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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. I ran across this looking for the looking for a Lost up-and-coming show schedule (aka looking for pics of Saiyd's chest hair ) and had to post it. It's Saiyd in pimp gear : If this forum closes, let this be my legacy
  2. I'm going to say we don't have to go anywhere.
  3. Well, I'd say we have to agree to disagree on that. As I said, I know NMA doesn't go out of it's way to comment on these forums (nor do they even care), but thats sorta my point. They don't care because of how they view the place. Thats fine tho. I know, I said: I wasn't suggesting that NMA holds brainstorms on ways to dissrupt this forum or anything......but there are those private mod channels....;) the private channels part was joke. Hence the smiley lol! Well, considering the rest of your post seems based of you taking that part seriously, I'll just skip to the end, unless you find something you wanted me to address. Wait......I said SOME FO fans. Lets not paint me as saying all FO fans are very very bad, because I didn't, nor do I want to call myself bad. I doubt you will disagree there are some FO fans that see themselves as a Brotherhood of Steel for RPGs. and are you seriously trying to compare this place in "easy going-ness" to the codex or even NMA? Everyone you meantioned as irrational (you forgot doomy ) is ALOT different here than they are at the codex. Well, except for Doomy. " BTW, I agree with Vol more often than not, unless we are talking about EA. I don't read his posts at the codex much, as it tends to be him and Spazmo/VD/Exit going at it.
  4. I don't think very many people propagate myths about FO fans on these forums, as you say, we ARE FO fans. If you are suggesting Feargus does, as it it seems from the later bits of your post, then it seems a bit of leap in logic to hold that against Joe Blow poster. No, this forum is regarded as the kiss up forum or something of the like. Which is fine, doesn't bother me, but thats the way it is. I wasn't suggesting that NMA holds brainstorms on ways to dissrupt this forum or anything......but there are those private mod channels.... So, NMA peeps don't go out of their way to take shots at this forum like the codex might, but my point remains. but again, not to make a big issue of this, NMAs thoughts on Feargus shouldn't have any real influence over what people think about these forums. He posts at the Codex almost as much as he posts here. It's an excuse to look down on the forum, thats it. Honestly, I wish he would post more. I wish all the devs would post more. Not that there is anything to really discuss right now....... Not to defend Feargus, as he can do it himself, but some of the card carrying FO fan members are a bit crazy. They seem to view themselves as carrying the flag of all that is right and holy in RPGs. Now, lets face it, we all take RPG a bit too seriously to spend as much time as we do in these forums, but I and alot of people here can step back and see that on occasion. Some of us seem like they can't. Now, I've heard stories about Feargus, and I'm not saying any are false ( I don't know), but I do know that in my dealings with him he has been pretty damn human. While I disagree with some of the stated reasons for maybe closing the boards, I don't particularly hold any illwill towards the man.
  5. Not sure why the we are having the "go to the codex" discussion. Unless I miss my mark, I doubt 99% of the people at the Codex want anyone from this board posting there. NMA and codex arn't generally fans of this board, fyi. They think people on this board suck up too much.......which is why Feargus is threating to close it down.....because of all the ass kissing. It's just disgusting and he won't stand for it.
  6. So, how you doing Panda? Tink still there? Josan still ruling with an iron fist? on a serious note, I'd hope he still doesn't read his members PMs
  7. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo NICE! Didn't make that connection I should have tho, the stock guy told hurley "Everyone needs boxes", which is something Locke has said iirc.
  8. I'll miss the lost thread and the peeps in general. As for why this is all occuring, I think it's lots of things, but I don't like that one of the reason being stated is that people bitched about K2 too much. What do you expect? It's not a case of people not liking your game, it's a case of people feeling like they were swindled. If they feel like posting angry messages instead of constructive ones, well, I think they are owed that. After all, no one is going to argue K2 was a finished game and people are just mad about design choices. There was alot to like about the game, but it simply wasn't a finished product. That being said, it would be nice if every posted constructive comments. You have to remember this was a community that tried to be as helpful as possible during the K2 dev cycle. You can't blame this backlash on the community. Now it's being suggested that the community should be punished in part for the backlash. It's like saying I slap a guy and slap him again if he gets mad about me slapping him the first time. I'd also like to point out that Arkan was around interplay forums when they went down. I say he's cursed.
  9. He also said he put his family "through alot" recently and wants to pay them back with the lotto money. GREAT catch on the book. O, and the doc also told hurley: I don't remember you and hugo being that close. Hurley: Ya, we hung. it all adds up to him seemingly like he spent time there and not just as a job. Based off what he told his mom about living with her, I'd bet he was self commited, hence got ot choose to leave. seriously tho, how good is this show?
  10. Nope, it was reality, but it was very impractical set up. Cameras and what not.
  11. Basically, The Neg: Shortish, bad multiplayer The Pos: Great single player Score: 8.7 They talk about how the controls are much like Freedom Fighters, just what I was hoping for! So if you liked Freedom Fighters and single player campaigns, seems like this is the game for you. According to Gamespot. Time to get a new card. LINK to REVIEW
  12. In no particular order The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Star Craft + Brood Wars Fallout 2 Super Metroid Super Tecmo Bowl Then next five: Castlevania: Sym. of the Night Zelda: Link to the Past Fallout 1 BG2 KOTOR +Planescape: Torment I think that the originals on nintendo are actaully better, ever played them? ewww..
  13. It is NOT a problem of the poster. I've had it happen to me a few times, tho now I know that when I get that screen that it has posted, so I don't repost. I'll get a screenshot (or someone else get one) if it happens again. It is clearly not the posters fault. iirc, it doesn't say your post didn't go through, it's just a page of weird script.
  14. Yea, I couldn't tell orange or bronze apart either
  15. Unless you think they are doing a K2 expansion, I don't see how you could really think that, time wise. NWN2 is slated to hit in Q2 '06. That would be, iirc, a tighter dev cycle than K2. I'd bet the third game is a new IP that is meant for X-mas '06 or shortly there after. K3 will follow thats my guess
  16. yes I didn't indicate god or satan. I simply left it at entity
  17. ditto Never thougth of that. I thought it was a victory class, but I think thats still a bit early in the timeline for those to be popping up.
  18. That has to be one of the most underappreciated comments I've seen in awhile. Thats comedy people
  19. Do you always have to be so reasonable and nice Volourn? It sickens me. I think most people feel it's a ok game with some mighty fine high points and some ugly low points. What makes it all worse is that you could see a damn good or even classic game was there had it not been rushed. That kinda stings.
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