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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Well the thing is, is that it doesn't matter what the combat stats are - it's up to the Narrative Designers to make sure they check Attributes relatively equally and give appropriate numbers of checks at certain thresholds with appropriate rewards.
  2. That's irrelevant when balancing their combat stats. Balancing Attributes for dialogue is done by the Narrative Designers. They are completely separate systems.
  3. I'd rather have them get all their spells at once, as it adds to their tactical depth. You can only cast a certain amount per rest, and you have a nice selection to choose from. For me, tactical depth in the gameplay is more important than getting to pick something every level.
  4. UX Issue with order of abilities on the action bar Miss VO plays on hits Animal Companion AI targeting issue
  5. Expected Result: should have same targeting as other enemies - closest enemy followed by a loop during movement (which should be faster than it currently is).
  6. Expected Result: Miss VO should not play on hits
  7. Expected Result: Action bar abilities should be ordered by the order of which they were chosen, not in alphabetical order - as it screws up muscle memory.
  8. Expected Result: Should be able to inspect unselected spells/abilities rather than having to unselect an ability to inspect another one.
  9. In this video, you can see that mousing over a character through an overhead ability icon highlights the character's selection circle, but you cannot actually click through the icon to select them. Expected Result: Should be able to select characters through the icon.
  10. In this image, the game says the BB Wizard only dealt 23 damage so far in the game. I used the addexperiencetolevel cheat which works in the beta atm for some reason, to test higher level spells. However, I cast the spell "Wall of Flame", which acts as a trap mechanically. Wall of Flame deals a lot of damage, but the damage is not counted to the Wizard's lifetime damage on the stat sheet. I suppose the same probably happens for the Chanter and summoned Creatures? Is this intended? Also the combat log entries for that spell could probably optimized as it spams so many lines into the combat log, making it impossible to read on the fly.
  11. This doesn't really matter here because they get access to all of their spells anyway. What would be nice for Priests in the Expansion is Deity-based spells.
  12. Oops: Correct link Will get a mod to edit it Phantom Foes - FPS lag, and over the top VFX after effect Issue with some spells that act as traps and Character recorded damage Issue with highlighting abilities and spells in CC/Level Up screens - RECOGNIZED BY QA Selection issue with overhead ability icons
  13. You can get a program called grep to make it a one button search
  14. Ah they forgot to update it did they? Fair enough.
  15. Well for starters, extra range is terrible. I don't think Luckmann actually has the beta so he is unable to play and see if it does anything. I also like Josh's general idea that what attributes give should be kept simple and unique (for Pillars of Eternity). While I can see the merit in that general idea - here are some problems. Interrupt and Concentration should follow the same rules. He has interrupt as an integer and concentration as a percentage. You can't get the same amount of bonus interrupt as bonus concentration +2 Deflection on two Attributes is too high. The reason +1 on two attributes is not good is because it requires investment in two attributes to get it. At least when it was on one attribute you could have a high Deflection and a high something else that did not have anything to do with the interrupt system. Range bonus is unnecessary - default ranges of abilities just need tweaking
  16. Run DPC Latency checker or LatencyMon and check to see if you're having issues. The USB Controller on my current motherboard is pretty bad. I actually have it completely disabled, and am just using a USB expansion card instead. DPC latency down to 20-30 from over 100. I see tests with most newer boards scoring results of 100-200 by default which is yuck. So I'll probably end up getting the Asrock Z97 Extreme6, which people are reporting tops out at about 30-50. After I disable some unnecessary controllers, it should be really smooth.
  17. @Falkon Switfblade No need, all of the dialogue files are external, you can manually edit the words from the strings, and just use headphones or mute the sound when any VO containing them plays.
  18. Video 1: FPS drop and Micro-stutter when VFX for Phantom Foes is playing Video 2: Visible FPS drop from Phantom Foes VFX Can you please remove the swirling circle FX that appears after the hit frame, it's completely unnecessary. We do not need to see the AoE of which the spell effected because we SAW IT when we cast the spell. It only adds to visual clutter/impacts performance. Expected Result: little to no FPS drop, and no silly after FX
  19. They have all had their problems. v257 and v278: Attributes were 'fairly meaningless', meaning that you could drop Dex or Might to 3 with pretty much no impact on build. Perception and Resolve were dumpable to 3 for everyone. v301 and v333: A step in the right direction. Dexterity didn't work. Perception Range didn't work. Might, Perception, Intellect and Resolve were chosen by people. v364: Perception became "always maxed" for every class. AoE Size was increased to +6% per point, which was much better than 3%, making Intellect a lot better. v392: Nothing changed, but we discovered the Dex problem, and the damage calculation problem with the system. v435: Perception is OP/broken. Dexterity doesn't work properly with weapons. Might and Intellect are pretty much the only things I pick if I don't want to abuse Perception. The Attack Resolution changes made high Deflection builds get hit less, but spreading them across two attributes cripples the offensive capability of the build. A fixed Interrupt and Dexterity for the final pre-launch build should allow us to properly test this current one, but we'll see if the devs end up making/trialling any changes based off feedback between now and then. I think v301 was the best version for Attributes solely based on their being four attributes that people chose often. However I would not like to see that version come back, and I would like to see changes made in the future. I also think they should change CON to give integer bonuses to Endurance, then people might actually pick it.
  20. That was one of the things Josh was trying to avoid I believe. I was surprised to see them put Deflection on two Attributes, and I don't think it works either. I am also surprised to see Intellect only giving +1 Will, which I think is not a good thing either. Suffice to say, despite what QA said, I am not finding this attribute spread to be 'the best yet'.
  21. I don't know much about pathfinding either, but I do know about routing - which has some similarities to pathfinding. It just seems like that units are told to go left if their path is blocked, no matter what. No, it probably wouldn't matter. It's not them being told to go left that is the cause of the problems, necessarily but it seems to be a consistent result - which could help Obsidian identify where the problem is.
  22. It's not must have for every class in the way Perception was when it was changed to +2 Accuracy per point. Even in v257 and v278, Intellect was arguably one of the best attributes for all casters. Another thing that's putting more emphasis on it, is the lack of Accuracy in the Attribute system. Since you can no longer invest in it, then your only real choices are increasing AoE/Duration, Damage or Speed (which is broken). In this build as a Cipher, Wizard or Druid - I just bump 18 Might and 18 Int and leave the rest. When Dexterity is fixed, that will create a bit more choice, but with Accuracy at +1 on Perception - I think there would be at least four valid choices. If everything is continuously nerfed, we'll be on the road to impactless attributes 101.
  23. I wasn't saying it was a bad choice, but the amount of times you make an implement attack over the course of the game with a Wizard will be quite high. With Penetrating Blast, Blast damage actually becomes pretty good. That Blunderbuss/Combusting Wounds combo sounds fun though, haven't tried that.
  24. I get it for the AoE or Duration increase. For casters (and other classes too) - those are the exact things you want behind Accuracy.
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