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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. First your wrong about me and the chimp, now Lost
  2. I grant consent (to call your bluff) I know I had a pic up over at Winterwind, but I took it down eventually. If you have the link to the pic still, I'm sorta scared..... besides, it will only add to my case, as I can add "I will charm the monkey with my looks" to the list of abilities I have.
  3. I leave for a few days........ I'm taking names btw. So when the dirty chimps make their move, I will only save those that believed in me. Think about that when you cast your vote
  4. Gamespots report on what they saw. sounds great and the fact that it doesn't need a uber-card is even better but the thing that jumped out at me was: didn't bioware liceanse this? :ph34r:
  5. yeah, Battletoads was awesome. I didn't really like the later ones though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That game was freaking impossible in certain areas.
  6. ::slaps on another testosterone patch:: ::grunts:: I put up pictures of the evil monkey from Family Guy to motivate me
  7. Is "off topic" forums by their nature usually the hardest to manage? Yes Is that the case currently or in the past with these boards? No History is more or less bunk
  8. ooooo, good one. Loved the killer fish in the swimmeet.
  9. I think the word concern is key point here. Yes, they have targets, agenda and such, but they simply don
  10. I see your point, hmm.... Ok, I can see how that would fail in that regard. I still think I took a step forward rather than a step back with the definition, meaning playing on the targeting of "innocence" (or specifically women and children), has a large part to play in the modern definition of terrorism. I think I just have to get the wording right. let me think about it
  11. it doesn't mean that off-topic is a drain or a problem either.
  12. In no particular order, the hardest thing I'll do all week: Bubble Bobble Super Tecmo Bowl Life Force Contra Metal Gear Castlevania 2: Simons Quest Legend of Zelda Legend of Zelda: The Adventures of Link I know I'm forgetting something and will kick myself later. My three, cheating, honorable meantions: Metroid Paper Boy Super Mario 3
  13. The question you gotta ask yourself is this: can terrorists fight their opponents in any other way other than terrorism? Can they declare, in a military sense, "war"? I'm of the mind that people generally don't engage in SUICIDE bombings if they could achieve their objects through some other method, such as winning battles and being respected as war heroes. Suicide bombings is one thing. Bombing a disco full of 18 year old kids is something else. Thats the difference I'm keying on. So yes, you prolly could fight a "war" of gurellia strikes against soft military targets, but it is clearly not the "easy" road. Getting some kid to blow him-self up to kill other kids gets more attention with less man and material losses to your side. It's more cost effective, if you will. Tho I'm not sure if the motivations of the "terrorists" play into what the definition of terrorism is, nessasarily. Tho I'm still think about that.
  14. but Off topic isn't, and has not been, the source of the drain. K2 forums have been. I think thats pretty clear.
  15. Evil monkey? No one said anything about no stinking evil monkey! hmmm, maybe. I assume we are talking buck here. Not a small animal. One good kick or stomp and that fights over. But lets not go there, it's off topic Weigh in, I know you want too.
  16. I feel you are overlapping guerilla tactics and terrorist tactics, which arn't nessasarily the same thing. Vietcong wern't, tho some "terrorist" tactics might have been used, by and large "terrorists" but would you say there is a difference between when those tactics are occasionally used and when they are the backbone of your entire effort?
  17. uh, i never said it wasn't. fear is the goal. it is a benefit in and of itself simply because it is the means by which terrorist organizations survive. taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd argue, at least in recent times, they survive by hate. I don't think they intimidate their members or their supporters so much as tell them what they want to hear (what they end up hearing is based on hate). Your comparing them to a cult seems pretty apt. but I don't think the insurgence in Iraq is trying to instill fear, at least, not as it's primary purpose. Sure, they have used it as a weapon, but I think they are more trying to break the will of the US and the Iraqi people outright. Not that it was terrorism, but America wasn't afraid of the Vietcong nessasarily, but the Vietcong still ended up disheartening them. I think a similar thing is going on now. Terror has evolved form bullying to, do what we say, or we kill someone else. Much like, as i said, Dog Day Afternoon
  18. sort, but in modern terrorism, fear is almost a benifit for the "terrorists" as I see it. it's more like the movie Dog Day Afternoon. The goal is just to publically kill as many innocent people, women and children included, as you can till you take the fight out of the other side. Not through fear nessasarily, but almost via sorrow. Does it? I think there has to be a line where "winning" isn't quite the same thing anymore.
  19. For an initial plan, I'd use my reach (specifically kicking) to keep the chimp away from the body for as long as possible whileinflicting damage on it. ....I'm devolping a battle plan for a chimp
  20. Not you. I was talking about the other guys response to your post.
  21. right, tho I said "average male". It would seem the chimps out weigh most human females and apparently are prolly much stronger physically. also, for the record, are we now moving the fight to a sealed & empty room? Or do I still have the ability to grab a stick or rock or such.
  22. ....... 1. lets not abuse the report button 2. that was a bit of an over reaction 3. I'm still taking the damn chimp down
  23. Ok, Ken Shamrock would own me in about 5 seconds. Just like you claimed Vols arguements (tho I disagree) don't apply, either does this one, or only in the barest of terms. that being said, your quite and vol are a bit.....agressive on a otherwise light hearted thread or uprooting trees to use as clubs or throwing their natural predators 50 yards.....
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