video, the VFX for summoning skeletons drops my FPS to 20 for the duration of the VFX I'd also suggest removing any smoke/particle FX from the ability, it's unnecessary.
  2. Why is the tooltip for the Human Skeleton being displayed above the Chanter's portrait? Shouldn't it show in the top left of the screen with it's own individual health/stamina/defenses etc ? This bug is also related to this: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70363-435-persistent-enemy-tooltips/
  3. In this image, the 8 attacks from a Blunderbuss are split into two combat log entries. This takes up needless combat log lines. Expected Result: All Blunderbuss attacks should fall under the same collapsible line.
  4. The pause FPS gain only happens in combat. When you're not in combat there's no FPS gain when pausing.
  5. In this image the BB Wizard is wielding a stiletto in his off-hand. The Accuracy for the off-hand is correct, however as you can see - the main hand accuracy is not. It shows his unarmed accuracy value + 10 (the value for single weapon style). However when I attack with the stiletto in game, the main hand is not used. Expected Result: Main Hand Accuracy should display nothing or a dash (-) or something.
  6. same as: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70034-392-aefyllath-ues-mith-fyr-chant-and-number-of-hits/
  7. Minor Transition Icon Bug- RECOGNIZED BY QA Main HUD Minimize Gems selection area is too wide- RECOGNIZED BY QA Knock Down does not correctly interrupt spells- RECOGNIZED BY QA Minor Accuracy Display bug with new changes to wielding Blunderbuss combat log display issue Severe FPS lag from Summon Skeleton Invocation VFX
  8. In this video you can see that when I knock down a unit casting a spell, it does not correctly interrupt the cast of the spell on the data side (by calling the interrupt function) and the spell effect still targets the BB Fighter after he knocked down the BB Priest. Expected result: Knock down should properly interrupt spells/abilities.
  9. In this video you can see how the mouseover area to interact with hud minimize gems are much wider than the actual gems themselves, I would recommend the selection area be tightened quite a bit in NGUI.
  10. This issue is hard to capture on video because it's usually only visible when the game frames are not changing (during the load screen fade) but Scene Transition Icons appear to be not quite working correctly. When you're far away from a transition and click on the icon it changes to the "open door" or "down stairs" icon as expected, but reverts back to the original icon before the transition takes place. When you transition close to a scene transition, the alternate icon only flickers for a split second before reverting back to the default icon. Expected Result: Alternate Icon should persist right through until the loading screen, like in previous versions.
  11. Sure, but I don't think +1 Accuracy would be overpowered, and I don't think Interrupt, despite the incoming changes, will be super valuable on it's own compared to Might, Dex (when it's fixed) or Int
  12. I assume there's just some piece of code or something in the game that controls the transparency of the log, they could just disable it for the solid HUD version.
  13. You don't increase the combat log size though ? (IIRC anyway) I have it up literally the whole time.
  14. I dunno about that tbh. Especially not if you only got +1 from Per and +2 Deflection from Res. I think it would be viable to leave at 10, and good at any point above it. I'd like to test the 'new' interrupt, but I still think the stats will be completely avoidable for many classes. While there is no longer the 'best' stat like there was from v301 onwards, I'm only finding it marginally better than the v278 system.
  15. While items are not as powerful as BG2, there are items in stores in Pillars of Eternity that I want to buy. One of the best items in the beta, Ritezzi's Thorn (a spear) is for sale in a shop.
  16. Loading Tip Entries need a new line between them in the log
  17. As seen in this edited picture, Loading tips do not have a new line between them in the Combat log. Expected Result: Loading Tips should have a new line before and after them in the log.
  18. Yeah I tried that build myself and it works against spiders, but you get CREAMED against other encounters, and with a party that build just doesn't deal any damage so your party takes more damage because you're not doing anything to help out (other than getting hit less). Medreth's party can still destroy that build if you get hit by the Knockdown, Blinding Strike, Divine Mark, Monk Stun etc etc I don't really like +1 Deflection on two attributes though, it makes the build way worse than it used to be in v392 where it only required Max Intellect. I'd prefer Deflection be moved to Resolve and +1 Accuracy put onto Perception with Interrupt, but that's just me. That way a max Deflection build will be easier to hit by higher Perception characters and it will be less garbage offensively as you can invest in two attributes that actually do something other than deal with the interrupt system.
  19. Thought I'd create a thread about Solid HUD feedback. Now that it's implemented and I've played the game with it for a while I have some specific feedback to give regarding how it looks Firstly, I really think everything needs super solid borders, as it helps separate the UI from the game world (which is the idea) and would help ground all of the individual elements better so that they don't look so much like they're just tiled on top of each other (border to be stored in a seprate tiled image in the files) Below is a really horrible mspaint example The combat log should NOT be transparent. It looks quite bad when you resize the log over the UI height, as you can see in the picture. It really needs to be solid, with a thick border that tiles up with the increased log size (like in my mockup). The combat log should extend right to the edge of the screen instead of there being a small gap between the right screen edge and the log. This is not a major deal because the IE Mod allows me to move the log across, but it's just easier. The default wood texture for the backing needs to be darker/richer. After playing for a while I didn't find that shade of brown to be very nice to look at. The pattern at the top and bottom edges needs to stand out more / be more colorful The portraits still look like they "float" on the UI and their highlight doesn't go well with the solid backing. I think that portraits could have a specific backing element that goes over the solid background (stored in a separate image) and the highlight could be changed to "glare" less and glow less outside of it's edge. To go with a solid portrait backing, there could be something that 'houses' the status icons, because they float on the background as well, and it would look better if they were grounded in the frame too. The minimize 'gems' could look less modern, and more built into the pieces. Like a round socketed gem build into the specific pieces ? If possible, could the menu bar elements be split into three if they already aren't (eg - clock, character menu, main menu) so that they can be separated in the IE Mod. I'd like to move the character menu next to my character portraits on the right, but move the menu away and have the clock in the middle. In general, everything could look more ornate / nicer That's about all I can think of. Hopefully that is helpful
  20. In v435, the sixth portrait now fits properly in the inventory sheet for the first time. However they could be slightly better aligned with the inventory rows. Example above, move therows down a few pixels for perfect alignment.
  21. Selection circles/UI stuff still obscured by VFX- RECOGNIZED BY QA
  22. Just wanted to bring this up again, although 'distortion effects' may have been fixed. Ambient FX and VFX from spells etc have not. Three examples below:
  23. This video demonstrates that when the BB Priest hits party members with the Holy Radiance spell it adds those hits to the hits in the character personal record. This also happens for any other auras, buffs etc. This gives inaccurate data, and could probably be solved by not adding any non-damaging hits to the personal record.
  24. I'd go with PARTIALLY FIXED, as they need to disappear at the same time as the character.
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