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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. @Luckman, you have pretty much presuaded me that the best thing to do is ignore the quest, do nothing. I am beginning to think the people of Gilded Vale deserve what ever happens to them. The last time I did that quest I took a good look at the soldiers that Kolsc had. He has a pretty big army but he waits for my character to defeat Raedric then prances in as if he was the conqueror nobly allows me to loot the castle. My next character may be a Death Head Godlike who just kills everyone. More fun and loot for all.
  2. He actually stops being excessively authoritative if you side with him. Gilded Vale's fate under him may actually be better than if you side with Kolsc. http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Pillars_of_Eternity_endings#4._Gilded_Vale_remains_under_Raedric.27s_rule True but never the less I still consider him a dictator who could easily sacrifice others to satisfy his own demented beliefs. Good and evil are not always so easy to distinguish but that is another debate. Game play and how we view things is very much an individual thing. I might play a fanatical monk or Priest of Berath that would side with him but I was pretty disgusted the first time I saw, heard and smelled that hanging tree. My last playthrough I almost walked away from the quest but ended up doing it simply because I needed the XP. Not good role playing I know but my PC is a bit of a softy and doesn't like seeing people mistreated. Raedric continues to terroize his people and persecute Eothasians or perceived Eothasians. Then he assumes he is the one responsible for the ending of the Hallowborn births.
  3. This is based on my current character a male, moon godlike ranger with bear companion. Just my idea about how things might start out in the hoped for sequel. The Long Journey It is over and I am left with more questions than answers. My companions have departed each to find their own answers and their own own futures. The whispers, memories dreams are gone which leaves me feeling a bit empty. We mortals are never happy give us what we want and we want something more, something different. Maybe we do need gods or something, someone more powerful than ourselves. Now what? I should check on the Stronghold. I have that link with the Steward but it wouldn't hurt to see what is going on in person. Think I will stop in Dyrford Village. It is on my way back. I reach over and give Bruno my bear a good scratch and he leans against me almost pushing me over. I pick up my stuff and start for the door Bruno gives a snort and walks over to the bed sniffing. Blast I forgot about that Orlan baby. What can I do with it. Take with me I suppose and maybe my Orlan shopkeeper will care for it. I swaddle it up to carry on my back and give it something to suck on. I stop off at Dyrford Village and see it has already perked up. There is a merchants carvan from Twin Elms stopped there and things are looking much better. I stop at the inn and get some really good news Eder has taken up residence and is getting things organized. He has taken up residence in one of the empty house. I hurry over there and am lucky to fin him home. We have a warm union. We have nice long chat. He tells me he has some of the locals organized into patrols to keep the bandits at bay making it safe both for the locals and for travelers. Newcomers have already started to arrive to take over some of the empty farms. With Eder watching out for it Dyrford Village should do well maybe even become a busting town. A couple of days later I arrive at my Stronghold. Things are in good order. We have a cook and a few servants to tend things. I feel restless though can't settle down. The wander lust in my blood. Always has bee which is why I become a hunter. I will continue to hunt and the hunt will be in the hope of answers. I talked to the Throne Steward and left her in charge. If she needs me she can always find me no matter where I am. I have hired a mortal steward to look after our guests. They need that little touch it makes them feel safer and more cared about. Korgrak is in charge of defences. I think that was the smartest decision I made in all my travels. He is one smart ogre and scares anyone who even thinks about causing trouble. I got the Orlan shopkeeper to take the baby and also asked her to keep the ogre's blood out of sight. It seems to bother Korgrak. I also arranged with the Throne Steward to build him a place of his own in the woods between Brighthollow and the Keep. He can get into the main hall of the Keep but really needs a place of his own. All is in order and I will be on my way tomorrow. I wonder what lies ahead> ******* Editor's note: I hope I spelled everything correctly and didn't make any glaring errors. Thank you for reading.
  4. I think abaris has a point about time and budget entering into the lack of comments. We have eight races and 11 classes which would mean a lot of work to have the companions commenting much less other NPCs. If we are honest if they included a few comments say of Durance reacting to the fire godlike there would be players complaining because their particular build wasn't represented. (I still think my godlike should be able to make a smart/clever remark to that stupid magistrate.)
  5. It's actually kinda annoying (and sad) that most choices are so blatantly obvious. It would've been interesting if Raedric VII turned out to be the better choice if you actually fixed the whole crisis and returned the souls. Or killed himself in grief over having done so many in over something that changed nothing. Or actually was praised as having solved the crisis and stopped being a lunatic about the whole thing. And if Kolsc turned out to be a self-indulgent noble splerglord that couldn't rule effectively to save his life. I am inclined to agree with you. The first time through I almost sided with him then realized he had just killed his wife. My character was a nice guy and we just couldn't stomach that action. Gilded Vale deserves a better ruler than either one of those men.
  6. There are hundreds maybe thousands of limericks and memorials. Obsidian didn't write them and it is unfair in my opinion to blame them as if they did it on purpose. They had a small staff and I doubt had more than a couple of people checking those submitted to them. That one slipped by. People are making a big issue out of a pimple. Small mentalities look for small issues.
