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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. George Ziets is very sad about the missing deities. That said, I know why one is missing. And if the other is missing ... hmmm ... expansion ....
  2. pretty sure the cast times are 1s, 3s and 6s (we haven't seen any 6s spells yet).
  3. I will be making a thread here in a couple of hours. I just handed in the final version to Matt to be converted to a .pdf with table of contents When he passes that back I'll start recording my narrated version. As soon as my video is uploaded to youtube, I will begin making the thread here. The final word count is ~8550 words
  4. Took more skill and had better balance ... eventually, and didn't make the majority of top players quit the game after the expansion + a patch or two.
  5. There isn't actually a section in Health and Stamina, this is just attributes. Obsidian has actually already made changes to Health and Stamina, but I do have a UI suggestion for it that I might reveal later on.
  6. Okay I've just finished reading Matt's edit. Holy cow this is amazing. This is also some of the best work I've ever done in my life, so I cannot wait to put the finishing touches on this and put it out for everyone to read tomorrow ^_^
  7. Matt has finished his edit of Section 3 and the Conclusion. He's now reading over the whole paper one more time before handing it to me for my final edit. When I am done I will hand it back to Matt, who will produce the .pdf with Table of Contents and List of Figures. ETA is less than a day away, most likely.
  8. Wizard on Hard. These are not the best tactics all of the time, and there are much better spell combos to use. This was the first time I made my own Wizard though.
  9. Matt has handed in his edit of Section 2. I just need to make some minor adjustments and it will be ready for the final grammar/tense/spelling check. Matt is now editing Section 3. Getting closer!
  10. Yes, but my point is that the difficulty resets to default when you do, it doesn't matter what you had it set on or what you changed it to. That's why I am reporting it.
  11. HAHA YES probs for using AoE2 assets Awesome video, mad efforts.
  12. Why would there need to be custom art? Ideally you'd get a choice between a few different types of armor (3-4) and an array of weapons used for that culture. It is probably something that they can deal with through Heodan's store, however. Either way thought I'd suggest it anyway.
  13. I don't know if they do need spell and recovery times that scale with level. In general, Pillars of Eternity doesn't have that much stuff that scales with level. There's Accuracy, Defenses, HP, Constitution bonus ... that's about it really? Otherwise it's fairly static. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I'm just saying that I don't think it would be something they're interested in.
  14. You will actually note that I said choose from an assortment of gear from that Culture - which is flavour, not power gaming.
  15. Credit for this one goes to mutonizer, I just posted the thread As seen in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe7gNBePfiM Probably invincibility bug, but interrupts shouldn't be occurring on misses as per Josh Sawyer's post on Something Awful from just over a week ago:
  16. That was actually something they wanted to have, I've seen Josh mention that idea before.
  17. By the time the game comes out the -DT will probably be nerfed, it's ridiculously strong.
  18. Just completed my first draft of Section 3 and the Conclusion of our paper. Matt will probably have his edit pass handed in in about 10 hours, and then I'll do a final edit and wait for his approval
  19. APM is helpful, but it's not required. APM means your skill ceiling is higher than other people's, but you have to actually reach that ceiling with the rest of your play. It also largely depends on the game. Age of Empires 2 is more about macro, in Starcraft micro plays more of a part.
  20. There's five aspects of playing an RTS well. Micro - finite control of individual units in the game Macro - control of strategical resources in the game, your economy, unit limits, upgrades etc etc Tactics - the tactics you apply in the combat of the game, such as positioning, microing injured units back, which units you attack etc etc Strategy - your overall strategy in the long term - such as "don't allow the enemy to get their second gold mind etc etc" Metagaming - knowledge of the tactics/strategies etc etc that your opponent may use in the game, exploits, tricks etc etc
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