  7. The way I see it is that Raedric is a lunatic fanatic who will never stop his oppressive and nasty ways. The ending you get for Gilded Vale if you side with him I believe proves me right.
  8. I love having him. His comments about things in the Keep are fun too. He is a bit expensive but well worth it.
  9. But it's not the same because pre-buffing is literally the same exact routine. In combat you may not always wish to buff as your first action, and even when you do, you may not always think the same spell is the one you should cast first. PoE is 6000% better in this regard. If we rephrase it as: "Casting all your level1, level2 spells in each non-trivial encounter", it's not really that much better. Why not? It's fun! Like, really, why does nobody care about that anymore? Reaching level 9 as a spellcaster is a huge step upwards in class enjoyment. It's in no way overpowered (as the number of spells you can cast in a single battle is not higher) and hard battles won't get easier because of that - but it makes trash encounters so much more enjoyable. I love being able to spam minolettas minor missiles in trash battles. So do I. I prefer the spellcasting system in PoE to that in the IE games.
  10. I didn't hate 3.5 mechanics but neither was I fond of it. I like how PoE has done things and they are continuing to improve. Plus why should they spend money for a license for D&D. Think of it this way. OE is the Dungeon Master, the DM has the right to modify the rules., create the world and the events in the world.
  11. Well I went back to the Stronghold dismissed everyone then went walk about. Aloh was standing in front of the hall bookcase the others in rooms. Sure enough Eder and Durance shared a room and were waving their swords at each other. I hope Durance doesn't burn the place down.
  12. Thank you, majestic, for the information. I also understand that races have been changed especially my beloved Halflings. SCL does look interesting but you can't believe the marketing hype. I will wait to see what others think of it. I am happy with the system PoE has. I find it challenging enough even on normal to be interesting but not frustrating. I have to think which makes me happy.
  13. Dude, I hate to be a grammer nazi but, in English, when you use an expletive infix, it goes ahead of the stressed syllable. E.g. Fan-mother****in-tastic would be correct. Fantas-mother****in-tic would be incorrect. So, really, "Durance" can't take an expletive infix because the stress is on the first syllable. Again, sorry, it just bothers me when I see grammar mistakes in English. Internet forums must be very difficult for you. The usage of incorrect grammar being so rampant. Durance is a very interesting character but you need to ignore the vision at first and ask him about other things. For someone who does not want to answer questions he will on at length about Ashfall.
  14. As far as spell switching goes you can switch wizards spells at any time depending on what spells have been learned. With patch 1.05 you can have your party members start at level 1 without loss of experience and then you can choose spells and skills. The priest spells are automatic as far as I know.
  15. No because it would no longer be Pillars of Eternity. Obsidian is free to make their own choices. There are varieties of CRPGs to play. Players are free to buy the game or not buy it, to play it or not play. Variety gives us freedom of choice. If Obsidian does decide to make a game set in the Forgotten Realms world and the D&D rule set fine with me as long as it is NOT published by EA. I am not familiar with the 5th edition D&D but would enjoy a return to Faerun.
  16. I didn't kill everyone. I cleaned out the basement those guys are dead already and I'm doing them a favor. I picked up the cat as a pet though. I then went back out and up the clock tower put on the Berath robe and got down to where Raedroc is and killed everyone there. Nasty man. Now if you had asked me why i killed everyone in the dungeon at Dyrford Village that was because of the loot.
  17. I have never dismissed Eder from my party. I will have to try that. It sounds like fun. Thanks for posting. Considering that Eder suggested giving Durance to Aldhelm having them share a room should be most interesting.
  18. It was there in patch 1.04. No I am not saying it was entered with patch 1.04 only that it was there.
  19. Of course they were but that has nothing to do with what I am talking about. We are at cross purposes here. It took two and one half years to make the game. Besides I merely stated an opinion about the godlike "race". I stated what it feels like to me.
  20. Of course race was one of the first things considered but we have to remember that the Kickstarter goal was only what 1 million USD. That is very little in this current gaming world. Also according to the Documentary on the road to Eternity there wasn't a great deal of time to prepare for the Kickstarter. Based on discussions with programmers and others involved with developing this means to me that what they had was an idea still very much in the formative stage. If they hadn't reached their starting goal in such a short period of time we would have a much shorter and less complex game. Stretch goals are add ons.
  21. The idea may have been there at the beginning but that doesn't mean it was developed until after the base races were developed. It feels like an add on to me. Games are not developed in a straight line. I.E. the opening sequence of the game was developed after the mechanics and base graphics were developed. The core concept of the game was developed before the game began. Stretch goals were added to encourage people to keep donating.
  22. I like being able to enchant my own weapons and armour. I do think the enchantment system could be improved. Why is it linked to mechanics rather than to magic. I like the idea of "remembering" or finding recopies rather than having them all to start with. There is also the possibility of needing either a forge or laboratory in order to do enchantments.
  23. Godlike to feel like lat minute addition to me. As if the devs felt they needed something unusual. I love them but wish they had had more time to develop them. They are a rare folk and actually are not a race. I think others were attracted to them also and that is why backers chose them so much for their characters. I hope the expansion expands on them and maybe gives us a lore book on them. Just as the Halflings were as far as I know innovative with D*D games the Godlike add a new dimension to playable races.
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